PLM_SE_EAM_SC - Messages for PLM Services

The following messages are stored in message class PLM_SE_EAM_SC: Messages for PLM Services.
It is part of development package PLM_SE_EAM_XI_PROXY in software component PM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Indicator conversion error occurred.
001Error occured while converting date.
002Error occured while converting language code.
003No MeasurementReading was found for the selection criteria.
004No Authorization
005Individual Material & is created
006Individual Material & is changed
007Individual Material Catgory Code & does not exist
008Individual Material Type Code & does not exist
009Enter Maintenance Planning Plant
010Individual Material & does not exist
011Individual Material & could not be changed.
012Partner available, but not valid timewise
013No authorization for displaying data
014Partner Type Code is initial
015Attribute & is not supported
016UUID &1 for element &2 does not comply to required pattern
017No records returned for &1 &2
018Either &1 or &2 has to be entered
019The input order type &1 is not corresponding to the order &2
020The input request type &1 is not corresponding to the request &2
021& & & &
022Exactly-once request cannot be locked: &1 (error code: &2)
023Exactly-once request timed out (message UUID &1)
024Internal error in exactly-once processing (message UUID &1)
025Internal error storing response for request message UUID &1
026Alteast one value has to be entered in the input parameters
027Individual Material cannot be created
028No records found.
029Mandatory field &1 is not filled
030Exception &1 has occured for the field &2
031Order &1 is not a Service Execution Order
032Please enter the WorkCentreID.
033Service Execution Order can be changed.
034Status name not maintained in language &
035Notification can be changed.
036Notification can be created.
037Service Execution Order can be created.
038Too long input for field : &1
039Exception &1 has occured for the field &2
040Individual Material & can be created
041ChangeStateID does not match. Data has been updated before save.
042Error occured while converting &1
043Business Completion successful for Service Execution Order &1.
044Service Notification can be created.
045Service Notification can be changed.
046Maintenance planning plant &1 does not exist.
047Attribute &1 is not supported
048&1 is no expected value ( GDT &2 )
049The Service notification type code does not exist
050Duration only supported with one UOM
051Order &1 is already being processed by &2
052Order &1 does not exist
053Deletion flag is set for oder &1
054Error occured in the Property Valuation mapping for the Material &1.
055Field &1 is supported only with DIMP.
056ToolItem Category & is not supported.
057The Value &1 of &2 is not supported.
058Error occured in the Property Valuation mapping for the ID &1.
059Longtext key &1 doesn't compare to longtext type &2
060Long text change not allowed due to customizing setting
061Search successfull for the given input.
062Clearing of IndividualMaterialID need clearing of MaterialID and SerialID
063MaintenanceTaskList reads successfully
065Non unique sort numbers are not supported (Item = &1)
066Non unique sort numbers are not supported (Item = &1 / Cause = &2)
067Non unique sort numbers are not supported (Item = &1 / Task = &2)
068Non unique sort numbers are not supported (Item = &1 / Activity = &2)
070Order &1 is already locked
071Order &1 is locked sucessfully
072Order &1 is Unlocked sucessfully
073Order &1 is already Unlocked
074Individual Material &1 is read successfully.
075UserStatus Profile code &1 does not exits
076UserStatus Profile name &1 does not exits
077Enter UserStatus Profile code
080System Status is automatically generated and can not be user controlled
200& & read successfully.
300Exception &1 occured in &2
302Fill mandatory field(s) &1
303Error during IMBOM variant selection
304Error during IMBOM item selection
305Enter the mandatory partner &1
306The value &1 of action code for &2 is not supported.
313Name of usage code &1 in language &2 not available
314Description of material &1 in language &2 not available
315No items found for bill of material &
316Name of item type code &1 in language &2 not available
317Description of equipment &1 in language &2 not available
318Field '&1' too long
666Multiple BOM is not yet supported
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