PMMO_PEGGING - Messages for Pegging in PMMO

The following messages are stored in message class PMMO_PEGGING: Messages for Pegging in PMMO.
It is part of development package PMMO_PEGGING in software component LO-PMM-PEG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Pegging of Replenishments to Requirements".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Program terminated
001Pegging run profile &1 is invalid
002You are not authorized to execute pegging
003Grouping WBS element &1 does not contain a CO distribution profile
004No valid grouping WBS element could be selected
005Excess in grouping WBS element &1 replenishment element &2 quantity &3 &4
006Hierarchy levels were not changed
007You are not authorized to display the PMMO pegging log
008Replenishment &1 cannot be assigned (parent: &2) - material missing
009Replenishment &1 cannot be assigned (parent: &2) - group missing
010Replenishment &1 is partially pegged because NHA &2 is partially pegged
011Internal error: Could not find total order quantity for NHA &1
012No locks set for pegging run on material/WBS element level
013Goods issue: replenishment elem &3 cannot be pegged: group &1 material &2
014Goods issue: order quantity for replenishment &1 could not be determined
015List display incomplete; only &2 from &1 are displayed
016Next higher level not found for replenishment element &1
017Personalization data for user &1 was successfully deleted
018Personalization data for user &1 could not be deleted; SY-SUBRC = &2
019Variant &1 for program &2 does not exist or is not valid
020Select a calibration record that should be deleted
021Calibration records succesfully deleted
022Pegging run profile &1 is locked by user &2
023Pegging run profile &1 does not exist
024Pegging run profile &1 successfully created or changed
025Select a calibration record for parameter transfer
026Job display is not possible, calibration data was generated online
027Batch job &1 scheduled
028Cyclic order error &1
029WBS element &1 is a grouping WBS element. It needs to be operative
030WBS element &1 is not a grouping WBS element
031Plant &1 assigned to MRP area &2; plant &3 assigned to WBS element &4
032Mandatory field MRP area (BERID) is not filled
033Mandatory field "Grouping WBS Element" (GRPNR) is not filled
034Mandatory field "Exception Handling Category" (EXC_CAT) is not filled
035Assignment not possible: No exception WBS for &1, group &2, MRP area &3
036Pegging assignment already exists for WBS element &1
037Replen &1 pegged ahead of earlier replenishments
038An error occured in parallel processing; the pegging run was terminated
039Recursive requirement dated &1 is skipped for rework replenishment &2
040Replenishment element &1 cannot be assigned
041Under assignment:assgnd qty:&1 &4 less than order qty:&2 &4 for replen &3
042No extended memory available for pegging process
043Replenishment elem. &2 not pegged because no assignments found for NHA &1
044Assignment not possible: No underpeg WBS set for group &1, MRP area &2
045Position the cursor on a line in the list
046Object Navigation not possible. Problem with ALV data selection
047Production order &1 does not exist
048Background RFC destination &1 is not set up
049Pegging run active; no assignments created during PReq &1/&2 processing
050No temporary data needs to be cleaned up
051Run ID is locked by user &1
052You are not authorized to display pegging results
053Stock segment for &1 not found
054Do you want to continue to the MD04 display for material: &1 ?
055There is not exactly one default pegging profile
056Filter Change Documents (&1)
057Pegging run active; no assignments created during PlndOrd &1 processing
058Pegging run active; no assignments created during PO &1/&2 processing
101Grouping WBS element &2 requires &1 to be included in the current run
102No valid material number was found for the selection
103In procurement: recursive assignment for replenishment element &1
104Background RFC destinations for PMMO have already been maintained
201Production order &1 stopped; material is missing
202Purchase order &1 stopped; material is missing
203Production order &1 stopped; no quantity to be pegged
204Replenishment &1 stopped; no quantity to be pegged
205Blocked stock replenishment &1 pegged as excess since not MRP relevant
206Restricted stock replenishment &1 pegged as excess since not MRP relevant
208Planned order &1 stopped because MRP group not found for material
209Purchase requisition &1 stopped because MRP group not found for material
210Purchase order &1 stopped because MRP group not found for material
211Production order &1 stopped because MRP group not found for material
212Replenishment &1 stopped because MRP group not found for material
215Grouping setup error for WBS &1, plant &2 & MRP group &3
261Over assignment: Replen. &1 assigned/ordered &3 / &2 &4
262Adjusted total order quantity for replen. &1 from &2 to &3 &4
263Decreased total order quantity for replen. &1 from &2 to &3 &4
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