PMMO_PEG_BRKPT_MAINT - Messages about Pegging breakpoint maintenance

The following messages are stored in message class PMMO_PEG_BRKPT_MAINT: Messages about Pegging breakpoint maintenance.
It is part of development package PMMO_PEGGING_BREAKPOINT in software component LO-PMM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Breakpoint Handling in Pegging".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Either a valid project or a valid requirement WBS is required
002Invalid material number (&1)
003Invalid project ID (&1)
004Invalid WBS element ID (&1)
005Project (&1) was changed to &2 to match the requirement WBS element
006Field is required (&1)
007Field is not used (&1)
008Material (&1) in MRP group &2 is not relevant for grouping in plant &3
009Project (&1) uses Valuated Stock - not valid for Pegging breakpoints
010No breakpoint target was specified: this will stop breakpoint inheritance
011Target WBS element (&1) is not valid
012Target WBS element is not relevant for accounting [Do not translate yet]
013Target Network (&1) or Activity/Operation (&2) is not valid
014Cost Center (&1) does not exist in Controlling Area (&2) of Project (&3)
015More than one target object was specified
016Invalid MRP Area (&1)
017Invalid breakpoint start date (&1)
018Invalid breakpoint end date (&1)
019Invalid Higher Level Assembly (&1) [Do not translate this message yet]
020Invalid change indicator (&1)
021Material number is required
022No valid records in input; no changes made to breakpoint definitions
023No MRP group is assigned to material (&1), plant &3 (MRP area &2)
024No project could be determined for requirement WBS (&1)
025Project (&1) not found while validating cost center (&2)
026Duplicate records in input: rows &1 and &2 have the same key
027Input batch has errors: no changes to database performed
028Record for deletion does not exist in database
029Record for insertion already exists; will be updated instead
030Record for updating does not exist yet; will be inserted instead
031Insert/update record is identical to an existing record; no action taken
032Breakpoint definition table could not be locked; no action taken
033Only &1 out of &2 records could be deleted from DB
034Only &1 out of &2 records could be updated in DB
035Only &1 out of &2 records could be inserted into DB
036SQL error while deleting records: &1
037SQL error while updating records: &1
038SQL error while inserting records: &1
039Database update successful: &1 insertions, &2 updates, &3 deletions
040Problem updating DB; no action taken; performing rollback
041First select the breakpoint whose change documents should be displayed
042Test run only, no changes made.
043Test-run would result in: &1 insertions, &2 updates, &3 deletions
044There are no valid records in the input batch
045Updating valid breakpoints despite errors in batch
046CO Area (&1) of Target WBS &2 does not match CO Area (&3) of project &4
047CO Area (&1) of Network Order &2 doesn't match CO Area (&3) of project &4
048Internal error finding details for project &1
049Internal error finding Controlling Area for Target WBS &1
050Internal error finding Controlling Area for Network Order &1
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