PPEFOC - Nachrichten f�r Focus
The following messages are stored in message class PPEFOC: Nachrichten f�r Focus.
It is part of development package CPPEFOC_APPL in software component AP-PPE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Focus Application in iPPE".
It is part of development package CPPEFOC_APPL in software component AP-PPE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Focus Application in iPPE".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | **********Messages for Focus Master Record -> 100 |
002 | &1 &2 will be changed when you save |
003 | &1 &2 will be renamed as &3 when you save |
004 | &1 &2 will be deleted when you save |
005 | &1 &2 is locked |
006 | Lock on &1 &2 has been canceled |
007 | Object(s) saved |
008 | Focus master record &1 does not exist |
009 | Focus assignment &1 &2 will be created when you save |
010 | &1 &2 will be created when you save |
011 | Error creating &1 &2 |
012 | No focus name has been transferred |
013 | Selected name &1 is invalid for the focus master |
014 | Focus master &1 has no assignments |
015 | Error when changing &1 &2 |
016 | Errors when renaming the focus master record |
017 | &2 used in &1 is invalid |
018 | Access used up to now is no longer valid and will be deleted |
019 | There is no valid access to the model |
020 | A deletion indicator has been set for this focus. |
021 | The following parameter is not set in the current focus: &1 |
050 | **********Messages of Extraction Context |
051 | The type for focus &1 does not allow changes to the explosion parameter |
052 | Focus &1 was completed and transferred when locked. |
053 | The type for focus &1 does not allow anymore changes. |
054 | The type for focus &1 does not allow assignments to general iPPE objects |
055 | The explosion parameters for focus &1 are incomplete |
056 | Assignment to &1 &2 already exists |
100 | **********Messages for Focus Master Record Object Assignments -> 200 |
101 | Assignment of &1 &2 to focus master &3 record does not exist |
102 | &1 &2 is not assigned to a focus master record |
103 | Focus assignment &1 &2 will be created when you save |
104 | Focus assignment &1 &2 will be changed when you save |
105 | Focus exclusion &1 &2 will be created when you save |
106 | Focus exclusion &1 &2 will be cancelled when you save |
107 | Object &1 could not be excluded from the focus |
108 | Excluded object &1 could not be returned to the focus |
109 | Foucs assignment is not possible, object already exists in diff. focus &1 |
200 | ********** Messages for authorization checks **************************** |
201 | No authorization to create &1 &2 |
202 | No authorization to change &1 &2 |
203 | No authorization to delete &1 &2 |
204 | No authorization to read &1 &2 |
205 | No authorization to create: focus master record &1 with focus type &2 |
206 | No authorization to change: focus master record &1 with focus type &2 |
207 | No authorization to delete: focus master record &1 with focus type &2 |
208 | No authorization to read: focus master record &1 with focus type &2 |
209 | No authorization to create: assignment to focus type &1 in application &2 |
210 | No authorization to change: assignment to focus type &1 in application &2 |
211 | No authorization to delete: assignment to focus type &1 in application &2 |
212 | No authority to read: assignment to focus type &1 in application &2 |
250 | ********** General lock management messages |
251 | &1 is being edited by &2 |
252 | &1 &2 is being edited by &3 |
253 | Focus &1 was changed; changes could be lost |
300 | **********Messages for Focus Access -> 350 |
800 | **********UI/GI Messages for managing explosion parameters for a focus |
801 | &1 does not exist |
802 | You can create a characteristic value assignment only in "change mode" |
803 | Effectivity variant for focus can be created only in change mode |
804 | Problems occurred when attempting to access iPPE |
805 | Problems occurred in the variant configuration |
806 | Problems occurred in the parameter variants |
807 | Problems occurred when trying to save the parameter variants |
808 | & is not active (see settings &) |
809 | Current filter setting deviates from the focus content |
850 | **********UI/GI Messages for Managing the Focus Master Record |
851 | An error has occurred when reading the focus master record |
852 | Focus master record & has a deletion flag! |
898 | The context object 'Focus' cannot be loaded. &1 |
899 | &&&& |