PPH_DD - Messages for Demand Driven
The following messages are stored in message class PPH_DD: Messages for Demand Driven.
It is part of development package PPH_DD_STLM in software component PP-DD-BLM-BAS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DD: Buffer Level Management".
It is part of development package PPH_DD_STLM in software component PP-DD-BLM-BAS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DD: Buffer Level Management".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Select Average Daily Usage to continue |
001 | No products found for the given selection criteria |
002 | No Active Entry found for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 combination |
003 | Record already adopted for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 combination |
004 | Required parameters are missing for updating the available stock |
005 | No products were passed |
006 | Duration passed is either empty, zero or negative |
007 | & products were selected for the proposal run |
008 | No per day cosumption data found for Product &1 |
009 | Product &1 is not used in any active Production BOMs in Plant &2 |
010 | Threshold value for XYZ is null |
011 | Leadtime = 0 due to no SOS or orders for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
012 | DDrelevant Product & Plant & MRPArea & Not Classified Or Horizon is blank |
013 | No Buffer Profiles available |
014 | Product & not classified using Lead Time (EFG) Classification |
015 | Product & not classified using Variability (XYZ) Classification |
016 | Source of supply was not found for &1 Product in &2 Plant |
017 | No consumption of Product &1 from Plant &2 and MRP Area &3 from &4 |
018 | No cost details available for Product &1 from Plant &2 |
019 | Total Goods Issue Value for Plant &1 is Zero |
020 | Issue with the server for parallel processing |
021 | & during parallel processing of a task |
022 | Not all mandatory parameteres have been passed for MOQ selection |
023 | ADU for the Product & Plant & MRPArea & is zero |
024 | Sum of values entered for A, B and C should be 100 |
025 | For Make (In-House Prod.), E should be less than F |
026 | The value specified for Q should be less than that specified for P |
027 | Enter a value for X |
028 | Enter a value for Y |
029 | Enter an evaluation interval (in days) |
030 | Enter a Plant |
031 | Update successful |
032 | Select a type of classification |
033 | Planning Cycle not maintained for Product & Plant & |
034 | Unable to read Planning Calender & for Plant & |
035 | Product &1 Plant &2 and MRP Area &3 is locked by another user |
036 | Select Decoupled Lead Time to Overwrite in Product Master |
037 | You do not have Authorization to use Plant &1 |
038 | The selected Plant does not exist |
039 | Cannot proceed with Product Classification for the selected Plant |
040 | The value specified for X should be less than that specified for Y |
041 | For Buy (External Proc.), E should be less than F |
042 | For Transfer (STO), E should be less than F |
043 | For Make (In-House Prod.), please enter a value for both E and F |
044 | For Buy (External Proc.), please enter a value for both E and F |
045 | For Transfer (STO), please enter a value for both E and F |
046 | Set an Adjustment Factor greater than zero |
047 | &1 Products have been classified |
048 | Proposal have been generated for &1 Products |
049 | Proposals generated successfully |
050 | Enter a value for A |
051 | Enter a value for B |
052 | Enter a value for C |
053 | Enter a value for P |
054 | Enter a value for Q |
055 | Enter only positive values |
056 | Toggle Feature is not active |
057 | You are not authorized to maintain product master data |
058 | You've entered an invalid value. Enter numbers, such as "123.45" |
059 | Adopting buffer levels with low/high tolerance &1/&2 |
060 | Proposed buffer levels have been adopted for &1 products |
061 | Proposal for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 can't be adopted |
062 | Demand-Driven Replenishment is not activated |
063 | Lower limit cannot be more than 100% |
064 | No authorization to change the prosposal for the product &1 &2 |
065 | No authorization to maintain stock for the product &1 &2 |
066 | No authorization to change product &1 plant &1 |
067 | Maintain a date range |
068 | Invalid interval. Start date &1, End Date &2 should not lie in the past. |
069 | End Date &2 occurs before Start Date &1. Select a valid interval. |
070 | No authorization to change product &1 |
071 | Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 failed as Draft entry exists |
072 | Mass update failed. Contact your system administrator. |
073 | Demand-Driven MRP Type not found |
074 | No records found |
075 | Proposal for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 has been Adopted |
076 | Proposal for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 can't be Discarded |
077 | Proposal for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 has an existing draft entry |
078 | Proposal for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 can't be Queued |
079 | Proposal for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 can't be reset |
080 | Activity &1 cannot be replaced by class &2 |
081 | Error during language conversion for language &1 |
082 | General error during writing into database |
083 | Error during the value conversion for &1 |
084 | Entry &1 does not exist in the table &2 |
085 | No entry exists for inserting to/updating the database |
086 | Entry does not exist in the table &2 |
087 | Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 could not be adopted |
088 | Lead Time Calculation Method &1 does not exist. |
089 | Lead Time Calc. Method &1 can not be set. Material not transfer relevant. |
090 | Product in Plant &1 and MRP Area &2 is locked by user &3 |
091 | Proposal Action Successful |
092 | No Buffer Profile for Var. Ind. &1,Lead Time Ind. &2,Proc Type &3,MOQ-No |
093 | No Buffer Profile for Var. Ind. &1,Lead Time Ind. &2,Proc Type &3,MOQ-Yes |
094 | Could not generate proposal for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
095 | Default values for DD couldn't be set for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
096 | Lead-Time Classification unchanged. Product not of Demand-Driven MRP type |
097 | Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 could not be discarded |
098 | Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 has been skipped for adoption |
099 | Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 adopted |
100 | Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 discarded |
101 | Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 adjusted |
102 | Relative adjustments for Product &1,Plant &2,MRP Area &3 over the limit |
103 | 3elative adjustments for Product &1,Plant &2,MRP Area &3 over the limit |
104 | Proposal run for Product, Plant, MRP Area &1 is suspended from &2 to &3 |
105 | Proposal run for Product &1, Plant &2, MRP Area &3 has been resumed |
106 | Proposal run for Product &1, Plant &2, MRP Area &3 could not be suspended |
107 | Proposal run for Product &1, Plant &2, MRP Area &3 could not be resumed |
108 | Proposal runs can only be resumed for buffers with suspended proposals |
109 | Proposal run for Product &1, Plant &2, MRP Area &3 already suspended |
110 | Zone adjustments for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 are not valid |
111 | Demand adjustments for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 are not valid |
112 | Proposal start date for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 is not valid |
113 | Enter procurement type for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
114 | Procurement type for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 is not valid |
115 | Lead time indicator for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 is not valid |
116 | Default EFG classification assigned to Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
117 | Consumption indicator for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 is not valid |
118 | Default ABC classification assigned to Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
119 | ILT for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 cannot be zero or blank |
120 | DLT for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 cannot be zero or blank |
121 | Enter a source of supply for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
122 | Enter a SOS type for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
123 | Enter horizon days in past for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
124 | Enter horizon days in future for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
125 | Horizon in past for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 cannot be zero |
126 | Horizon in future for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 cannot be zero |
127 | Enter a number as horizon for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
128 | Horizon in future for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 cannot be negative |
129 | Horizon in past for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 cannot be negative |
130 | Last proposal adopted &1 days ago |
131 | Last proposal adopted yesterday |
132 | Last proposal adopted today |
133 | Product &1 in Plant &2 MRP Area &3 is not buffered |
134 | BOM Usage indicator for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 is not valid |
135 | Variability indicator for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 is not valid |
136 | Default PQR classification assigned to Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
137 | Default XYZ classification assigned to Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
138 | Enter an end date for adjustment |
139 | Enter a start date for adjustment |
140 | Adjustment start date cannot be earlier than proposal start date |
141 | Enter product for zone adjustment for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
142 | Demand adjustment for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 not in range |
143 | Red zone adjustment for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 not in range |
144 | Yellow zone adjustment for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 not in range |
145 | Green zone adjustment for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 not in range |
146 | Overlapping adjustments found for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
147 | Operation not supported for this entity |
148 | Enter 'A' as StockLevelProposalStatus |
149 | Enter 'I' as StockLevelProposalStatus |
150 | Proposal does not exist for the supplied key |
151 | Action can only be performed on the latest proposal |
152 | Proposal suspension start date must be today or in future |
153 | Proposal suspension end date must be today or in future |
154 | Suspension start date cannot be earlier than suspension end date |
155 | Enter a valid StockLevelProposalStatus |
156 | DLT of Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 has to be a number |
157 | DLT for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 must be greater than zero |
158 | Adjustments can be applied only on last adopted proposal |
159 | Enter a valid product number |
160 | Enter a valid plant |
161 | Enter demand adjustments for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
162 | Currency code for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 is incorrect |
163 | Unit of measure for Product &1 is incorrect |
164 | ILT cannot be negative for Product &1 Plant &2 MRPArea &3 |
165 | ADU cannot be negative or zero for Product &1 Plant &2 MRPArea &3 |
166 | Adjustments can only be updated for the latest proposal |
167 | Cannot change end date of adjustment |
168 | Enter product for demand adjustment for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
169 | Enter plant for demand adjustment for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
170 | Average Daily Usage has to be the same for all intervals |
171 | Enter a valid variability factor for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
172 | Enter a valid lead time factor for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
173 | Variability quantity should be greater than zero |
174 | Replenishment lead time value should be greater than zero |
175 | Order cycle should be greater than zero |
176 | Enter plant for zone adjustment for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
177 | Multiple entities can be processed only as different changesets. |
178 | Backdated proposals cannot be adopted automatically. |
179 | No parent component found for Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
180 | No entry found for proposal header in its longest path in BOM |
181 | Longest path in BOM should start with Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |
182 | No products found in longest path for BillOfMaterialUUID &1 |
183 | Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 is repeated in longest path |
184 | Incorrect Parameters Passed to Identify Buffer Profile |
185 | Demand Adjustment factors must be between zero and hundred |
186 | Incorrect values maintained for Fixed/Rolling intervals |
187 | Value of X must be less than 10 |
188 | Value of Y must be less than 10 |
189 | Specify correct decimal places for &4-Product &1 Plant &2 MRP Area &3 |