PP_MRCP_ACTVTN - Message class for Master Recipe master data activation

The following messages are stored in message class PP_MRCP_ACTVTN: Message class for Master Recipe master data activation.
It is part of development package PPH_MFG_MD_MRC in software component PP-PI-MD-MRC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PP Master Recipe Master Data".
Message Nr
Message Text
000The material number &1 is longer than the length set
001Unit &1 is not found in language &2
002Enter a valid date
003Missing I_PLNNR attribute in content Data/File
004Missing I_PLNAL attribute in content Data/File
005Missing I_PLNAL/I_PLNNR attribute in content Data/File
006Missing I_CHECK attricute in content Data/File
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