PP_TIMEDEP_STOCK - Message Class for Time-Dependent Stock
The following messages are stored in message class PP_TIMEDEP_STOCK: Message Class for Time-Dependent Stock.
It is part of development package PPH_PROD_TIMDEPDNT_STKLVL_RAP in software component PP-DD-BLM-BAS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Product Time Depentent Stock Level".
It is part of development package PPH_PROD_TIMDEPDNT_STKLVL_RAP in software component PP-DD-BLM-BAS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Product Time Depentent Stock Level".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Start Date must be before End Date for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
002 | Stock intervals are overlapping for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
003 | Specify current date or future date for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
004 | You are not authorized to modify Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
005 | Until date did not match for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
006 | All stock intervals must be covered with Start Date &1 and End Date &2 |
007 | No matching stock intervals found |
008 | Interval &4 does not match with Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
009 | Duplicate records for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
010 | Delete enabled from first interval for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
011 | Product &1 does not exist in Plant &2 and MRPArea &3 |
012 | You cannot modify intervals for Product &1, Plant &2, MRParea &3 |
013 | Last interval must end on 31.12.9999 for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
014 | You can only create new intervals for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
015 | Cannot use Split across intervals &4 for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
016 | Product &1 in Plant &2, MRPArea &3 is already being processed |
017 | Stock intervals are not continuous for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
018 | Incorrect value in Proposal fields for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
019 | Base UoM conversion failed for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
020 | Base UoM conversion failed-Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3, Interval &4 |
021 | Specify a UoM for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
022 | Stock must follow Safety<Reorder<Max for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3 |
023 | Follow Safety<Reorder<Max - Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3, Interval &4 |
024 | Specify a UoM for Product &1, Plant &2, MRPArea &3, Interval &4 |
025 | No matching data found for Product &1 Plant &2, MRPArea &3, StartDate &4 |