PRC_CNV - Messages for Conversion Engine

The following messages are stored in message class PRC_CNV: Messages for Conversion Engine.
It is part of development package CONVERSION_JAVA in software component AP-PRC-PR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Interface for JAVA conversion".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Exception happend
001EMU currency conversion disabled - there is no entry in table EWUKEYS
002Value for conversion to long
003Resource bunde &1 is not readable
010Function &1 has been called with an invalid value (&3) of parameter &2
011No alternative quantity units have been provided
012Call of getPhysicalUnit() failed with UnitName: &1
013Call of getQuantityUnit() failed with UnitName: &1
014Call of getPhysicalValue() failed with UnitName: &1
015Cannot read table EWUKEYS in database - table is not available
016Problem while converting Alternative unit to Base Quantity : &1
017Unable to set the Product Quantity
018Setting of the Gross Weight failed :(&1, &2)
019Setting of the Net Weight failed :(&1, &2)
020Setting of the Volume failed :(&1, &2)
021Setting of the Points failed :(&1, &2)
025Basis currency missing for exchange rate type &1
028Ambiguous &1 / &2 exchange rate relations
029Division by zero
030Cycle created when deriving exchange rate type
034No measurement unit is assigned to ISO code &1
040Setting of an additional Alternative Unit Fraction failed, (&1, &2, &3)
105Enter rate &1 / &2 rate type &3 for &4 in the system settings
111Maintain conversion factors for &1 / &2 (currency type &3) for &4
116Currency &1 does not exist
119Calculated conversion rate &1 is too big
123Dimension &1 is not available
124No mass dimension available
125No volume dimension available
127Error converting rate to direct quote: &1 / &2 (ex. rate type &3)
128The exchange rate type &1 is not available
129The exchange rate &1 / &2 is not available
130The exchange rate &1 / &2 is not available (ex. rate type &3) for &4
131The currency unit &1 is not available
132The physical unit &1 is not available
133The physical unit &1 can not be translated
134The dimension of the physical unit &1 is &2
135The dimensions of the units &1 and &2 are not identical
136The physical unit counter &1 is 0
137The unit counter or denominator &1 is 0
138Fraction &1 outside allowed range (lower then 1E-6 or higher then 100000)
139A field overflow has occurred
140The dimension &1 of the physical unit &2 is not available
141The unit of measurement &1 is not assigned to material master record &2
142The dimension of the physical unit &1 is not available
145The material master record &1 does not have a base unit of measure
146The alternative unit of measure &1 is missing in the material master &2
149Unit is null
150Name of unit is not available
151Unit &1 must not be dimensionless
152Error while retrieveing the SI unit for a dimension : &1
200Unit name &1 does not map to an internal unit name
201Cannot parse &1 according to pattern &2
600ISO code &1 is assigned to several units of measurement
601No currency unit is assigned to ISO-Code &1
602ISO code &1 is assigned to several currency units
700Cannot access cache region &1
701Invalid cache key: &1
801Parameters missing when function module &1 is called
900Cannot access cache region &1
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