PRC_MIG_TRANSL_MSG - KONV migration translatable messages

The following messages are stored in message class PRC_MIG_TRANSL_MSG: KONV migration translatable messages.
It is part of development package VKON_XPRA_TRANSL in software component SD-BF-PR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "XPRA related objs for oP upgrade to S/4HANA - translatable".
Message Nr
Message Text
090Pricing migration skipped: test mode: &1; system type: &2. See long text.
091Data found in field KONV-&1 that is not in PRCD_ELEMENTS. See long text.
092Data found in field KONV-&1 that is not in PRCD_ELEMENTS. See long text.
093Data in deprecated field KONV-&1 no longer exists in PRCD_ELEMENTS
094Data in custom field KONV-&1 no longer exists in PRCD_ELEMENTS
103List of log messages from the last execution
195Not all rows in PRCD_ELEMENTS were processed. See long text.
197There was an SQL error in joining table &1. See long text.
198Post-processing &1, total number of rows: &2
199Chunk size is &1, merge frequency is &2
200Processing &1 partition &2 (of &3)
201Finished post-processing &1
202Total &1/&2 rows, speed &3 rows/s, &4s remaining
203Total &1/&2 rows
204Running delta merge on &1
205Updated &1 rows (&2 partition &3/&4)
206Updated &1 rows (&2)
207Test mode (not relevant in production system)
208Chunk size
209Message Class
210Message #
211Log #
212Message Text
300******* begin messages for analysis of prcd_elements ********
301Block &1: &2 knumv IDs processed starting with knumv &3
302Application &1:
303Table/currency &1: &2 records exist for knumv in [&3, &4]
304No host object found for application &1 for &2 knumv records
305Table &1: &2 records exist without currency for knumv in [&3, &4]
307Table &1: &2 records exist without currency
308Table/currency &1: &2 records exist
309&1 price document Ids (knumv) exist without host object
350Processing started at &1
351Processing ended at &1
352The report has been aborted due to a severe problem
353No authorization to execute report &1 (check transaction SU53)
354No authorization to execute report &1 in productive mode
355Test mode is active
356Productive mode is active
357&1 records to be deleted from table &2
358&1 records have been deleted from table &2
359Only use the prod. mode after execution of report PRC_MIG_POST_PROCESSING
360Please consider to delete only old obsolete records from PRCD_ELEMENTS
361Authorization object ODHADMRUN missing. Only Testmode allowed.
400******* end messages for analysis of prcd_elements ********
810Exception occurred: &1
811Exception text: &1
812Exception has a previous exception
813CDPOS entry with OBJECTID (KNUMH) = &1 updated
814Total number of changed entries from table CDPOS: &1
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