PRF_MODEL_IMPL - Australia specific implementation for PRF
The following messages are stored in message class PRF_MODEL_IMPL: Australia specific implementation for PRF.
It is part of development package ID-LO-AU-PRF in software component FI-LOC-LO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRF: Country Australia".
It is part of development package ID-LO-AU-PRF in software component FI-LOC-LO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRF: Country Australia".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | SONID '&1' entered is invalid, check and amend |
002 | Vendor ABN or name linked to &1 does not match supplier info. on SONID &2 |
003 | Contract start date for &1 is not within validity dates of SONID &2 |
004 | Internal exception with text: &1 |
005 | ATMID '&1' entered is invalid, check and amend |
006 | No Procurement data found for document number &1/Key &2 specified |
007 | Please provide a document number for xml generation |
008 | Invalid Version &3 specified for document number &1/Key &2 |
009 | Reason is mandatory when Yes selected for Confidentiality Contract |
010 | Reason is mandatory when Yes selected for Confidentiality Output |
011 | SONID entered is Empty, Please enter a valid SONID |
012 | UNSPS Code does not match Material Group Used |
013 | The document appears to relate to consultancy. Amend if required |
014 | The document DOES NOT appear to relate to consultancy. Amend if required |
015 | Published AusTender CN ID must start with the prefix CN |
016 | Start Date &1 cannot be greater than Planned Contract End Date &2 |
017 | Invalid ATM Access found for ATMID & |
018 | Invalid ATM Type found for ATMID & |
019 | Invalid Multi Agency Access found for ATMID & |
020 | Invalid Procurement Method found for ATMID & |
021 | Data uploaded successfully |
022 | Test run only.Data not uploaded |
023 | Could not open the file from the specified path |
024 | Starting row is greater than ending row |
025 | Starting column is greater than ending column |
026 | Endrow cannot be initial |
027 | Endcolumn cannot be initial |
028 | Startrow cannot be initial |
029 | Startcolumn cannot be initial |
030 | Publish Date not maintained in DD-MMM-YY format for ATMID & |
031 | Close Timestamp not maintaied in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM foramt for ATMID & |
032 | Wrong UNSPSC Code for ATMID & |
033 | Wrong UNSPSC Description for ATMID & |
034 | Wrong UNSPSC Code for SONID & |
035 | Wrong UNSPSC Description for SONID & |
036 | Justification for Consultancy mandatory when Yes selected for Consultancy |
037 | The mapping to BRF+ for attribute &1 in table &2 does not exist |
038 | Exception caught Description is &1 |
039 | Entry not found in &1 with headerkey &2 and version &3 |
041 | AusTender CN ID mandatory when blocked as 'Previously Reported' |
042 | Contact code needs to be provided |
043 | Description mandatory if Confidentiality Contract Reason 'Other' selected |
044 | Multiple entry of Confidentiality Reason code '&1' is selected. |
045 | Description mandatory if Confidentiality Output Reason 'Other' selected |
046 | Multiple entry of Confidentiality Out Reason code '&1' is selected. |
047 | Running in simulation/test mode |
048 | ID-&1 with details &2 &3 &4 |
049 | The above mentioned records can be uploaded to ATM table. |
050 | Uploading of records into ATM table failed |
051 | The above mentioned records can be uploaded to SON table. |
052 | Uploading of records into SON table failed |
053 | Contract Start Date and Planned Contract End Date are mandatory |
054 | Amendment Reason is mandatory |
055 | UNSPSC is mandatory |
056 | Contract description is mandatory |
057 | Confidentiality Reason Mandatory. |
058 | Please fill Text for Confidentiality Other Reason. |
059 | Please fill Text for Confidentiality Output Other Reason. |
060 | Confidentiality Output Reason Mandatory. |
061 | Amendment Start Date and Amendment Reason are mandatory |
062 | If Yes selected for Confidentiality Provisions further selections reqd. |
063 | UNSPSC of sonid-&1, does not match with UNSPSC - &2 of Material Group |
064 | Amendment Start Date cannot be before Contract Start Date |
070 | & & |
071 | No Data Found for the document No &1 with company code &2 |
072 | Approval status not set. Verify the record |
075 | Invalid UNSPSC |
076 | Please fill the LTR Exemption details |
078 | |
081 | Invalid/Blocked Limited Tender Exemption & |
082 | Invalid/Blocked Limited Tender Condition & |
201 | Log Object Creation failed. No Further processing. |
202 | Item data not found for the selected records. |
203 | Processing document with Header key &1 version: &2 of type: &3 number: &4 |
204 | Item of Header key &1 version: &2 of type: &3 number: &4 not found |
205 | No records selected for Publishing, Please select to proceed. |
206 | Status Changed Successfully |
207 | Failed update of Status with error code &1, please contact administrator. |
208 | No Records could be locked for further processing. |
209 | Selection of records from DB failed, Please select valid record. |
210 | No records selected for Rejection, Please select to proceed. |
211 | Status of locked records has been changed successfully. |
212 | No Records could be locked for Ready for Publishing. |
213 | No records selected for Ready for Publishing, Please select to proceed. |
214 | No records selected for Blocking Confirmation, Please select to proceed. |
215 | No records found within the provided dates |
216 | PRF Record with header key &1 for doc type &2 no# &3 locking failed |
217 | Source Doc type &1 number &2 with header key &3 could not be locked |
218 | Failed update of Blocked details with error code &1, Changes reversed. |