PRF_MODEL_IMPL - Australia specific implementation for PRF

The following messages are stored in message class PRF_MODEL_IMPL: Australia specific implementation for PRF.
It is part of development package ID-LO-AU-PRF in software component FI-LOC-LO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRF: Country Australia".
Message Nr
Message Text
001SONID '&1' entered is invalid, check and amend
002Vendor ABN or name linked to &1 does not match supplier info. on SONID &2
003Contract start date for &1 is not within validity dates of SONID &2
004Internal exception with text: &1
005ATMID '&1' entered is invalid, check and amend
006No Procurement data found for document number &1/Key &2 specified
007Please provide a document number for xml generation
008Invalid Version &3 specified for document number &1/Key &2
009Reason is mandatory when Yes selected for Confidentiality Contract
010Reason is mandatory when Yes selected for Confidentiality Output
011SONID entered is Empty, Please enter a valid SONID
012UNSPS Code does not match Material Group Used
013The document appears to relate to consultancy. Amend if required
014The document DOES NOT appear to relate to consultancy. Amend if required
015Published AusTender CN ID must start with the prefix CN
016Start Date &1 cannot be greater than Planned Contract End Date &2
017Invalid ATM Access found for ATMID &
018Invalid ATM Type found for ATMID &
019Invalid Multi Agency Access found for ATMID &
020Invalid Procurement Method found for ATMID &
021Data uploaded successfully
022Test run only.Data not uploaded
023Could not open the file from the specified path
024Starting row is greater than ending row
025Starting column is greater than ending column
026Endrow cannot be initial
027Endcolumn cannot be initial
028Startrow cannot be initial
029Startcolumn cannot be initial
030Publish Date not maintained in DD-MMM-YY format for ATMID &
031Close Timestamp not maintaied in MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM foramt for ATMID &
032Wrong UNSPSC Code for ATMID &
033Wrong UNSPSC Description for ATMID &
034Wrong UNSPSC Code for SONID &
035Wrong UNSPSC Description for SONID &
036Justification for Consultancy mandatory when Yes selected for Consultancy
037The mapping to BRF+ for attribute &1 in table &2 does not exist
038Exception caught Description is &1
039Entry not found in &1 with headerkey &2 and version &3
041AusTender CN ID mandatory when blocked as 'Previously Reported'
042Contact code needs to be provided
043Description mandatory if Confidentiality Contract Reason 'Other' selected
044Multiple entry of Confidentiality Reason code '&1' is selected.
045Description mandatory if Confidentiality Output Reason 'Other' selected
046Multiple entry of Confidentiality Out Reason code '&1' is selected.
047Running in simulation/test mode
048ID-&1 with details &2 &3 &4
049The above mentioned records can be uploaded to ATM table.
050Uploading of records into ATM table failed
051The above mentioned records can be uploaded to SON table.
052Uploading of records into SON table failed
053Contract Start Date and Planned Contract End Date are mandatory
054Amendment Reason is mandatory
055UNSPSC is mandatory
056Contract description is mandatory
057Confidentiality Reason Mandatory.
058Please fill Text for Confidentiality Other Reason.
059Please fill Text for Confidentiality Output Other Reason.
060Confidentiality Output Reason Mandatory.
061Amendment Start Date and Amendment Reason are mandatory
062If Yes selected for Confidentiality Provisions further selections reqd.
063UNSPSC of sonid-&1, does not match with UNSPSC - &2 of Material Group
064Amendment Start Date cannot be before Contract Start Date
070& &
071No Data Found for the document No &1 with company code &2
072Approval status not set. Verify the record
075Invalid UNSPSC
076Please fill the LTR Exemption details
081Invalid/Blocked Limited Tender Exemption &
082Invalid/Blocked Limited Tender Condition &
201Log Object Creation failed. No Further processing.
202Item data not found for the selected records.
203Processing document with Header key &1 version: &2 of type: &3 number: &4
204Item of Header key &1 version: &2 of type: &3 number: &4 not found
205No records selected for Publishing, Please select to proceed.
206Status Changed Successfully
207Failed update of Status with error code &1, please contact administrator.
208No Records could be locked for further processing.
209Selection of records from DB failed, Please select valid record.
210No records selected for Rejection, Please select to proceed.
211Status of locked records has been changed successfully.
212No Records could be locked for Ready for Publishing.
213No records selected for Ready for Publishing, Please select to proceed.
214No records selected for Blocking Confirmation, Please select to proceed.
215No records found within the provided dates
216PRF Record with header key &1 for doc type &2 no# &3 locking failed
217Source Doc type &1 number &2 with header key &3 could not be locked
218Failed update of Blocked details with error code &1, Changes reversed.
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