PYD_FND_DAE - PYDS: Scheduling Use Case Framework

The following messages are stored in message class PYD_FND_DAE: PYDS: Scheduling Use Case Framework.
It is part of development package PCPYD_FND_DAE in software component PY-XX-PYP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PYDS: Foundation, Daemon Framework".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Use Case &1 cannot be locked
001Daemon process cannot be locked
002No authorization to schedule jobs for user &1
003Batch user configuration missing
004Timeout during synchronous daemon processing
005Timeout during asynchronous RFC call for daemon use case processing
006Report could not be initialized
007Idle time cannot be larger than 59 seconds
008At least one execution error occurred during daemon processing
009Error occurred during daemon processing
010Synchronous processing could not be completed
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