QC - QM: Certificates

The following messages are stored in message class QC: QM: Certificates.
It is part of development package QC in software component QM-CA-MD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "QM quality certificate".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Blocking is not permitted - assignments still exist
002Assignment not permitted- cert.profile &1 &2 &3 not yet released
003No certificate type was indicated
004No profile number was indicated
005The name of the layout set contains impermissible characters
006Rejected lots can also be selected
007Select a score between &1 and &2
008The certificate type indicated does not exist
009A profile &1 &2 is not available
010Material &1 is not available
011A certificate profile &1 certificate type &2 version &3 was not found
012Not all data was found for characteristic &1 in cert.profile &2
013Master inspection characteristic &1 plant &2 is not available
014Version &1 of characteristic &2 plant &3 was not released
015Version &1 of characteristic &2 plant &3 is not available
016Number &1 is already used
017The profile name contains impermissible characters
018No profile was found for the indicated selection &1 &2
019The last selected characteristic was reached
020No material was assigned to certificate profile &1 &2, version &3
021The material specification was not maintained
022No keys were assigned to certificate profile &1 &2, version &3
023The key was already assigned to another profile
024Class characteristic &1 is not released for use
025There are no specifications for class characteristic &1
026Class characteristic &1 has more than two intervals
027Class characteristic &1 is not available
028Class characteristic &1 cannot be linked to a master inspection char.
029For the new version &1, you can copy data from an earlier version
030No certificate profile was found
031No characteristics exist for certificate profile &1 &2, version &3
032A material specification can only be read with a material
033The material specification has not been maintained for material &1
034An active version of layout set &1 is not yet available
035No short text was found for domain &1, fixed value &2 in language &3
036The QM transaction control for &1 has not been maintained
037No data found
038No data was selected
039You cannot scroll in an empty list
040You have not defined a restriction for the selection
041Certificate profile &1 &2, version &3, was not changed
042Certificate profile &1 &2, version &3, will be saved
043Layout set &1 cannot be opened
044No text elements were found for layout set &1
045No symbols were found for layout set &1
046No long text is available for this certificate profile
047Position the cursor on a valid item
048Position the cursor on a valid item
049Indicate an output strategy in case of a skip
050Customer order item &1 &2 was not found
051Condition record &1 was not found
052Customer order item is not fully specified
053No object key could be found for material &1 &2, batch &3
054No lot was found for cert.profile &1, material &2, batch &3
055Entry &1 was not found in the table for the origin of values
056Entry &1 was not found in the table for skip output strategies
057Entry &1 was not found in the table for the origin of specifications
058Entry &1 was not found in the table for the origin of short texts
059No characteristics were found for inspection lot &1 &2
060A batch class is not assigned to batch &1 &2 &3
061Internal error during batch classification
062No characteristics were found for class &1, type &2
063No target specifications were found for batch &1 &2 &3
064No possible entries can be displayed here
065Characteristic &1 is used more than once
066The specifications for charac. &3 were not found in cert.profile &2
067No value was found for characteristic &3 in certificate profile &2
068No short text was found for characteristic &3 in certificate profile &2
069No short text was found for class characteristic &1
070The table for the origins of the values is inconsistent
071The table for the origins of the values is inconsistent
072No certificate profile was found for object number &1
073The marked characteristics were deleted
074No data was deleted
075No version number was entered
076Desired function not carried out- characteristic inputs have priority
077Text element &3 is not present in window &2 of layout set &1
078Operation &1 cannot be used here
079Enter a characteristic category for characteristic &1
080Enter a value between 1 and 9999
081No version was found for profile &1 &2
082No released version found for specified selection &1 &2
083It may not be possible to print out the certificate
084Unit &1 cannot be converted to unit &2
085No released version was found for characteristic &1 plant &2
086The address of sales organization &1 was not found
087Enter a valid version number
088Number &1 was already available
089A result is not possible from batch classification- there is no batch
090The specifications for characteristic &2 were not found in batch &1
091The results for characteristic &2 were not found in batch &1
092The short text for characteristic &2 was not found in batch &1
093No specifications possible from batch classification- there is no batch
094Text &2 not available for layout set &1
095Standard text &1 cannot be found in language &2
096Inspection lot &1 cannot be found
097Customer &1 cannot be found
098Supplier &1 cannot be found
099Contact person &1 cannot be found
100The certificate was created
101The data was proposed by the previously selected master record (&1)
102No master inspection characteristic is assigned to characteristic &1
103No class characteristic is assigned to master inspection char. &1
104A maximum of 15 decimal places are permitted
105No change documents were found
106The selected materials were deleted from the list
107No data was deleted
108Material &1 already exists
109Check the default values
110There is no entry for sort number &1 in the list of materials
111You cannot use the combination of specifications (&1) and results (&2)
112The links between the characs. and material &1 will also be deleted
113No values were found for batch &1 &2 &3
114The certificate profile was released
115The certificate profile was blocked
116The certificate profiles you selected were deleted
117Not all of the certificate profiles could be blocked
118No certificate profiles were found that can be deleted
119Not all characteristics can be transferred (sort number is too large)
120You do not have authorization to add characteristic &1 &2 &3
121No assignments were found for certificate profile &1 &2, version &3
122Not all materials can be transferred (sort number too large)
123Text element &1 does not exist in form &2
124The first characteristic selected was reached
125The links for the charac. to material no. &1 will also be changed
126The task list you selected does not contain any characs.
127The selected task list does not contain any master insp. characs.
128No characteristic short texts have been created yet
129The origin of the characteristic short text may not be correct
130Characteristic type and origin of the specifications are not compatible
131Characteristic type and origin of values are not compatible
132The origins of the specifications and values may not be correct
133Inspection lot &1 does not contain any material
134Form &1 does not contain all the text elements specified in the characs.
135Category &1 and origin &2 are not compatible for characteristic &3
136The certificate was created, but not archived
137The error message log was deactivated
138The data for batch &1 &2 &3 could not be printed
139Material &1 origin '&2' inspection type '&3' already exists
140Setting indicator for display by columns
141Enter the number of columns
142Original-value recording is not planned for master inspection charac.
143Text element &1 does not exist in form &2
144No classification for material &1 found
145Material &1: Internal error in material classification
146No values for characteristic &2 were found in material &1
147Maximum number of characteristics reached
148Text element &1 does not exist in form &2
149Specify insp. lot or batch as origin for material &1, cert. profile &2
150********** Certificates on the World Wide Web **********
151Check your entries (customer number / password incorrect)
152A printout is not possible because no printer assignment has been made
153You need to enter a plant to uniquely identify a batch
154Batch &1 for material &2 in plant &3 could not be found
155Batch &1 for material &2 could not be found
156Batch &1 could not be found
157No batch could be found for the given criteria
158A certificate for mat. &1, batch &2 could not be created for customer &3
159No list of materials could be created for the given search criteria
160No sales area data has been maintained for customer number &1.
161System setting: Language &1 cannot be used on computer &2
162Certificates are not defined for the Internet release at present
163Internet Transaction Server not available
164Internet output: Dispatch time &1 not allowed
165No certificate was found for the given criteria
166The certificate could not be created
167Enter data in exactly one field
168No contact person is assigned to your user name
169No signature strategy found for selected certificate type &1
170Certificate status cannot be set without digital signature
171This app does not support customer-defined condition tables
198Specify a form
199Specify configuration of characteristics field
200Internal error occurred in program &2
201Version &2 is used instead of version &1
202There is already an assignment with this key combination
203Text for characteristic &1 in profile &2 already exists
204The long text was created in language &1
206Logon on through a different application server
207Enter a language
208Description &1 is used more than once
209Description &1 is used more than once
210The characteristic descriptions used are unique
211Not a valid version number &1; &2 is the next valid version number
212Condition record is missing for &1 for access number &2.
213Access not made (initialized field) for &1 for access number &2.
214Condition record is missing for access &1.
223Text element &1 is not available in config. of characteristics field &2
224Text elements exist in form &1, check advisable
225Text elements exist in config. of charac. field &1, check advisable
226Char. field config. &1 does not contain all text elements used
227To restrict access to personal data, the entered address is not saved
228Certificate cannot be checked as long as delivery item is not saved
229Not enough characteristic data found for certificate creation
230Validity start date of condition record must be supplied
231Validity end date of condition record must be supplied
232Application &1 not supported
233Condition type &1 not supported
300************** Electronic certificate transfer *************************
301The cert. file size is too great for the selected transmission medium
303Conversion required from unit &2 to &3 for certificate charac. "&1"
304The incoming quality certificate could not be stored
305Certificate type: &1
306Data transfer cannot occur for the classed inspection characteristic "&1"
307The status of inspection characteristic "&1" does not allow data transfer
308Values for insp. charac. "&1" are missing in the electronic certificate
309Different charac. type from insp. charac. "&1" and cert. charac. "&2"
310The insp. scope in the certificate for insp. char. "&1" is incorrect
311No data origin is available for certificate values
312Unit of measurement for certificate characteristic "&1" cannot be used
313There is no summarized result for inspection characteristic "&1"
314There is no sample result for inspection characteristic "&1"
315There are no original values for inspection characteristic "&1"
316The attribute code of the certificate charac. "&1" is not identified
317Results transfer from cert. not possible because of missing insp. lot no.
318IDoc could not be opened for data transfer to inspection lot
319No certificate record could be created in procurement
320Incorrect unit of measure of the insp. scope for the cert. char. "&1"
321Different supplier batch from certificate &1 and inspection lot &2
322Cert. value for inspection charac. "&1" outside plausibility limits
323Values in certificate must be summarized for inspection charac. "&1"
324Too few decimal places have been spec. on the cert. for insp. char. "&1"
325No transfer of cert. data to inspection lot &1 because of insp. points
326The certificate data is transferred to inspection lot &1
327Only the first entry with source "Electronic certificate" is supported
328No suitable address has been specified for electronic cert. dispatch
329Recipient address has not been defined in the partner profile
330Workflow task "Transfer IDoc data to inspection lot" not started
331Data transfer from the cert. was not planned for the insp. lot char.
500********** Certificates in Procurement **********
501No quality certificate is assigned from procurement.
502Quality certificate &1 does not exist.
503Quality certificate &1 was not changed
504Quality certificate &1 was created.
505No certificate for the given selection
506Certificates already exist for the purchase order item
507Purchase order &1 item &2 does not exist
508No certificate is required for the purchase order item.
509Enhanced certificate processing is not active for certificate type &1
510Data reset. Lot status will not be updated.
511Quality certificate &1 was changed
512Check the date of receipt
513Certificate record already created for purchase order &1 item &2
514Certificate does not exist for material document &1 &2 &3.
515No certificate exists for purchase order &1 item &2
516Quality certificate &2 is being processed by &1
517Error in workflow - Object: &1 Key: &2
518System error occurred during the locking procedure
519Inspection lot &2 is being processed by &1
520The receipt date for the certificate cannot be in the future
521Set 'Certificate status' manually
522Document could not be assigned
523Certificate selection was canceled
524No certificate is available for order &1, item &2, delivery number &3
525A new quality certificate is created
526File format does not correspond to the document type
527Some fields of certificate &1 cannot be changed
600Invalid certificate type &1
601Error during opening of form &1. Cannot print form!
602Certificate &1 locked. Cannot print reminder.
700Certificate profile header creation failed
701Certificate profile product creation failed
702Certificate profile characteristic creation failed
703Certificate profile characteristic text creation failed
704Product creation failed (&1, &2, &3)
705Characteristic creation failed (&1, &2, &3)
706Text creation failed (&1, &2, &3)
707Status object type &1 not possible for certificate profile
708Status &1 not possible for certificate profile
709Assignment creation not possible in status &1
710Status cannot be set
711User status not supported
712Certificate profile product not saved as header is not saved
713Certificate profile characteristic not saved as header is not saved
714Certificate profile charc. text not saved as header is not saved
715Assignment creation failed (&1, &2, &3)
716Certificate profile creation failed
717Certificate profile header creation failed, invalid key
718Enter a value between 1 and 9999 for sort number in list of materials
719Enter a value between 1 and 9999 for characteristics sort number
720Sort number in list of materials is already used
721Characteristics sort number is already used
722Characteristic &1: category &2 inconsistent
723Characteristic &1: choose a number between 0 and 9999
724Certificate profile already exists
725Characteristic &1 already stored in database
726Characteristic &1 not unique
727Characteristic &1 has incomplete key
728Characteristic profile not unique (&1 / &2 / &3)
729Please make entries in all required fields.
730Cannot create certificate
731Certificate created successfully
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