QIE_SAMP_DRWP - QIE Probenahmeverfahren

The following messages are stored in message class QIE_SAMP_DRWP: QIE Probenahmeverfahren.
It is part of development package QIE_OBJECTS_SETUP in software component SCM-EWM-QM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "QIE - Setup".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Sample-drawing procedure &2 is being processed by user &1
001No change possible; sample-drawing procedure &1 is in display mode
008Sample-drawing instruction does not exist
009Sample-drawing procedure &1 does not exist
010Sample-drawing unit &1 does not exist (in samp.-drawing procedure &2, &3)
011Sample-drawing unit &1 was deleted
013No authorization for activity &1 for sample-drawing procedure
014Interval must be specified when creating sample-drawing unit of type &1
015Sample-drawing unit for type &1 cannot be created with interval spec.
016Not possible to create sample-drawing unit for type &1
017Sample-drawing unit &1 &2 conflicts with type of sample drawing &3
018Sample category &1 not permitted for sample-drawing instruction
019Sample-drawing procedure with number &1 already exists
020Sample-drawing unit &1 &2 already exists
021Impermissible data for samp.-drawing instructn of type "Fixed No. Samps"
022Impermissible data for sample-drawing instruction of type "Individual"
023Impermissible data for sample-drawing instr. of type "Sampling Scheme"
024Specify inspection level for the sampling scheme in accordance with ISO
025Type &1 of the sample-drawing instruction is not permitted
026Sample or item type &1 is not permitted
027Sample-drawing instruction was deleted
028Specify a measurement unit for the sample-drawing unit for the type &1
029Selected inspection level not defined in sampling scheme &1
030Specify a sample category for the sample-drawing instruction
031Sample quantity &1 not permitted for sample-drawing instr. of category &2
032Negative factor for sample-drawing instruction is not permitted
033Sample qty unit &1 not permitted for sample-drawing instr. of category &2
034Sample quantity specified without unit of measurement
035Total qty of pooled samples is greater than total qty of primary samples
036Sample-drawing instructions are inconsistent - &1
037Sample-drawing instruction is inconsistent - &1
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