QJ -

The following messages are stored in message class QJ: .
It is part of development package SRCG in software component BC-MID-RFC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RFC Code Generator (Deprecated)".
Message Nr
Message Text
011RFC interfaces generated
012Generation of RFC interfaces was canceled
014Error when generating RFC interfaces; generation canceled
015No authorization. ABAPSUBMIT authorization is required
016Failed to access function module information; check names
017Function module & cannot be called remotely. Set 'Remote' ID
018RFC interfaces for function module & are already generated
019Settings were changed. Generation will use the new settings
034Error when reading parameters for function module &
035Class & for parameter & is not allowed
036No reference field specified for parameter &
038No information on type & of parameter &
039Error when reading the structure of parameter &. Activate structure
040Type & for field & of parameter & is not allowed
041No reference structure found for field & of parameter &
042No information on type & for field & of parameter &
052Reading of generation forms was canceled
054No generation form specified
055Error when reading generation form & &
056Error when reading generation element & & & &
057Generation form & & is blank
058Generation element & & & & is blank
059Syntax error when inserting generation element & & & &
074Error when analyzing generation form & & & &
094Error when replacing generation symbols. Operator & unknown
111Display of generated source code is complete
114No generated source code exists to be displayed
115Error when displaying the generated source code. No files
116Error when displaying the generated source code. Failed to open & &
117Error when displaying the generated source code. Failed to write & &
118Error when displaying the generated source code. Failed to close & &
131Generated source code was downloaded successfully
132Download of generated source code was canceled
134No generated source code exists to be downloaded
135Error when downloading file &; download canceled
136Error when opening file &; download canceled
137Error when writing file &; download canceled
150*** RFC_STUB_CLEAR ***
151RFC interface deleted
154Error when deleting generated source code
170*** RFC_STUB_EDIT ***
194Error when opening the generation settings. Default is missing
195Error when reading the default settings. Default is missing
196Specified name is not allowed. Use the current user name
211Generation settings were changed
212Changing of generation settings was canceled
214Error when changing the generation settings
215Generation form & & does not exist.
216Generation form must begin with '&'
217No generation forms exist
218Generation form & & is selected more than once
219Language key for generation form & is missing
220No language key can be displayed
221No language key can be displayed. Specify generation form
222Generated source code will be deleted w/o display/download
223File extension & is not allowed. ('&&' is valid, for example)
224The directory specified in the download path does not exist
225Default settings were opened. Check that directories exist
226No generation form selected
227Unique program name used for file name (append not appropriate)
231Generation settings saved
233Generation settings were saved as defaults
234Error when saving the generation settings
235Error when saving the generation settings as defaults
236Error when saving. Failed to access default settings
254Source code field & is longer than target text field &
285Source code field & is longer than target text field &
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