QMIP_EA - QM: Inpection Planning - Insp. Plan and Master Insp. Chars
The following messages are stored in message class QMIP_EA: QM: Inpection Planning - Insp. Plan and Master Insp. Chars.
It is part of development package QMIP_EA in software component QM-PT-IP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "QM: Inspection Plans and Characteristics".
It is part of development package QMIP_EA in software component QM-PT-IP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "QM: Inspection Plans and Characteristics".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ------------- General/Customizing Messages ------------------------------ |
001 | There is no Customizing entry for the type of source |
002 | An internal error occurred in the application |
003 | There is no text in language &2 for source type &1 |
004 | There is no active BAdI implementation for source type &1 |
005 | An internal error occurred during &1 |
006 | Error during insert in mapping table &1 |
007 | Enter an origin |
100 | ------- Messages for Creating Master Inspection Characteristics --------- |
101 | MIC &1 plant &2 version &3 created on date &4 |
102 | MIC &1 plant &2 version &3 changed on date &4 |
103 | Checking of MIC &1 plant &2 version &3 on date &4 was done |
104 | Checking of MIC &1 plant &2 version &3 on date &4 was successful |
105 | No inspection methods assigned to master inspection characteristic |
106 | No catalogs assigned to master inspection characteristic |
107 | No methods or catalogs found for master inspection characteristic |
108 | Plant for master inspection characteristic is a required field |
109 | Short text is a required field |
110 | Search field must be filled |
111 | Error when writing to mapping table |
112 | Characteristic could not be created (see log) |
113 | Select at least one row |
114 | Characteristics have been converted |
115 | Mapping for value assign.type &1 cannot be determined (see trans. CGQM) |
116 | Selected characteristic has already been converted |
117 | Error when creating master inspection characteristic |
118 | Characteristic &1 already exists |
119 | Mapping for value assignment type &1 not complete (see transaction CGQM) |
120 | You cannot combine control indicators |
121 | Implementation for data source &2 returns illegal data type &1 |
122 | Master insp. char. missing in mapping for value assgmt type &1 (see CGQM) |
123 | MIC missing in mapping for value assignment type &1, substance &2 |
124 | Plant &1 for characteristic &2 does not exist |
125 | Plant must be entered for '&1' |
126 | >>> Messages for Characteristic: "&1" <<< |
200 | ------------- Messages for Inspection Plan Maintenance --------------- |
201 | No catalog entries found for source catalog type &1 |
202 | Inspection plan &1 &2 &3 cannot be loaded |
203 | Additional selection conditions for source type &1 are shown |
204 | There is no inspection plan for object &1 &2 &3 |
205 | No material is assigned to specification &1 |
206 | Material &1 in plant &2 is not assigned to the inspection plan |
207 | Inspection plan &1 &2 &3 cannot be assigned to source object &4 |
208 | No QM-relevant ratings exist |
209 | Select at least one characteristic in the source object |
210 | Select exactly one operation in plan |
211 | Select an operation in the inspection plan |
212 | Consistency check for copying characteristics was successful |
213 | No characteristics will be created for the inspection plan |
214 | Message log contains errors; Inspection plan was not saved |
215 | There are no changes; Inspection plan was not saved |
216 | No characteristics for source can be copied to inspection plan |
217 | Properties of validity area 'Plant &1' are considered |
218 | Some components of composition &1 are contained in the inspection plan |
219 | Several master insp.chars are assigned to value assignment type &1 |
220 | Codes will be added to code group &1 |
221 | Material master record &1 is not in any specified plant |
222 | Quality view for material master record &1 in plant &2 does not exist |
223 | Master inspection characteristic &1 in plant &2 not found |
224 | Inconsistency of control indicator "quantitative characteristic" - &1 &2 |
225 | Inconsistency of control indicator "quantitative characteristic" - &1 &2 |
226 | Control indicators for &1 &2 allow for an upper specification limit |
227 | Control indicators for &1 &2 allow for a lower specification limit |
228 | Specification characteristic &1 allows for an upper specification limit |
229 | Specification characteristic &1 allows for a lower specification limit |
230 | No inspection plan exists for specification or plan is deleted |
231 | Consistency check was run successfully |
232 | Characteristic number is a required entry (data source &1) |
233 | Characteristic number &1 can only be assigned once |
234 | Complete the data for the source |
235 | There are no messages yet |
236 | No common plants with regard to ratings and material/plan assignments |
237 | No target value could be determined for value assignment type &1 |
238 | No tolerance limits could be determined for value assignment type &1 |
239 | A new link is created for object &1 &2 &3 |
240 | Value assignment type &1 is not valid for plant &2 |
241 | Value assignment type &1 not valid for plants in material/plan assignment |
242 | Future state of plan already takes property &1 into account |
243 | No material/plan assignment was determined |
244 | Materials must also be copied for plant-related material/plan assignments |
245 | Specification &1 is only valid from &2 |
300 | ------------- Synchronization ------------------------------------------- |
301 | No matching specification/inspection plan combination found |
302 | No changes to be synchronized found |
303 | Update date is locked for inspection plan &1 &2 |
304 | This function is not supported for selected object |
305 | Messages that occurred were collected in the log (no. of errors: &1) |
306 | No line was selected (selection via first icon in line) |
307 | There are no characteristics to be synchronized for plan &1/&2/&3 |
308 | Internal program error |
309 | Plan change with change number &1 from specification &2 not possible |
310 | Synchronization of plan &1 with validity from &2 started |
311 | Synchronization of characteristic &1 with property &2 started |
312 | No properties were found for synchronization |
313 | Inspection plan &1 does not yet exist in date range &2 - &3 |
314 | Confirmation of synchronization not possible for this line |
315 | Transfer of characteristics is only possible for selected plans |
316 | Synchronization is not supported at plan level |
317 | Unit conversion for characteristic &1 in operation &2 failed |
318 | Inspection plan &1/&2/&3 was changed successfully |
319 | Characteristic &1 from operation &2 via property &3 updated |
320 | Dependent specs. for char. &1 from operation &2 via property &3 updated |
321 | No data transfer from property &3 to characteristic &1 from operation &2 |
322 | No new material/plan assignments to be created (no deletion) |
323 | Characteristic &1 from operation &2 is not yet valid on &3 |
324 | No assigned inspection plan characteristic exists yet for property &1 |
325 | No autom. transfer owing to customer-spec. logic for value assgmt type &1 |
326 | Function module &1 for value assignment type &2 is not called |
327 | Changes to phrases cannot be synchronized (&1) |
328 | Entry &1 does not exist |
350 | --------------- Messages for Creating Catalog Data ---------------------- |
351 | Error when creating selected set: &1 |
352 | No defect classes defined in Customizing for catalog |
353 | Selected set &3 plant &4 already exists for source &1 / &2 |
354 | No selected set will be created for the quantitative characteristic &1 |
355 | No selected set exists for source &1 / &2 |
356 | No codes can be derived for &1 &2 for the qualitative characteristic |
357 | Standard values for source characteristic &1 could not be determined |
358 | Based on MIC &1/&2, &3 is created as quantitative characteristic |
359 | Based on MIC &1/&2, &3 is created as qualitative characteristic |
400 | -------------- Messages Regarding EH&S-QM Mappings ---------------------- |
401 | Value assgmt type &1: Only the first Q-relevant val. assgmt is considered |
402 | There is more than one property for value assignment type &1 |
403 | No values could be selected for the F4 help |