QT - QM: Inspection during production (with inspection points)

The following messages are stored in message class QT: QM: Inspection during production (with inspection points).
It is part of development package QD in software component QM-PT-BD-SPL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "QM dynamic modification".
Message Nr
Message Text
001The plant presetting is not completely maintained in the cust. applic.
002The insp. point ident. is not completely maintained in the cust. applic.
003The insp. point ident. is not completely maintained in the cust. applic.
004Error while accessing internal inspection point table
005The new partial lot &1 already exists_
006No selected set exists for the inspection point &1 or plant &2
008You can only create inspection points in create mode
009Record inspection point identifier for the inspection lot
010To select a selected set, first enter a plant
011Error in change of system settings for inspection point (TQ79)
012Sample &1 does not belong to current inspection lot &2
013Change the status of sample &1 to allow results recording
014First create a master record for the sample &1 in the system
015An inspection point already exists for the key fields
016You are not authorized to change the inspection point fields
101You cannot assign a sort number more than once
102A sort number with the value 1 is missing
103Results confirmation not possible with inspection points from PI sheet
104Number of user fields allowed has been exceeded
105Inspection point type for serialized materials (&1) not supported
106Serialized material (&1) does not exist
107Results recording not supported for shop floor routing-based inspections
110The function module name & you entered is invalid
111The exceptions for function module &1 differ from the example module
112The export params for function module &1 differ from the example module
113The import params for function module &1 differ from the example module
114The tables for the function module &1 differ from the example module
201Enter 24:00:00 and not 00:00:00
202Specify &1
203You must assign a batch to the partial lot
204Check your entries
205You must assign a partial lot to the inspection point
206Enter quantity
207You have already assigned the number for a new batch
208The previous selection is canceled
209Enter inspection lot and operation first
210The entry made for the quantity is cancelled
211Quantity confirmation cannot be changed, data has been reset
212Control key does not allow the operation to be confirmed
213No inspection point available for the operation
214There is no scrap confirmation, although the inspection point is rejected
215The previous operation has not yet been confirmed
216For operation &2, a quantity has not yet been entered for partial lot &1
217There is still no batch assigned to the partial lot
218Set indicator 'No Confirmation'
219Confirmation will be canceled
220Confirmation is expected via process message
221Due to the status of the order, confirmation cannot be made to PP
222Confirmations were recorded in the header of order &1
223You are not authorized to carry out a PP confirmation
224Partial lot assignment to insp.point is available with another material
225No confirmation parameters are defined in plant &1 for order type &2
226Confirmation not allowed or not activated
227The unit of measurement is not defined for this material
228Operation &1 of sequence &2 cannot be confirmed
229This function is not supported for this order type
230&1 &2 do not exist in the object list for order &3
231There are no inspection points
232No inspection point was selected
301Valuation of the inspection point is transferred to the partial lot
302All entries for the new partial lot are lost after choosing a part. lot
303No inspection points are available for the partial lot &1
304Auto entry
305Inspection lot &1 cannot be found
306Inspection lot &1 is not relevant
307Partial lot &1 does not belong to inspection lot &2
308The inspection point changes are being saved
309Enter an inspection lot number
310There are no partial lots available for inspection lot &1
311The confirmation cannot be cancelled at this point.
312First maintain table TQ01 for transaction &
313Insp. point (sample no: &1) for insp. lot &2/oper. &3 does not exist
314Code &1 does not exist in selected set &3
320Position the cursor on an inspection point line
321Position the cursor on a field for inspection point lines
322A maximum of three columns can be chosen as sort criteria
323The columns are no longer selected as sort criteria
324The list can be sorted according to the sort sequence you predefine
400Inspection lot &1 operation &2 is blocked by another user at present
401A system error has arisen in lock management
402You must assign a partial lot to the inspection point
403You must assign a batch to the partial lot
404Error in the transferred usage decision (selected set, code, code group)
405Material number does not exist in the plant.
406You must fill in the user field(s)
407You want to change data that may not be changed
408The selected set in the transfer record deviates from TQSS1/TQ79
409Materail &1 is at present blocked by another user
410You have no authorization for batch maintenance (neither batch nor plant)
411You have entered special characters that are not permitted in batch no.
412Valuation area not available
413Material &1, T149 not properly maintained
414Valuation records for material &1 incomplete
415Batch(&3) and/or partial lot(&2) in QAIPP(&1) is incompatible with TQSS1
416QAIPP (&1) contains batch (&2) that is incompatible with TQSS1
417No batches are supported for material &1
418User fields will deviate if changed
419Record type Q83, although sample number already exists in the DB
420Inspection lot is not relevant to inspection point development
421A sample number already exists for the given key fields
422No authorization for the usage decision
423Error converting the unit of measure
424Field &1 in the QAIPP record not filled in
425Conversion to the target unit of measure not possible
426Error converting user fields (QAIPP-USERC1 and QAIPP-USERC2)
427QM plant table (TQSS1) not maintained for plant &1
428QAIPP contains neither a quantity nor no. of rejects
429QAIPP has a qty entry, although a qty for partial lot &1 has been entered
430Material number(QAIPP) differs from material number in the inspection lot
431Inspection lot &1 is currently blocked by another user
432Sample &1 is already blocked
433Quantity entered not allowed due to insp. point completion &1 (op. &2)
434Object (&) is not in the order's object list
435Error occured during confirmation
500XPRA : In client &, & QAPP records (insp. points) were converted
501XPRA : Converter program not needed for source release version &
502XPRA : Repository switch inactive
888Abnormal termination: database error &1 &2 &3 &4
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