R3 - Nachrichten des Service APIs

The following messages are stored in message class R3: Nachrichten des Service APIs.
It is part of development package RSU0 in software component BC-BW. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BW Service API: Data Transfer".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** Error when processing request IDocs ***
001The request IDoc contains an invalid segment &
002Target system & is not known in the source system.
003Error & when sending an IDoc
004Object type & is not defined in the source system
005InfoSource & is not defined in the source system.
006InfoObject & is not defined in the source system
007No transfer structure is available for InfoSource & in the source system
008Error in call of the extraction program
009The extraction program does not support object &
010Selection criterion & is missing in the data request
011Update mode & is not supported by the extraction API
012InfoObject & does not support hierarchies
013The transfer structure for object & must be regenerated
014Invalid selection condition in the data request
015Domain & cannot be used for data extraction
016DataSource &1 has to be replicated (time stamp, see long text)
017Request IDoc does not contain any segments
018Request &1 does not exist in target system &2
019Error & when starting the extraction program
020Error in customer exit &
021Error in BTE exit &
022No data exists
023Data package &1: &2 records before call-up of customer exit
024Data package &1: &2 records after call-up of customer exit
025Runtime in customer exit: &1, added records: &2
026Request IDoc does not contain any language information
027Error & when generating the data transfer program
028Transfer structure & for InfoSource & does not contain any fields
029No extract structure exists for object & in the source system
030Incomplete control parameters for communication with the BW system
031DataSource &1 does not support IDOC transfer
032Error in a parallel process for sending data
033Error when determining the transfer IDoc
034View & cannot be used for data extraction
036Data request does not contain any hierarchy names
037Transfer structure field not contained in DataSource
038tRFC: Data Package = &1, TID = &2, Duration = &3, ARFCSTATE = &4
039tRFC: Start = &1 &2, End = &3 &4
040No message category for texts from basic characteristic &
041Error when reading the changes for characteristic &
042Error when generating the selection for characteristic & (view &)
043Exit: Data package = &1, interface = &2, data records before = &3 &4
044Exit: Data package = &1, interface = &2
045***** Processing, Checking, and Transferring Hierarchies into SAPI *****
046Hierarchy class & is not defined in the source system
050*** Processing and Transferring Hierarchies in the DC RHIE/BHIE ***
051Assignment in ROHIEBAS in source system is not correct
052Hierarchy flags & for basic charact. & are incorrect in the source system
053Requested hierarchy selection & is incorrect in the source system
054Function & is not supported in the source system
055Form routine & is not supported in the source system
056Requested language & is not supported in the source system
057Hierarchy tables not found in the source system
058Error when calling up the application function for hierarchies
059Error when calling up the customer exit function for hierarchies
060Error when sending hierarchy tables
061Unidentifiable error in program & line &
062Hierarchy catalog for & & & not found in the source system
063Hierarchy class & not defined in the source system
064Request &1 is to be terminated immediately at user's request
070*** Error when connecting BW to the source system ***
071No entry in table T000 for client &
072User could not be created in the source system
073RFC destination BW could not be created in the source system
074Entry TSPREFIX for table RSBASIDOC could not be created
075Source system connection was terminated
076Function & does not exist in the source system
077RFC user logon failed. Check connection &1
078RFC destination &1 for BW is not maintained in source system
087IDOC: Data Package &1, IDOC No. &2, Duration &3
088IDOC: Info IDoc &1, IDoc No. &2, Duration &3
089IDoc: Start = &1 &2, End = &3 &4
099Unidentified error in the data transfer
100*** IDoc Segment Generation ***
101InfoSource & does not exist in source system &
102Name of transfer structure & in BW does not match name of srce systm &
103When deleting transfer structure & in source system & errors occurred
104Error when creating transfer structure & in source system &
105Error when assigning transfer structure & to IDoc type &
106IDoc type & does not exist in source system &
107Transfer structure & does not exist in IDoc type & (&)
108Dictionary error when creating transfer structure & in source system &
109Activation error of transfer structure & in source system &
110InfoSource & has no transfer structure in source system & (error)
111InfoSource & does not have a transfer structure in source system &
112System prefix of the transfer structure & is in the SAP name range
113System prefix of the transfer structure & is in customer name range
114Source system release & is not compatible with extractor release &
115Error when generating the message type for transfer structure &
116Missing entry in RSMDDELTA for basic characteristic & or error in entry
117Delta transfer for basic characteristic &: Unknown field & ignored
118Incorrect object type & passed to function &
119Missing table entry for characteristic & or error in entry
120No suitable entries found for text view & in structure &
121Error in delta generation &
122Error when removing the connection IDoc & to IDoc type &
123Unable to delete program & in source system &
124ALE message type & is not active
125No name could be determined for the ALE message type
126Error during generation: Incorrect DS type '&1' for program class '&2'
127&1 entries in table &2 without a corresponding entry in &3
158Unable to determine a name for the transfer structure
159Transfer structure for segment &1 does not exist (table ROOSGENSEG)
200*** Logging BIW/OLTP connection ***
201Connection with BW & started, IDOC type is &
202Partner agreement to BW & exists already
203Message type & for partner agreement with BW & already exists
204Connection to BW & created successfully
205No logical system exists for client &
206Logical system name has been changed for this system
207SAP BW client & is not the same as your logon client &
208System manipulation!!!
210Deleting connection to BW &
211Connection to BW & deleted successfully
215ALE partner &1 does not exist
216ALE port &1 does not exist
217ALE partner &1 has multiple different ports
218ALE partner &1 does not have any output parameters
220No RFC dest.parameters maintained for the Warehouse & in source system &
221The basic IDoc type & is already available
222Logical system & exists already
223No connection between Warehouse & and source system &
224Process code & is not known across the system
225Name & of client & is not the same as the name & of the Warehouse
226ALE change pointers are not set up correctly
250*--------- Messages for Extraction from Archives (250-299) -------------*
251Select at least one archive file
252Extractor for DataSource &1 cannot be called up
253No archiving object specified
254Archive file selection contains errors or is empty
299& & & &
300**** Display with the Hierarchy Checks in the DC RHIE/BHIC ****
301Error in program &(&)
302Error in functin &(&)
303Entry for basic characteristic & is incorrect, or not defined in &
304Incorrect entry, or the assignment (&-&) is not defined in &
305Basic characteristic & does not support any hierarchy flags in table &.
306Entry does not contain any language information
307Incorrect entry, or the assignment &-& is not defined in the source systm
308Choose a hierarchy name
309Choose an assignment for the meta data.
310Currently not possible to maintain hierarchy metadata
311Specify the name of the basic characteristic
312Specify the name of the hierarchy class
313Basic characteristic & for data element & and domain & is available
314Basic characteristic & has no metadata assignment in & for hierarchies
325No authorization for DataSource &1
400* Other SAPI messages
401Warnings have appeared when extracting data
402Information has been derived from data extraction
403Initialization of extractor &1:
404 &1 &2
405Selection conditions for field &1 (SIGN OPTION LOW HIGH)
406Fetch data package &1: &2 records, return code = &3
407Call customer enhancement &1 (&2) with &3 records
408Result of customer enhancement: &1 records
409Asynchronous send of data package &1 in task &2 (&3 parallel tasks)
410Synchronous send of data package &1 (&2 parallel tasks)
411Remote extraction is not supported for DataSource type '&1'
412No active transfer structure exists in source system &1 for DataSource &2
413Asynchronous transmission of info IDoc &1 in task &2 (&3 parallel tasks)
414Synchronized transmission of info IDoc &1 (&2 parallel tasks)
415Direct access is not supported for hierarchy DataSource &1
416Errors occurred when extracting data from DataSource &1
420Multibyte alignment; cannot initialize converter
421Assigning languages to code pages from target system &1 failed: &2
422Error during multibyte alignment for language &1 (position &2)
500*** Editing Hierarchies in the DC RHIE for APIs ***
501Assigning the application = MCS and hierarchy class = LEGN
502Functions & and & for general hierarchies in logistics must be provided
503Function & does not exist in the table TFDIR
504No general hierarchy in the table MCSHIERK
505No basic characteristic for data element & and domain &
700*----------------- Messages for Utilities ----------------------------*
701Error occurred when importing data from RFC container, RC = &1
702Converter not found for exchange format
703Conversion of exchange format for target release &1 had errors
704Conversion of exchange format for target release &1 not possible
705Error in DataSource &1. Execute program &2 for more details.
800*** Messages XPRA SAP BW 1.0 -> 1.2. delete from 1.2 ***
801No Business Information Warehouse System connected -> No deletion
802Removing objects for source system & and BW &
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