R3 - Nachrichten des Service APIs
The following messages are stored in message class R3: Nachrichten des Service APIs.
It is part of development package RSU0 in software component BC-BW. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BW Service API: Data Transfer".
It is part of development package RSU0 in software component BC-BW. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BW Service API: Data Transfer".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | *** Error when processing request IDocs *** |
001 | The request IDoc contains an invalid segment & |
002 | Target system & is not known in the source system. |
003 | Error & when sending an IDoc |
004 | Object type & is not defined in the source system |
005 | InfoSource & is not defined in the source system. |
006 | InfoObject & is not defined in the source system |
007 | No transfer structure is available for InfoSource & in the source system |
008 | Error in call of the extraction program |
009 | The extraction program does not support object & |
010 | Selection criterion & is missing in the data request |
011 | Update mode & is not supported by the extraction API |
012 | InfoObject & does not support hierarchies |
013 | The transfer structure for object & must be regenerated |
014 | Invalid selection condition in the data request |
015 | Domain & cannot be used for data extraction |
016 | DataSource &1 has to be replicated (time stamp, see long text) |
017 | Request IDoc does not contain any segments |
018 | Request &1 does not exist in target system &2 |
019 | Error & when starting the extraction program |
020 | Error in customer exit & |
021 | Error in BTE exit & |
022 | No data exists |
023 | Data package &1: &2 records before call-up of customer exit |
024 | Data package &1: &2 records after call-up of customer exit |
025 | Runtime in customer exit: &1, added records: &2 |
026 | Request IDoc does not contain any language information |
027 | Error & when generating the data transfer program |
028 | Transfer structure & for InfoSource & does not contain any fields |
029 | No extract structure exists for object & in the source system |
030 | Incomplete control parameters for communication with the BW system |
031 | DataSource &1 does not support IDOC transfer |
032 | Error in a parallel process for sending data |
033 | Error when determining the transfer IDoc |
034 | View & cannot be used for data extraction |
036 | Data request does not contain any hierarchy names |
037 | Transfer structure field not contained in DataSource |
038 | tRFC: Data Package = &1, TID = &2, Duration = &3, ARFCSTATE = &4 |
039 | tRFC: Start = &1 &2, End = &3 &4 |
040 | No message category for texts from basic characteristic & |
041 | Error when reading the changes for characteristic & |
042 | Error when generating the selection for characteristic & (view &) |
043 | Exit: Data package = &1, interface = &2, data records before = &3 &4 |
044 | Exit: Data package = &1, interface = &2 |
045 | ***** Processing, Checking, and Transferring Hierarchies into SAPI ***** |
046 | Hierarchy class & is not defined in the source system |
050 | *** Processing and Transferring Hierarchies in the DC RHIE/BHIE *** |
051 | Assignment in ROHIEBAS in source system is not correct |
052 | Hierarchy flags & for basic charact. & are incorrect in the source system |
053 | Requested hierarchy selection & is incorrect in the source system |
054 | Function & is not supported in the source system |
055 | Form routine & is not supported in the source system |
056 | Requested language & is not supported in the source system |
057 | Hierarchy tables not found in the source system |
058 | Error when calling up the application function for hierarchies |
059 | Error when calling up the customer exit function for hierarchies |
060 | Error when sending hierarchy tables |
061 | Unidentifiable error in program & line & |
062 | Hierarchy catalog for & & & not found in the source system |
063 | Hierarchy class & not defined in the source system |
064 | Request &1 is to be terminated immediately at user's request |
070 | *** Error when connecting BW to the source system *** |
071 | No entry in table T000 for client & |
072 | User could not be created in the source system |
073 | RFC destination BW could not be created in the source system |
074 | Entry TSPREFIX for table RSBASIDOC could not be created |
075 | Source system connection was terminated |
076 | Function & does not exist in the source system |
077 | RFC user logon failed. Check connection &1 |
078 | RFC destination &1 for BW is not maintained in source system |
087 | IDOC: Data Package &1, IDOC No. &2, Duration &3 |
088 | IDOC: Info IDoc &1, IDoc No. &2, Duration &3 |
089 | IDoc: Start = &1 &2, End = &3 &4 |
099 | Unidentified error in the data transfer |
100 | *** IDoc Segment Generation *** |
101 | InfoSource & does not exist in source system & |
102 | Name of transfer structure & in BW does not match name of srce systm & |
103 | When deleting transfer structure & in source system & errors occurred |
104 | Error when creating transfer structure & in source system & |
105 | Error when assigning transfer structure & to IDoc type & |
106 | IDoc type & does not exist in source system & |
107 | Transfer structure & does not exist in IDoc type & (&) |
108 | Dictionary error when creating transfer structure & in source system & |
109 | Activation error of transfer structure & in source system & |
110 | InfoSource & has no transfer structure in source system & (error) |
111 | InfoSource & does not have a transfer structure in source system & |
112 | System prefix of the transfer structure & is in the SAP name range |
113 | System prefix of the transfer structure & is in customer name range |
114 | Source system release & is not compatible with extractor release & |
115 | Error when generating the message type for transfer structure & |
116 | Missing entry in RSMDDELTA for basic characteristic & or error in entry |
117 | Delta transfer for basic characteristic &: Unknown field & ignored |
118 | Incorrect object type & passed to function & |
119 | Missing table entry for characteristic & or error in entry |
120 | No suitable entries found for text view & in structure & |
121 | Error in delta generation & |
122 | Error when removing the connection IDoc & to IDoc type & |
123 | Unable to delete program & in source system & |
124 | ALE message type & is not active |
125 | No name could be determined for the ALE message type |
126 | Error during generation: Incorrect DS type '&1' for program class '&2' |
127 | &1 entries in table &2 without a corresponding entry in &3 |
158 | Unable to determine a name for the transfer structure |
159 | Transfer structure for segment &1 does not exist (table ROOSGENSEG) |
200 | *** Logging BIW/OLTP connection *** |
201 | Connection with BW & started, IDOC type is & |
202 | Partner agreement to BW & exists already |
203 | Message type & for partner agreement with BW & already exists |
204 | Connection to BW & created successfully |
205 | No logical system exists for client & |
206 | Logical system name has been changed for this system |
207 | SAP BW client & is not the same as your logon client & |
208 | System manipulation!!! |
210 | Deleting connection to BW & |
211 | Connection to BW & deleted successfully |
215 | ALE partner &1 does not exist |
216 | ALE port &1 does not exist |
217 | ALE partner &1 has multiple different ports |
218 | ALE partner &1 does not have any output parameters |
220 | No RFC dest.parameters maintained for the Warehouse & in source system & |
221 | The basic IDoc type & is already available |
222 | Logical system & exists already |
223 | No connection between Warehouse & and source system & |
224 | Process code & is not known across the system |
225 | Name & of client & is not the same as the name & of the Warehouse |
226 | ALE change pointers are not set up correctly |
250 | *--------- Messages for Extraction from Archives (250-299) -------------* |
251 | Select at least one archive file |
252 | Extractor for DataSource &1 cannot be called up |
253 | No archiving object specified |
254 | Archive file selection contains errors or is empty |
299 | & & & & |
300 | **** Display with the Hierarchy Checks in the DC RHIE/BHIC **** |
301 | Error in program &(&) |
302 | Error in functin &(&) |
303 | Entry for basic characteristic & is incorrect, or not defined in & |
304 | Incorrect entry, or the assignment (&-&) is not defined in & |
305 | Basic characteristic & does not support any hierarchy flags in table &. |
306 | Entry does not contain any language information |
307 | Incorrect entry, or the assignment &-& is not defined in the source systm |
308 | Choose a hierarchy name |
309 | Choose an assignment for the meta data. |
310 | Currently not possible to maintain hierarchy metadata |
311 | Specify the name of the basic characteristic |
312 | Specify the name of the hierarchy class |
313 | Basic characteristic & for data element & and domain & is available |
314 | Basic characteristic & has no metadata assignment in & for hierarchies |
325 | No authorization for DataSource &1 |
400 | * Other SAPI messages |
401 | Warnings have appeared when extracting data |
402 | Information has been derived from data extraction |
403 | Initialization of extractor &1: |
404 | &1 &2 |
405 | Selection conditions for field &1 (SIGN OPTION LOW HIGH) |
406 | Fetch data package &1: &2 records, return code = &3 |
407 | Call customer enhancement &1 (&2) with &3 records |
408 | Result of customer enhancement: &1 records |
409 | Asynchronous send of data package &1 in task &2 (&3 parallel tasks) |
410 | Synchronous send of data package &1 (&2 parallel tasks) |
411 | Remote extraction is not supported for DataSource type '&1' |
412 | No active transfer structure exists in source system &1 for DataSource &2 |
413 | Asynchronous transmission of info IDoc &1 in task &2 (&3 parallel tasks) |
414 | Synchronized transmission of info IDoc &1 (&2 parallel tasks) |
415 | Direct access is not supported for hierarchy DataSource &1 |
416 | Errors occurred when extracting data from DataSource &1 |
420 | Multibyte alignment; cannot initialize converter |
421 | Assigning languages to code pages from target system &1 failed: &2 |
422 | Error during multibyte alignment for language &1 (position &2) |
500 | *** Editing Hierarchies in the DC RHIE for APIs *** |
501 | Assigning the application = MCS and hierarchy class = LEGN |
502 | Functions & and & for general hierarchies in logistics must be provided |
503 | Function & does not exist in the table TFDIR |
504 | No general hierarchy in the table MCSHIERK |
505 | No basic characteristic for data element & and domain & |
700 | *----------------- Messages for Utilities ----------------------------* |
701 | Error occurred when importing data from RFC container, RC = &1 |
702 | Converter not found for exchange format |
703 | Conversion of exchange format for target release &1 had errors |
704 | Conversion of exchange format for target release &1 not possible |
705 | Error in DataSource &1. Execute program &2 for more details. |
800 | *** Messages XPRA SAP BW 1.0 -> 1.2. delete from 1.2 *** |
801 | No Business Information Warehouse System connected -> No deletion |
802 | Removing objects for source system & and BW & |