R7I - InfoProvider

The following messages are stored in message class R7I: InfoProvider.
It is part of development package RSD in software component BW-WHM-MTD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BW: Data Basis InfoObjects and Core Services".
Message Nr
Message Text
001& & & &
004Transaction RSDIPROV not supported for ADSO &1
005Transaction RSDIPROV not supported for HCPR &1. Use Modeling Tools.
009TransientProviders are not supported
010Caution; the saved versions of InfoProvider &1 will be compared
011Version &2 of InfoProvider &1 does not exist
012Error while writing the DataState variables to InfoProvider &1
013InfoProvider properties for &1 have been saved
014Error whilesaving InfoProvider properties for &1
015The name &1 is already being used for an InfoProvider
016InfoProvider &1 already exists. Choose a different name.
017InfoProvider &1 was delivered by SAP ('D' version)
018InfoProvider &1 is set to "inactive" upon activation
019Object does not exist in versions 'A' or 'D'
020Object &1 saved
021Object &1 activated
022All MultiProviders activated
023Make a valid selection
024Unable to activate all MultiProviders
025All MultiProviders deleted
026Unable to delete all MultiProviders
027Object &1 could not be saved
028Object &1 could not be activated
030No authorization for the InfoProvider &1
031Object &1 has been reset to active version
032Object &1 could not be reset to active version
035Select a valid row (version)
036All HybridProviders activated
037All HybridProviders deleted
038Could not activate all HybridProviders
039Could not delete all HybridProviders
040&1 is not a valid type of adjoint InfoProvider
041Transferred name &1 not a name of an adjoint InfoProvider
042Cascading of adjunction is not permitted
043HybridProvider data is deleted from the InfoCube and DataStore
044HybridProvider &1 is saved
048All CompositeProviders activated
049Unable to activate all CompositeProviders
050No messages available (action &1)
051MultiCubes can be maintained using MultiProvider transaction from Rel 3.0
052Object &1 is HybridProvider; call HybridProvider maintenance
053InfoCube/DataStore &1 belongs to HybridProv.; use HybridProv. maintenance
054HybridProvider cannot be "based on an ex. DataStore"
055Object &1 belongs to logically partitioned provider &2. Display only
056InfoProvider &1 belongs to log. part. object &2. No transport connection
060InfoProvider &1 has no adjoint provider of type &2
061Objects of type &1 never have adjoint providers of type &2
062Type &1 of adjoint provider is not allowed here
063Unable to delete all CompositeProviders
064All CompositeProviders deleted
065Check CompositeProvider '&1'
069BI application &1 does not exist
070Class &1 does not support interface &2
071Interface &1 needed for delta cache is not in the system
072&1 is not a delta cache provider; change the entry
073Interface &1 needed for delta pairs is not in the system
074Only enter DeltaProvider with delta pair class
075Assignment of DeltaProviders to involved InfoProviders
076Program ID &2 used for InfoProvider &1
077Error while deleting the generated program for InfoCube &1
078Generated program for InfoCube &1 deleted
079InfoCube type &1 is not supported for DDIC generation
080Cannot make settings for aggregation levels
081Class &1 does not support interface &2 or interface &3
082Check compounding consistency
083MasterProvider for InfoProvider &1 not found
084"Derive Sel. Conditions from Attribute" flag reset
085Real-time InfoCube: "Quality Status to OK Automatically" should be = 'X'
086Actualdata = '7' is only needed for MultiProviders; changed to &1
087Virtual provider &1 cannot be used for a HybridProvider
100MultiProvider &1 does not exist
101Version &2 of MultiProvider &1 does not exist
102MultiProvider &1 could not be written to a request
103MultiProvider &1 reset to the active version
104Error while saving the active version of MultiProvider &1
105MultiProvider &1 saved in the (SAP) delivery version
106Error while reading the (SAP) delivery version of MultiProvider &1
107MultiProvider &1 is locked by the "Change and Transport Organizer"
108MultiProvider &1 not locked
109Error while writing from MultiProvider &1 to the database (table &2)
110Error while saving MultiProvider &1
111MultiProvider &1 saved
112Check of MultiProvider &1:
113MultiProvider &1 is consistent
114Inconsistencies detected while checking InfoProvider &1
115Error while activating MultiProvider &1
116MultiProvider &1 activated
117MultiProvider &1 reset to the active version
118MultiProvider &1 reset to the active version
119Error while resetting MultiProvider &1 to the active version
120Caution: InfoProviders (&1, for example) have been deleted
125OLAP processor can only be checked after saving
126No error messages from OLAP processor
127Error messages from OLAP processor:
128OLAP processor found an error
130InfoObject &1 has been assigned more than once in InfoProvider &2
131Cannot assign InfoObject &1 to InfoObject &2 in InfoProvider &3
132InfoObject &1 not found
133InfoObject &1 from provider &2 required due to compounding InfoObject &3
134Key figure &1: referenced unit &2 does not exist in the MultiProvider
135Compounding consistency for InfoObject &1 not guaranteed
136Assignment of object-specific description
137InfoProvider &1 repaired
138Key fig. &1 from part. prov. &2 assigned more than once (SAP Note 816249)
139Error repairing InfoProvider &1
140Repair field names of navigation attributes
141No active version of InfoObject &1 available
142Enabled navigation attribute support for InfoProvider &2
143Disabled navigation attribute support for InfoProvider &2
144Lower and/or upper limit of partition criteria not correctly defined
150Only selected objects of the same type copied
151Only InfoObjects of the same type copied
152Key figure/data field node copied
153Clipboard is empty
154Do not select free and locked InfoObjects together
155Only select InfoObjects from the same index
160The most granular time char. for non-cumuls. was changed from &1 to &2
161&1 entered as most granular time characteristic but &2 is correct
162InfoCube contains non-cumul. key figures; at least 1 time charac. needed
165InfoProvider &1 is not of type "based on SAP HANA model"
170Key figure &1: unit &2 does not exist in the InfoProvider
200Could not initialize MultiProvider &1
201MultiProvider &1 set to inactive
202Transfer of MultiProvider &1 from Business Content
203Aggregation level &1 was set to inactive
204InfoSet &1 was set to inactive
205Transformation &1 set to inactive
206Data transfer process &1 set to inactive
207Data archiving process &1 set inactive for InfoProvider &2
208Characteristic relationship object &1 set to inactive
209Data slice object &1 set to inactive
215Conversion process starts for incorrect MPRO with SPO partitions
216Update table &1 for record &2; change part cube &3 to &4
217Could not update table &1 for record &2; change part cube &3 to &4
218Could not delete from table &1 for record &2 &3
219Delete from table &1 for record &2 &3
220Conversion process finishes for incorrect MPRO with SPO partitions
221No incorrect MPRO with SPO partitions found
250Append &1 locked by the Change and Transport Organizer
251Insufficient parameterization; cannot perform function
252Append &1 not found; cannot perform function
253Append &1 saved
300Only select InfoObjects from one area (characteristics or key figures)
301Change selection; InfoObjects have been selected WITHOUT dimension
302Maximum of 13 dimensions exceeded; select fewer objects
303Error when renaming dimensions (D&D not executed)
304Do not select hierarchy nodes with InfoObjects
305Do not select hierarchy nodes with dimensions
306Only select one hierarchy node
307Nodes have been renamed (names already exist); modify as required
308Only select objects from ONE InfoProvider
309No hierarchy nodes have been defined
310Tree display has been updated
311No indexes have been defined
312Hierarchy has been switched off in display
313Hierarchy has been switched on in display
314Could not rename dimensions
315Dimensions have been renamed (names in ascending order)
316Only permitted InfoObjects (not contained InfoObjects) transferred
317Only select InfoObjects of the same type
318Check constants in transferred InfoObjects
319Key figure &1 has invalid aggregation in standard DSO
330Assign status numbers in exact ascending order
331Only assign status numbers for selected objects
332Multidimensional clustering for InfoCubes
333Multidimensional clustering for DataStore objects
335Partitioning info will be reset for write-optimized DataStore
340Column view for object &1 deleted
341Could not delete column view for object &1
342Column view for object &1 does not exist
350Error while saving the hierarchy (InfoObjects), table &1
400Error while writing InfoProvider &1 to the database (table &2)
401InfoCube &1 not locked
402Check of InfoCube &1:
403InfoCube &1 is consistent
404Inconsistencies detected while checking InfoCube &1
405Error while activating archiving object for InfoProvider &1
406Error while postprocessing archiving object for InfoProver &1
407Error while preparing archiving object for InfoProvider &1
408Error while deleting the archiving object for InfoProvider &1
409Error while saving archiving object for InfoProvider &1
410Postprocessing for (non-activated) InfoCube &1:
411InfoProvider &1 not locked
412Check of InfoProvider &1:
413InfoProvider &1 is consistent
414Inconsistencies found while checking InfoProvider &1
415Warnings occurred while checking the InfoProvider
417Resetting InfoCube &1 to the active version...
418InfoCube &1 reset to the active version
419Error while resetting InfoCube &1 to the active version
420InfoProvider &1: The active version is different to the modified version
421InfoCube &1 has type "direct update". No update rules.
422InfoCube &1 dimension number range intervals have been reset
427Reset InfoProvider &1 to active version
428InfoProvider &1 reset to active version
429Errors occurred when resetting InfoProvider &1 to active version
430Could not initialize InfoCube &1
431InfoCube &1 reset to inactive
432Copying InfoCube &1 from the Business Content
433Line item flag changed for dimension &1
434Subtype "F" - >InfoCube dimensions are modified
435Subtype "F" -> Line item dimensions not allowed
436Subtype "F" of InfoCube &1 is not allowed
437Audit setting is active, but the auditing dimension is corrupted
438Line item flag reset for dimension &1
451InfoObject catalog &1 has not been locked
452Checking InfoObject catalog &1:
453InfoObject catalog &1 is consistent
454Inconsistencies found during check of InfoObject catalog &1
456Object &1 is consistent
457Resetting InfoObject catalog &1 to active version
458InfoObject catalog &1 was reset to the active version
459Error when resetting InfoObject catalog &1 to active version
500------ Messages for XPRA RSDXPRA30 ------------------------------------
501Type "virtual" entered for RemoteProvider
502Service parameters set for RemoteProvider
503"High cardinality" flag set for line item dimensions
504New flags initialized in table RSMADATASTATE
505Max. depth for time-dependent hierarchies stored in table RSRHIEDIR_OLAP
506New fields initialized in table RSDDAGGRDIR
600InfoObjects removed on basis of switch check
659InfoProvider &1 does not exist
660Dimension &1: Number range object &2 already exists
740No more hierarchy nodes possible
741Hierarchy node &1 contains objects. Cannot delete.
742Hierarchy node &1 already exists. Assign a different name/number.
743Node number &1 cannot be used
744Enter a name for the new node
745Node name &1 not permitted. Only use characters ABC...XYZ_01...89.
746Node name &1 appears twice. Rename the node.
747Operation contains locked InfoObjects
748Operation contains dimensions with locked InfoObjects
749Operation contains hierarchy nodes with locked InfoObjects
750Could not initialize InfoProvider &1
751InfoProvider &1 already exists but it does not have type &2
752Column view of dependent object &1 type &2 of generated in background
753For details, see appl. log(SLG1) obj:RSD, subobj:SAVE, extn:TASK_COLUMN*
839InfoCube contains key figure &1 with the invalid aggregation &2
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