RCPSRC1 - RMS-RCP: Recipe Search

The following messages are stored in message class RCPSRC1: RMS-RCP: Recipe Search.
It is part of development package RMSRCPSRC in software component PLM-RM-REC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RMS-RCP: Search Methods".
Message Nr
Message Text
021Internal error
022Enter text and language
023Lower interval limit is greater than upper interval limit
024Lot size range is incorrect
025Stage '&1' does not exist
026Operation '&1' does not exist
027Action &1 does not exist
028No countries have been assigned to the validity area
029Enter a valid class
030Upper limit is less than lower limit
031Quantity is less than the lower limit
032Quantity is greater than the upper limit
033Specify a unit of measure
034Enter a material number
035The substance you entered does not exist
036Specify a valid process parameter class
037Correct the errors; see application log
038Specify a valid process parameter value assignment type
039Specification type &1 is not active
040Process &1 does not exist
050User exit module &1 &2 &3 does not exist in EH&S Customizing
051No formula found
052& formulas were loaded in the navigation tree
053Workbench object category &1 could not be created
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