The following messages are stored in message class RDB_REC: .
It is part of development package CFM_RDB in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-AN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RDB: Results Database".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No key date was specified when calling up single records interface
001No application was specified when calling up single records interface
002No evaluation procedure was specified when calling up the SR interface
003No single record header data; unable to create single records
004Error while creating a number range interval for single records
005Error during number assignment for single records
006Call single records interface: Update run
007Call single records interface: Test run
008Unable to find table names (results database) for application &
009Error while updating single record headers (table &)
010Error while updating single record items (table &)
011Error while updating single record items (key figure category &)
012Unable to update block of single records
013External reference: &
014& single records updated successfully
015Data is not saved to the database (test run)
016No items transferred for single record: &
017& single records were updated (with warnings)
018Unable to find table names (results database) for key figure category &
019No table name (single records) has been entered for key figure cat. &
020Invalid program type during generation call
021Template program for generation not found (&)
022Error during program generation: &
023Reverse single records
024Error while reading key figures for evaluation procedure &
025No key figures exist, or error while reading key figure information
026Error while reversing single records (table &)
027& single records have been reversed
028No single records to be reversed exist
029Requested key figures belong to different non-generic categories
030No database view (single records) has been entered for key fig. cat. &
031Here, you can only determine key figure values for generic key figures
032Unable to find table name for single record headers for application &
033Unable to find table name for single record items for application &
034Unable to find table name for SR positions in currency for application &
035Requested key figures do not belong to the correct category
036Error while reading single records from the archive
037No view name (single records) has been entered for key figure cat. &
038Technical information missing for key figure category &
039No single record header data found (table &, single rec. &, date &)
100*-- Checks, Authorization Checks, Etc. --------------------------------*
101Deletion of single records in the productive client not permitted
102You do not have authorization to delete single records
201No key figures found (single record &, single records proc. &)
202No single records found (external reference &, key date &)
203No single records found for this portfolio hierarchy node
204No single records found for this PH node and key figure &
301No data found for key figure &1 on date &2 in single record &3
302Key figure & is not a single record key figure
800*--- Messages for Archiving ---------------------------------------------
801No evaluation procedures to be archived exist
802Single records procedure &1 archived on &2
803No archivable records exist for single records procedure &1 on &2
804No archivable reversed records exist for single rec. procedure &1 on &2
899Internal error
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