RDPT - Messages for Redemption Schedules for Securities Class Data

The following messages are stored in message class RDPT: Messages for Redemption Schedules for Securities Class Data.
It is part of development package FTBAS in software component FIN-FSCM-TRM-TM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Redemption Schedules".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Internal program error in &1 &2
002Data was not changed
003Data was not saved (internal error); repeat activity
004Set &1 for class &2 is blocked by user &3 - data cannot be saved
005The changes made to redemption schedule set & were not saved
006Error when saving to the database
007Process cancelled
008RS in set &1 in ID no.&2 with 'Eff.from' date equal to &3 does not exist
009Unable to delete RS set & in database; database error
010Redemption schedule set &1 deleted successfully
011Redemption schedule saved successfully
012List contains no data
013Unable to delete: redemption schedule &1 blocked by user &2
014Unable to delete due to internal error
015Unable to save redemption schedule; data blocked by user &1
016Unable to save redemption schedule due to internal error
017Redemption schedule &1 saved successfully
018Unable to delete redemption schedule &1 from database - database error
019Redemption schedule & deleted successfully
020Unable to save changes to redemption schedule &
021Unable to copy redemption schedule
022Unable to copy redemption schedule set
023Unable to copy set &1; redemption schedule &2 blocked by user &3
024Unable to copy set &1 (internal error)
025Unable to change: user &1 is blocking the data
026Unable to delete: user &1 is blocking the data
027Unable to display: user &1 is blocking the data
028Unable to copy set &1; set blocked by user &2
029Redemption schedule for class &1 is locked by user &2
030No redemption schedules were selected
031A redemption schedule set with the name &1 already exists for this class
033'Eff. from' date &1 not possible, since already effect. in red. sched. &2
035Not all redemption schedules are displayed, set &1 blocked by &2
037First redemption schedule reached
038Last redemption schedule reached
039Maximum number of redemption schedules that can be compared is &1
040Unable to display redemption schedule, since it does not exist
041Set &1 has no red.schedules with 'Eff.from' date earlier than/same as &2
042No redemption schedule sets were selected
043&1 redemption schedule sets saved successfully to the database
044Product type &1 is incorrectly defined; check the Customizing settings
045Name of set or ID number not filled
046Selected set &1 was not created for class &2
047Condition type &1 is incorrectly defined; check the Customizing settings
048Unable to find redemption on key date &1
049Key date &1 lies before publication date &2
050Redemption schedule set &1 is not available for ID number &2
051No key was entered (RS set, ID number, or other)
052Unable to display RS set, since it does not exist
053Unable to create RS set since it is blocked by user &1
054System key for RS set &1 cannot be created in ID number &2
055Unable to find redemptions for redemption schedule
056'Effective from' date is not defined
057No condition defined for the redemption in condition group &1
058'Effective from' date &1 is invalid
059No redemption schedule found for ID number &1
060The 'First redemption' date is missing in RS set &1 for ID number &2
061The 'Last redemption' date is missing in RS set &1 for ID number &2
062The redemption frequency entry is missing in RS set &1 for ID number &2
063The shift frequency entry is missing in RS set &1 for ID number &2
064Name of the RS set is missing for ID number &1
065Redemption schedule set &1 already exists for ID number &2
066Number of RS sets &1 for ID number &2 is inconsistent
067Redemption schedule set &1 for ID no. &2 is not defined in Customizing
068Object is blocked by user &1
069Unable to find redemption schedule for class &1 in file &2
070Enter selection criteria
071An error occurred reading file &1
072An error occurred reading file &1
073Redemption schedule was added successfully to file &
074Redemption schedules were added succcessfully to file &
075Unable to find file name; enter a file name
076Unable to display RS set &1; RS set &2 is currently being displayed
077Unable to display redemption schedule sets for ID number &1
078Error when reading database view &1 with ID number &2
079Error when reading database table &1 with corporate action number &2
081Redemption date &1 in RS effect. from &2, set &3, ID no.&4 does not exist
082No redemption schedule data exists for ID number &
083There is no data to display for redemption schedules
084General redemption schedule data already exists for this ID number
085You must enter the input type
100Price index &1 is not defined
101No values are defined for the price index &1
102Flow type &1 is not relevant for the price index &2
103Unable to find values for price index &1 on date &2
104Unable to find values for price index &1 before or on date &2
105Unable to find values for price index &1 after date &2
106ID number &1 is not an index-linked bond
110************** Messages for drawings (exercise rights)
111New drawing date &1 created
112Program terminated while creating drawable bond
113Drawing date &2 already exists
114Save the data first
120************** Messages for drawing factors *****************************
123Header data of drawing factors already created for ID number &1
124Calculation base &1 for drawing factors is incorrect for ID number &2
125Publication date for drawing factors is missing for ID number &1
126Multiple assignments of publicat.date &1 for drawing factor for ID no. &2
127Unable to find header data of drawing factors for ID number &1
128Publication date &1 for drawing factor for ID number &2 is invalid
150************** Messages for ABS/MBS
151No RS exists with valid-from date less than or equal to &2
152Date of first repayment must be after issue date (&1)
153Date of last repayment must be after date of first repayment
154Calculated factor is invalid
155Only enter positive values
156Values were adjusted according to the changes of original nominal amount
157There is no redemption schedule between &1 and &2
158No repayments were created
159Effective date is before the issue date &1
160Start date has to be before the first redemption date
200Valid-from date must be unique
201Series of factors must be strictly monotonic decreasing
202A redemption schedule already exists for this valid-from date
203Value of factor must be greater than/equal to 0 and not greater than 1
204Error when fixing redemption schedule
205Value of the last factor must be 0
206No factor exists for the specified date
207Redemption schedule of ID number &1 is blocked by user &2
208Select the lines to be deleted
209Factors were rounded to &1 decimal places
210Enter a calendar
211A fixed factor cannot be deleted
212First create a redemption schedule
213A frequency must be defined to generate installments
214To use a frequency, it must be complete
215Repayments cannot be made before &1
216No valid entry in schedule between first and last redemption
217There are unpublished redemptions before published redemptions
218There are unfixed redemptions before fixed redemptions
220There is an additional redemption schedule between &1 and &2 (&3)
221You cannot combine calculation date &1 and position value date &2
222Business transaction is between &1 and &2 (data: repayment for ID no. &3)
223Generation not possible since no interest condition is defined
225Retrospective adjustment of last redemption on &1 not possible
227There are unpublished redemptions on (or before) &1 for security &2
228Unfixed redemption after &1 is before schedule "Effective From" date &2
229Redemptions with the same payment date exist.
300There is a fixed redemption schedule according to &1
301You can only fill current face in redemption schedule
302Only the factor can be filled in the redemption schedule
303A validity date must be maintained for every repayment
304Factor/nominal amount of last repayment must be 0
305Date of the repayment must be after the issue date
306Current nominal amount must be less than original nominal amount
307Date of the first repayment is not equal to entry in redemption schedule
308Date of the last repayment is not equal to entry in redemption schedule
309Fixed repayments cannot be changed
310You cannot insert a repayment before a fixed repayment
311A redemption schedule already exists for the validity date
312You cannot make changes in a fixed redemption schedule
313Validity date of the redemption schedule must be after the issue date
314Reverse the following transactions:
315Transaction: &1 ( &2 ) in company code &3 to &4
316Select a row
317Value of the first factor must be 1
318Fixed redemption after &1 exists
319Invalid validity date; &1 is proposed for the redemption schedule
320Unfixed redemption schedule exists; you cannot modify the redempt. sched.
321Please enter the redemption first
322You cannot insert a new fixed redemption
323You cannot insert a new redemption before a fixed redemption
400************** Messages for Extension ABS/MBS
401Enter a product type from product category &1
406Age value does not equal Original - Current WAM value
407Current value differs from a last published/fixed value
408PSA value not defined / does not correspond to selected factor interval
409CPR value not defined / does not correspond to selected factor interval
410Factor interval not defined in the set data
411NET value not defined in the set data
412WAC value not defined in the set data
413WAM value not defined in the set data
414Age value is zero in the schedule data
415No. of redemptions lower than WAM value; check schedule WAM
416WAM value higher than WAM original; check schedule WAM
417For product type &1, enhanced ABS/MBS functions are not activated
418Entry type &1 is invalid
419Factor on &1 is published, update is not allowed
420ID number &1 updated
421Missing values for set, schedule, redemption, or conditions
422Error when calculating a CPR/PSA factor
423Frequency period changed to "Monthly" (due to CPR/PSA calculation method)
424You can fill only one field: "Factor","Current Face" or "Rep.Nominal Amt"
425Missing value for required field &1
426For the schedule, you can update only fields with entry type &1
427"Current Notional Value" field has to be filled with currency &1
428For calcualtion method &1, frequency period "Monthly" must be used
429Nominal currency has to be &1
430You can fill only repayment amount in redemption schedule
431Value of the factor must be greater than or equal to 0
432Interest condition &1 with "Effective From" date &2 already exists
433Interest condition &1 with "Effective From" date &2 does not exist
434Interest condition &1 with "Effective From" date &2 is locked
435Redemption with "Effective From" date &1 created
436Redemption with "Effective From" date &1 changed
437Redemption with "Effective From" date &1 deleted
438Interest condition &1 with "Effective From" date &2 created
439Interest condition &1 with "Effective From" date &2 changed
440Interest condition &1 with "Effective From" date &2 deleted
441Redemptions successfully generated
442Redemption schedule with "Effective From" date &1 created
443ID number &1 does not have product category 042
444Redemption with "Effective From" date &1 already exists
445Retrospective factor adjustment is not permitted for ID number &1
446Parameter RETROADJUSTMENT is not filled; adjustment is not permitted
447TEST RUN: Data for ID number &1 was not updated
448As condition, you can enter either "FREQUENCY_MONTH" or "FREQUENCY_DAY"
449Formula &1 variable &2: Variable doesn't exist
450Formula &1: Duplicate variables
451Formula &1: Missing variable name
452Formula &1 variable &2: Fill either Percentage rate or Ref.int.rate
453Formula &1 variable &2: Fluctuation margin not permitted for Ref.int.rate
454Formula &1 variable &2: Reference interest rate not permitted
455Formula &1 variable &2: Min.perc.rate &3 is higher than Max.perc.rate &4
456Formula &1 variable &2: Negative value &3 not permitted
457Formula &1: Fill at least one Percentage rate for variables
460Net Interest Original >= 1000
461New conditions can only be added via the redemption schedule
501BAPI processing was terminated
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