RDSV_FICA_XX - Regulatory Document and Signature Validation in FI-CA

The following messages are stored in message class RDSV_FICA_XX: Regulatory Document and Signature Validation in FI-CA.
It is part of development package FKK_ID_XX_RDSV in software component FI-LOC-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "FI-CA Regulatory Document and Signature Validation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** 000-099 Customizing Digital Signature FI-CA ***
017ODN int. number &1 exists and must not represent a gap; check and correct
041Prerequisite ODN internal number &1 &2 exists but was maintained as gap
200*** 200-399 Digital Signature Data processing in FI-CA ***
201Currently no documents exist for digital signature in number range &1
202Number range number &1 already used for company code &2
204Number range number &1 cannot be locked
206Digital signature was generated for ODN &1 &2
212Previous document of ODN &1 &2 not found in DFKKEXTDOC2; gap may exist
221ODN &1 &2 not yet signed; subsequent document cannot be signed
226Missing authorization for company code &1 of number range number &2
261Gap Reason is missing; this is mandatory data
268To fiscal year is missing; this is mandatory data
270Ctry./Reg. of company code differs for posting in number range &1
271Legal document category differs for posting in number range &1
272Enter valid document numbers as number gap; doc. &1 is not =< doc. &2
273Gap must not be deleted; digital signatures based on this gap exist
275Number Range Number must be maintained in View V_TFK_ODNNR_DET
277Update termination: Table &1, Code &2
600*** 600-699 reserved for master data changes
700*** 700-749 Reserved for Despacho Activation/Deactivation (FI-CA) ***
701Digital signature cannot be created (internal error)
710Invalid access to number range &1: Internal code &2 inconsistent
711Invalid access to number range &1: Co.Code &2 in series &3 inconsistent
731Digital signature is not active for interval &1
800*** 800-849 Reserved for Documents Validation and Checks (FI-CA) ***
802Reference document is missing for document &1
803Posting date &1 is earlier than in original invoice &2
804Document currency &1 differs from original invoice &2
805Total value is greater than in original invoice
807Positive total amount is not allowed
808Negative total amount is not allowed
809Canceled or cancellation invoice &1 cannot be used as reference document
810Correction for Document is missing for document &1
818Reference document &1 must be digitally signed
822Invoice with Credit Memo cannot be cancelled
841A document with a higher ODN internal number is already posted
842ODN internal number &1 &2 is already used in posting document &3
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