REBDBE - Wirtschaftseinheit

The following messages are stored in message class REBDBE: Wirtschaftseinheit.
It is part of development package RE_BD_BE in software component RE-FX-BD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: Business Entity (Master Data)".
Message Nr
Message Text
005You have not made an entry in required field 'Company code'
009&1 must not be changed
010There are still assigned properties (number: &1)
011There are still assigned buildings (number: &1)
012There are still assigned rental objects (number: &1)
013Assigned properties still exist without deletion flag (no.: &1)
014Assigned buildings still exist without deletion flag (no.: &1)
015Assigned rental objects still exist without deletion flag (no.: &1)
016Business entity &1 is not in the allowed range from &2 to &3
017Location &1 (&2) is obsolete
018Regional location &1 (&2) is obsolete
019District location &1 (&2) is obsolete
020Transport connection &1 (&2) is obsolete
021Maintenance area &1 (&2) is obsolete
022Assigned land without deletion indicator still exists (number: &1)
023Assigned buildings without deletion indicator still exist (number: &1)
024Assigned rental obj. without deletion indicator still exist (number: &1)
026Business entity was not entered
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