REBFCR - Generierer
The following messages are stored in message class REBFCR: Generierer.
It is part of development package RE_BF_CR in software component RE-FX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: Class Registry".
It is part of development package RE_BF_CR in software component RE-FX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: Class Registry".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | *** Generation of Customizing Classes *** |
001 | There are no objects to be generated |
002 | Template &1 contains unresolvable symbols |
021 | Selection list is empty |
022 | Class reg.: The 'Class name' field is a required entry field |
023 | Class reg. &1: 'Generation type' field is a required entry field |
024 | Class reg. &1: 'Business object' field is a required entry field |
025 | Class reg. &1: 'Short description' field is a required entry field |
026 | Class reg. &1: 'Package' field is a required entry field |
027 | Class rule &1: 'Prefix' field is a required entry field |
028 | Class rule &1: 'Person Resp. for Business Object' is required entry field |
029 | Class rule &1: 'Object Name (Source Object)' is a required entry field |
030 | Class rule &1: 'Template for Generation' is a required entry field |
031 | Class rule &1: Source object &2 does not exist |
032 | Class rule &1: Text table &2 is not available |
033 | Class reg. &1: Table &2 is not a DDIC text table for &3 |
034 | Class rule &1: No specification of standard text field in text table &2 |
035 | Class reg. &1: Text field &2 does not exist in table &3 |
036 | Class reg. &1: Package &2 does not exist |
037 | Class rule &1: Prefix &2 and object &3 do not agree with class names |
038 | Class reg. &1: Template class &2 does not exist |
039 | For source object &1 &2, &3 classes allowed |
040 | Class reg. &1: Text table &2 contains no non-key fields |
041 | Class reg. &1: Text table &2 does not contain the required field SPRAS |
042 | Options: 'template' and 'component' fields are required for enhancement |
043 | Options: Template &1 does not exist |
044 | Options: Component &1 does not exist in template &2 |
045 | Options: Template &1 not intended for this generation type |
046 | Class reg. &1: Field &2 does not exist in table &3 |
047 | Class reg. &1: There is no database index in table &3 for field &2 |
048 | Class reg. &1: Do not enter field MANDT for alternative key |
049 | Class reg. &1: Authorization object &2 does not exist |
050 | Class reg. &1: Lock object &2 does not exist |
051 | Generated objects meet template specifications completely. |
052 | No objects have been generated yet |
055 | Options: Choose exactly one mode to change existing objects |
056 | Class reg. &1: the 'Standard text field' field is a required entry field |
057 | Class rule &1: INTRENO is mandatory for a generic search using IMKEY |
058 | Class reg. &1: Manually check index use for &2 in &3 |
059 | Class reg. &1: Guid &2 is not the primary key field in table &3 |
060 | Class reg. &1: Guid &2 is not of data type RAW16 in table &3 |
081 | Creating &1 &2 |
082 | &1 &2 is extended |
083 | &1 &2 modified |
084 | &1 &2 will be overwritten |
085 | &1 &2 was created and activated successfully |
086 | &1 &2 was successfully enhanced and activated |
087 | &1 &2 was modified and activated successfully |
088 | &1 &2 was overwritten and activated successfully |
089 | &1 &2 was created with error(s) |
090 | &1 &2 was enhanced with error(s) |
091 | &1 &2 was modified with error(s) |
092 | &1 &2 was overwritten with error(s) |
093 | &1 &2 could not be created |
094 | &1 &2 could not be enhanced |
095 | &1 &2 could not be modified |
096 | &1 &2 could not be overwritten |
102 | Table/view &1 does not exist, or contains no fields |
103 | First specify a table or a view in the 'Object name' field |