RECN - Nachrichten - Vertrag

The following messages are stored in message class RECN: Nachrichten - Vertrag.
It is part of development package RE_CN_CN in software component RE-FX-CN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: Contract".
Message Nr
Message Text
003No entry in required entry field 'contract conclusion'
004You have not made an entry in required field 'Company code'
005Contract number &1 not in allowed range from &2 to &3
006You are not authorized to activate a contract
007Contract was activated
008You did not specify the activation date
009Activation failed
010Contract was deactivated
011Deactivation failed
012There are still subcontracts (number: &1) &2
013The process was successfully completed
014The process could not be carried out
015The current status does not allow any changes
016Status was changed
017Activation not possible due to existing error
018Contract &1/&2 is not active
020Main contract &1/&2 does not exist
021Enter the contract number
022External number assignment is not allowed when copying
023Company code is required in order to search for partners or objects
024Enter an object
025Enter a partner number
026Deactivation is not possible due to existing postings
027Activation is not possible due to warnings (&1)
028The deletion flag is still not set on some subcontracts (number: &1)
029Generation of the contract number failed
031Required entry field for contract currency is not completed
032&1 must not be changed
033Activation entry for contract &1/&2 already exists
034Activation entry for contract &1/&2 generated
035Error in activation entry for contract &1/&2: &3
036Object type is ignored during assignment (see IMG documentation)
037&1 activation entries created
038&1 update entries created
039Term of contract not yet elapsed, deletion flag not allowed
040To create a contract partner, delete the existing entry
041Company code &1 is not allowed for assessment contracts
042The contract type is only allowed in condominium owner company code
043&1: usage type &2 is not allowed for contract type &3
044Assessment contract &1 for &2 does not contain a partner with role &3
045Assessment contract &1 for &2 contains different partner &3 (&4)
046Changing partner with role &1 is not allowed in active contracts
047&1 is not assigned to a condominium management contract
048Owner definition is not unique
049Contract is not allowed to contain objects of different company codes
050Contract start date not entered
051Contract start date has to be after first end date of previous contract
052Not possible to automatically create next contract for contract &1
053Contract start date must be before first contract end date
054Enter first contract end date of previous contract
055Ending previous contract &1 on &2 causes errors
056Default value was entered for first end date of previous contract (check)
057First contract end date of previous contract is before its start date
058Default value was entered for contract start date (check)
059No previous contract was found
060Choose "Give Notice" or "Cancel"
061Activation cancelled due to missing approval
062Approval is requested after you save
063Changes not possible since contract is in approval process
064No owner assigned from parcel &1
065Accrual runs for contract not complete; deletion flag not allowed
066Contract still has open items; deletion flag not allowed
067Contract type &1 is obsolete
068Contract used in structure element; deletion flag not allowed
069&1: contract object type &2 is not permitted for contract type &3
700There are no configured screen sequences
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