REEXFI - Nachrichten f�r Schnittstelle zum FI

The following messages are stored in message class REEXFI: Nachrichten f�r Schnittstelle zum FI.
It is part of development package RE_EX_FI in software component RE-FX-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: Financials".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Sales tax code not found for company code &1 &2 &3 &4
001Account assignment not possible until object &1 is released
002Rental object &1 is not used in contract &2 on reference date &3
003Account assignment to account &1 not possible for object type &2
004Acct assignment to acct &1 only possible for settlement units with SCK &2
005Acct assignment to account &1 only possible for directly assignable ROs
006Acct asgnmt to acct &1 only poss. for directly assignable ROs w/contract
007Acct assignment to acct &1 only possible when settlmt ref. date entered
008No RE tax assignment found for TSP code &2 in CoCd &1 on &3
009Clearing line item &1 not found in document &2 &3 &4
010Document &1 (&2 &3 &4) was posted
011Error when filling posting function module
012Not possible to post document with more than &1 line items
013Calculation procedure &1 for company code &2 not found
014FI tax type is not unique for the assigned tax code
015System could not determine FI document number
016Tax calculation cannot be performed because values too large
017Partner &1 is irrelevant for financial accounting
018Line item with condition type &1 flow type &2 transferred w/o account
019FI document &2 &3 &4 was not yet archived (RE document: &1)
020Error occurred in customer exit (BAdI) for FI postings
021Own logical system is not defined in current client &1
022Calculation not supported for multilevel tax code &1/&2
030Payment condition &1 not supported in Real Estate environment
031Document with sender key &1 &2 already exists
032Error while reversing document &1 (&2 &3 &4)
050With individual condominium management do not post across company codes
051With indiv. condominium mgmt, must be able to determine unique profit ctr
052Not possible to determine unique house bank details for contract &1/&2
053With indiv. condominium mgmt, account assignment only to RO or contract
054Not possible to derive owner from account assignment/bank details
055House bank &1/&2 does not yet exist for contract &3/&4
056Profit center &1 from line item does not match leading profit center &2
070Error from Bank Account Management: &1
071Error while creating house bank account &1 &2 &3 (Bank Account Mgmt)
072Data for house bank account can only be changed in Bank Account Mgmt
101CoCd &1 doc. &2 line &3 - lock removed, payment method defined in RE
102CoCd &1 doc. &2 line &3 pmnt method &4 not defined in RE, is not dunned
103CoCd &1 doc. &2 line &3 lease-out &4 not found for determ. dunning block
104CoCd &1 doc. &2 line &3 lease-out &4 - posting data not determined
105CoCd &1 doc. &2 line &3 lease-out &4
106CoCd &1 doc. &2 line &3 lease-out &4 locked - dunning block in contract
107CoCd &1 doc. &2 line &3 block removed as pmnt method of open itm is space
108Document header not found for posting: &1 &2 &3
109Table TIVEXFIDUNNBP: No partner role def.for dunning: dun.level &1 amt &2
110Document &1, assigned directly to contract &2, is used for &3
111Error when determining dunning data to be printed: &1
112Error in dunning print: CoCd &1 cust./vendor &2 contract &3 partner &4
113Error during dunning notice printout: Form type &1 (&2) not supported
114Error during dun.not.printout: Form &1 (form type &2 - &3) does not exist
150No master tenant with customer account found for contract
151You did not choose a partner with a customer account
152Contract &1 does not exist in company code &2
153Customer &1 is not suitable for contract &2
154Vendor &1 is not suitable for contract &2
160Customer &1 does not have bank details of type &2
161Vendor &1 does not have bank details of type &2
200Credit balance not possible for total of open items &1
201Open items for clearing have different sales tax code
202Amounts must be greater than zero
203Basis for creating installments cannot be zero
204Basis for creating installments has to be greater than installment
205Maximum installment only if end date is open and installment no. 0
206The first installment plus one month is before the last installment
207Either installment number or date of "last execution"
208No open items were transferred for clearing
209Only debit items are allowed to be transferred for clearing
210Clearing allowed only for the items of one company code
211Document item &1 &2 is already cleared
212The selected items have different reference flow types
213Account assignment is missing for flow type &1
214Line item &1 &2 does not have a flow type; posting not possible
215No reference flow type is defined for &2 for flow type &1
216Document &1 &2 &3 not found
217Check - document date is in the future
218Document date and posting date are in different fiscal years
219Items for transfer have different tax on sales/purchases code
220Items for transfer have different debit/credit indicators
221Cost collector is already settled
222Cost collector is closed to posting
223No items found in the specified period
224Enter positive amounts
225Transfer posting amount is greater than total of items in transfer list
226Check the line item data
227Document items are deleted from transfer list when new selection made
228Select the items for transfer
229Total of items in transfer list is greater than transfer amount
230Items for transfer are posted to different G/L accounts
231There is a payment proposal for document item &1 &2
232Items in payment proposal cannot be cleared
233Items are contained in invoice (&1, &2, &3)
234Selected items have different values in field &1
235Special G/L and normal items should not be mixed for intallment payments
236Line item &1 &2 contains withholding tax: clearing not possible
237&1 not possible for items without contract reference
238Open items for clearing have different exchange rates
239Open items for clearing have different currencies
240Change tax category of account &1 or set 'Post w/o Tax' indicator
241Zero tax indicator for output tax is not maintained in Customizing
242Zero tax indicator for input tax is not maintained in Customizing
243Cannot generate tax statement item for tax code &1
244Assign FI tax code to tax type &1 and tax group &2 on &3
245No clearing since special G/L indicator &1 means not payable
246Tax amount is not correct in item with special G/L transaction &1
247Only 950 installments are allowed to be generated
248Items for transfer have different date of service/posting date
250Original transaction &1 not found in table &2
251Reversal not possible if input tax distribution already exists
252Account determination for order &1 &2 with no. &3 does not exist
253Not allowed to transfer to tax account &1
254Items with tax code &1 are not distributed in company code &2
255Tables T683S and T007B have inconsistencies in the account key
256Tax code (&1,&2) not assigned to tax type on &3
257Lines with currency &1 are not distributed in company code &2
260No G/L account found to which SC key &1 is assigned
261No tax code for input tax distribution is assigned to &1 &2
262&1 is not a valid tax code for input tax distribution
263Different tax rates - &1 cannot be replaced by &2
264Document contains a balance of &1 &2
270Master record does not exist for vendor &1
271Master record does not exist for vendor &1 in company code &2
272Master record does not exist for customer &1
273Master record does not exist for customer &1 in company code &2
274Vendor reconcilation account &1 does not exist in company code &2
275Customer reconcilation account &1 does not exist in company code &2
280Account &1 is neither a G/L account nor a cost element
281Real reversal in RE-FX not possible due to input tax data update
282Clearing: Line item & in document & & & already cleared.
283Clearing: Line &1 in document &1 &2 &3 cannot be cleared
284Clear: Document & & & cannot be cleared due to bill of exchange &
291No customers found for selected lease-outs
292Only customer contracts are supported
293You cannot enter any data in field &1
300Entries for FI summarization (&1) for ref. trans. 'REACI' not allowed
310Entering bank details is mandatory for payment method &1
311SEPA mandate &1 does not exist for partner &2
312SEPA mandate &1 cannot be used with bank details &2
313Assignment of SEPA mandate &1 to contract is valid for a limited time
314Current version of SEPA mandate &1 is &2
315SEPA mandate &1 cannot be used with contract category &2
316SEPA mandate &1 with status &2 can no longer be used
317SEPA mandate &1 has status &2
318SEPA mandate &1 is a one-time mandate
319SEPA mandate can only be specified with a partner
320Creditor identification number for SEPA mandate &1 is not unique
321SEPA mandate &1 is not valid on date &2
322SEPA mandate &1 is assigned to contract &3
323SEPA mandate &1 is assigned company code &2
330Posting date and asset value date are in different fiscal years
331Value date for input tax distribution posting is different
332Reversal not possible when correction basis record exists
341Specify either documents, run ID, or contracts for selection
342Enter a fiscal year
343No changes have been made
344No relevant documents were selected
345No clearing documents were found
346Error while resetting the clearing of document: &1
347Reset clearing document: &1
348Clearing document &1 will be canceled
349Process &1 is not supported
350Document & & & contains cleared items; branch to undo, see long text
351Select the documents for reset of clearing
352Enter the company code
353Specify the contracts
390BK01 bank procedure: select credit memo or returned debit memo
391Select credit memo and/or returned debit memo
392A maximum of 3 data records can be generated
400Error when reading data for mandate &1
401Entered mandate &1 is not a COA mandate
402No house bank accounts were found for mandate &1
403No documents found
404Mandate &1 is not active; there is no mandate company code
405Company code &1 is not a mandate company code
406No rental objects were found for mandate &1
408Error when reading documents for mandate &1
409Error when determining ownership shares for mandate &1
410No assessment contracts found for mandate &1
411Total of the ownership shares of mandate &1 is zero
412No data found for reserve fund statement of mandate &1
413Open item account not found for partner &1
420Posting can be made to G/L account &1 only automatically
450No acct valuation in chart of accounts &1 is assigned to acct symbol &2
451&1 is different in contract and valuation object (&2/&3)
452Document types do not match with regard to trading partner
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