REEXPM - Nachrichtentexte f�r Schnittstelle zum PM

The following messages are stored in message class REEXPM: Nachrichtentexte f�r Schnittstelle zum PM.
It is part of development package RE_EX_PM in software component RE-FX-BD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: Plant Maintenance".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No characteristic found: &1
002Starting meter reading missing for &1 meter &2 period &3
003Starting or ending reading missing for &1 meter &2 period &3
004Ending reading missing for &1 meter &2 period &3
005No meter defined for &1
006Negative consumption for &1 characteristic &2
007Creating orders is not supported
008Order &1 does not exist or is the wrong type
009Equipment &1 does not exist or is the wrong type
010Functional location &1 does not exist or is the wrong type
011Cost center &1/&2 does not exist on &3
012Cost center &1/&2 does not exist
013Creating WBS elements is not supported
014Creating cost centers is not supported
015WBS element &1 does not exist
016Error when reading measurement documents for &1 meter &2 period &3
017No meter defined for &1 and characteristic &2
018Characteristic was not entered
019Meter could not be uniquely determined for &1
020Meter entered for &1 could not be found
021No meter defined for &1 and measurement type &2
022No meter found for &1 and measurement type &2 and period &3
023No meter created with consumption remainder indicator for &1
024There is more than one meter for &1 with consumption remainder indicator
025Consumption remainder for &1 is negative (total comsumption &2;sum &3)
026Order &1 (&2) does not exist
027Order is assigned to RE more than once - processing not possible in order
028Meters are not allowed on rental spaces
029Internal error when creating meter in PM
030Characteristic &1 that was entered does not exist
031Measurement type for distribution was not entered
032Measurement type for distribution is not needed
033Meters are not allowed on cost object SUs
034RS &1 does not belong to PS &2 - assignemnt not possible
035Meter of pooled space &2 cannot be assigned to rental object &1
036A rental spaces was not yet assigned to meter &1
037Only characteristics with a unit of measurement can be used
038&1: assignment from rental space &2 to meter in period &3 not unique
040No entries exist for selection
041Enter order number
042For pooled space &1 and meter &2: Measurem. ty. &3 for distrib. incorrect
043Equipment &1 does not exist
044Measurement doc. &1 for meas. point &2 has too high a meas. reading at &3
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