REIPBD - Messages for Integration Object

The following messages are stored in message class REIPBD: Messages for Integration Object.
It is part of development package RE_IP_BD in software component RE-FX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: Integration Platform (Master Data)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Enter integration object type
002Integration object type must not be empty
003Unknown integration object type '&1'
004&1 must not be changed
005Integration object category must not be empty
006Unknown integration object category '&1'
007Integration object reference must not be empty
008Unknown integration object reference '&1'
009Parent object type &1 does not match to allowed type &2
010Integration object parent must not be empty
011Validity of accounting object assignment &1 is outside object validity &2
012Enter the External ID of the integration object
013Object Relation to &1 not possible from &2
014Object Relation not supported for object type &1
015Object Reference &1 not allowed for object type &2
016Integration object category must not be filled for object type &1
017Accounting object assignment has gaps from &1
018Unknown usage type '&1'
019Integration object usage type must not be filled for object type &1
020Integration object usage type must not be empty
021Integration object type &1 does not fit to contract type &2
022Company Code from accounting objects and contract differ starting from &1
023Integration object is assigned to contracts (number: &1)
024Validity of integration object relation &1 is outside object validity &2
025Company Code from related objects and contract differ starting from &1
026Parent integration object type &1 does not fit to object type &2
027CO object type field must be empty for object Type &1
028Enable Use Group CO object type must not be empty
029Unknown Enable Use Group CO object type '&1'
030Authorization Group &1 may not be used for Integration object
031Enter Number of Integration Object
032Generation of Integration Object number failed
033Country/Region are mandatory fields of the address for a site
034Subordinate integration objects exist without deletion flag (no.: &1)
035There are still subordinate integration objects (number: &1)
036Subord. arch. objects without a deletion ind. still exist (number: &1)
037Measurements can only be maintained on spaces / land areas
038Measurement Type &1 may only be changed by synchronization
039Enter External Identification
040Partial object relation for &1 &2 &3 entry has no object relation entry
041Objects of type &1 cannot be assigned to space groups
042Unknown Space Group Type &1
043Space Group Type is mandatory
044Space Group Type must not be filled
045Enable Use Type must be filled
046Object &1 is no subordinated object of &2
047Object &1 is already directly or indirectly assigned to object &2
048Object &1 or higher/lower level object is also assigned to object &2
049Area Unit type must not be empty for objects of type site
050Area Unit can only be filled for objects of type site
051Object &1 is not active
052Assignment of &1 (&2) is outside of object validity &3
053Company Code cannot be determined
054Company code of assigned cost objects must be identical (&1, &2)
055Object &1 is assigned as leading and additional cost object
056No Leading Cost Object assigned
057Company code of Enable Use Group (&1) and Asset (&2) must match
058Company code of Enable Use Group (&1) and Contract (&2) must match
059Enable Use Type must not be filled
060Only Enable Use Group or Occupancy Groups may be assigned to contracts
061Only one Enable Use Group per &1 can be defined as Leading Cost Object
062Enable Use Group cannot be determined uniquely
063Assignment of &1 contradicts assignment to Enable Use Group &3 (&4)
064Object &1 assigned to Occupancy Group &3 not use enabled (&4)
065Only Exclusive objects ( &1 ) can be assigned to Occupancy Groups
066Company Code of assigned Cost Object &1 and Integration Object must match
067Distribution not allowed for Integration objects (use valuation rule)
068Integration objects must not be assigned to object groups
069Object &1 is no Enable Use Group
070Object &1 is no Occupancy Group
071Usage Type &1 cannot be used for Space Group Type &2
072Object &1 does not contain any active objects
073Object &1 does not contain any &2
074Only Enable Use or Occupancy Groups can have Accounting objects
075Only External Enable Use Or Intercompany Group can have Accounting object
076Only Enable Use or Occupancy Groups can have Fixed Assets
077Only External Enable Use Or Intercompany Group can have Fixed Assets
078Company Codes of Intercompany (&1) and Enable Use Group (&2) must differ
079Enable Use Group is used in Occupancy Groups (number: &1)
080Object is directly or indirectly assigned in Space Group (number: &1)
100Integration Object functionality is not active
101Partial assignment functionality not supported in this release
200No Timeline data found for &1
201Timeline &1 - &2 starts before object validity
202Timeline &1 - &2 ends afters object validity
203New Timeline spans multiple existing Timelines
204Timeline for &1 already exists
205Timeline Data not supported
206Usage Classification may only be specified for Spaces
207Only Usage Classification &1 permitted for non active Objects
300No valid Object Relation found for &1, &2
301No valid Partial Object Relation found for &1, &2, &3
302Measurement must be specified for partial assignment
303Measurement may only be specified for partial assignment
304Enable use object must be filled for occupancy object
305Entered Enable Use Group &1 does not exist
306Entered Enable Use Group &1 is no Enable Use object
307Occupancy Group and Enable Use Group &1 have different parent objects
308Object is assigned to different Enable Use Groups &1 and &2
309Partial assignment only allowed for internal occupancy
310Partial assignment only allowed for objects of type Spaces
311Measurement type &1 is total measurement (Not supported for partial use)
312Measurement type &1 is not available in Space &2 (&3)
313Partial assignment must be set to all measurement types (&1)
314Partial assignment can only be done for common usage (&1)
315Available measuremement (type &1 ) amount &2 not enough (&3)
316Measuremement of type &1 not found (from &3,to: &4)
317Partial assignment with same measurement type (from &1,to: &2)
400Object &1 is already assigned to &2. Relation deletion (&3)
401Object &1 is already assigned to &2. Relation update (&3)
402Object &1 is already assigned to Use Enable Group &2 (&3)
500Condition for object &1 not found
501Condition for object &1 already exists
502Validity Periods for Conditions overlap
503Condition assignment not supported
504Error during Condition Update in dependent Business Object
505Condition assignment only possible for Enable Use Groups
506One or more mandatory parameters were not supplied for Condition
507Cost object assignment is not possible in creation mode
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