REIPBD - Messages for Integration Object
The following messages are stored in message class REIPBD: Messages for Integration Object.
It is part of development package RE_IP_BD in software component RE-FX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: Integration Platform (Master Data)".
It is part of development package RE_IP_BD in software component RE-FX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: Integration Platform (Master Data)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Enter integration object type |
002 | Integration object type must not be empty |
003 | Unknown integration object type '&1' |
004 | &1 must not be changed |
005 | Integration object category must not be empty |
006 | Unknown integration object category '&1' |
007 | Integration object reference must not be empty |
008 | Unknown integration object reference '&1' |
009 | Parent object type &1 does not match to allowed type &2 |
010 | Integration object parent must not be empty |
011 | Validity of accounting object assignment &1 is outside object validity &2 |
012 | Enter the External ID of the integration object |
013 | Object Relation to &1 not possible from &2 |
014 | Object Relation not supported for object type &1 |
015 | Object Reference &1 not allowed for object type &2 |
016 | Integration object category must not be filled for object type &1 |
017 | Accounting object assignment has gaps from &1 |
018 | Unknown usage type '&1' |
019 | Integration object usage type must not be filled for object type &1 |
020 | Integration object usage type must not be empty |
021 | Integration object type &1 does not fit to contract type &2 |
022 | Company Code from accounting objects and contract differ starting from &1 |
023 | Integration object is assigned to contracts (number: &1) |
024 | Validity of integration object relation &1 is outside object validity &2 |
025 | Company Code from related objects and contract differ starting from &1 |
026 | Parent integration object type &1 does not fit to object type &2 |
027 | CO object type field must be empty for object Type &1 |
028 | Enable Use Group CO object type must not be empty |
029 | Unknown Enable Use Group CO object type '&1' |
030 | Authorization Group &1 may not be used for Integration object |
031 | Enter Number of Integration Object |
032 | Generation of Integration Object number failed |
033 | Country/Region are mandatory fields of the address for a site |
034 | Subordinate integration objects exist without deletion flag (no.: &1) |
035 | There are still subordinate integration objects (number: &1) |
036 | Subord. arch. objects without a deletion ind. still exist (number: &1) |
037 | Measurements can only be maintained on spaces / land areas |
038 | Measurement Type &1 may only be changed by synchronization |
039 | Enter External Identification |
040 | Partial object relation for &1 &2 &3 entry has no object relation entry |
041 | Objects of type &1 cannot be assigned to space groups |
042 | Unknown Space Group Type &1 |
043 | Space Group Type is mandatory |
044 | Space Group Type must not be filled |
045 | Enable Use Type must be filled |
046 | Object &1 is no subordinated object of &2 |
047 | Object &1 is already directly or indirectly assigned to object &2 |
048 | Object &1 or higher/lower level object is also assigned to object &2 |
049 | Area Unit type must not be empty for objects of type site |
050 | Area Unit can only be filled for objects of type site |
051 | Object &1 is not active |
052 | Assignment of &1 (&2) is outside of object validity &3 |
053 | Company Code cannot be determined |
054 | Company code of assigned cost objects must be identical (&1, &2) |
055 | Object &1 is assigned as leading and additional cost object |
056 | No Leading Cost Object assigned |
057 | Company code of Enable Use Group (&1) and Asset (&2) must match |
058 | Company code of Enable Use Group (&1) and Contract (&2) must match |
059 | Enable Use Type must not be filled |
060 | Only Enable Use Group or Occupancy Groups may be assigned to contracts |
061 | Only one Enable Use Group per &1 can be defined as Leading Cost Object |
062 | Enable Use Group cannot be determined uniquely |
063 | Assignment of &1 contradicts assignment to Enable Use Group &3 (&4) |
064 | Object &1 assigned to Occupancy Group &3 not use enabled (&4) |
065 | Only Exclusive objects ( &1 ) can be assigned to Occupancy Groups |
066 | Company Code of assigned Cost Object &1 and Integration Object must match |
067 | Distribution not allowed for Integration objects (use valuation rule) |
068 | Integration objects must not be assigned to object groups |
069 | Object &1 is no Enable Use Group |
070 | Object &1 is no Occupancy Group |
071 | Usage Type &1 cannot be used for Space Group Type &2 |
072 | Object &1 does not contain any active objects |
073 | Object &1 does not contain any &2 |
074 | Only Enable Use or Occupancy Groups can have Accounting objects |
075 | Only External Enable Use Or Intercompany Group can have Accounting object |
076 | Only Enable Use or Occupancy Groups can have Fixed Assets |
077 | Only External Enable Use Or Intercompany Group can have Fixed Assets |
078 | Company Codes of Intercompany (&1) and Enable Use Group (&2) must differ |
079 | Enable Use Group is used in Occupancy Groups (number: &1) |
080 | Object is directly or indirectly assigned in Space Group (number: &1) |
100 | Integration Object functionality is not active |
101 | Partial assignment functionality not supported in this release |
200 | No Timeline data found for &1 |
201 | Timeline &1 - &2 starts before object validity |
202 | Timeline &1 - &2 ends afters object validity |
203 | New Timeline spans multiple existing Timelines |
204 | Timeline for &1 already exists |
205 | Timeline Data not supported |
206 | Usage Classification may only be specified for Spaces |
207 | Only Usage Classification &1 permitted for non active Objects |
300 | No valid Object Relation found for &1, &2 |
301 | No valid Partial Object Relation found for &1, &2, &3 |
302 | Measurement must be specified for partial assignment |
303 | Measurement may only be specified for partial assignment |
304 | Enable use object must be filled for occupancy object |
305 | Entered Enable Use Group &1 does not exist |
306 | Entered Enable Use Group &1 is no Enable Use object |
307 | Occupancy Group and Enable Use Group &1 have different parent objects |
308 | Object is assigned to different Enable Use Groups &1 and &2 |
309 | Partial assignment only allowed for internal occupancy |
310 | Partial assignment only allowed for objects of type Spaces |
311 | Measurement type &1 is total measurement (Not supported for partial use) |
312 | Measurement type &1 is not available in Space &2 (&3) |
313 | Partial assignment must be set to all measurement types (&1) |
314 | Partial assignment can only be done for common usage (&1) |
315 | Available measuremement (type &1 ) amount &2 not enough (&3) |
316 | Measuremement of type &1 not found (from &3,to: &4) |
317 | Partial assignment with same measurement type (from &1,to: &2) |
400 | Object &1 is already assigned to &2. Relation deletion (&3) |
401 | Object &1 is already assigned to &2. Relation update (&3) |
402 | Object &1 is already assigned to Use Enable Group &2 (&3) |
500 | Condition for object &1 not found |
501 | Condition for object &1 already exists |
502 | Validity Periods for Conditions overlap |
503 | Condition assignment not supported |
504 | Error during Condition Update in dependent Business Object |
505 | Condition assignment only possible for Enable Use Groups |
506 | One or more mandatory parameters were not supplied for Condition |
507 | Cost object assignment is not possible in creation mode |