RELMLR - Nachrichten LUM Grundbuch

The following messages are stored in message class RELMLR: Nachrichten LUM Grundbuch.
It is part of development package RE_LM_LR in software component RE-FX-LM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: Land Register".
Message Nr
Message Text
003&1 must not be changed
004&1 cannot be deleted (used in &2)
007Land register &1 already exists
008District of land register not entered
009Page number of land register was not entered
010Type of land register was not entered
011Initial entry already exists
012Entry &1/&2 already exists
013There is no entry with RE register number &1/&2
014The number &1 cannot be changed to &2
015The RE register number is blank
016RE register no. &1 for related right is already assigned as land
017Internal error: entry &1 &2 points to non-existent RER entry
018Internal error: entry &1 &2 ist not a related right
019Internal error: entry &1 &2 - sequence number is zero
020RE register number &1/&2 cannot be added to itself
021RER no. &1/&2: you can only add related rights to a related right
022RER no. &1/&2: you can only add parcels to a parcel
023RE register number &1/&2: &3 is assigned
024RE register number &1/&2: parcel &3 does not exist
025RE register number &1/&2: enter area or land use types for &3
026RE register number &1/&2: land use types are enough for the parcel
027RER no. &1/&2: total of land use types (&3) not equal to parcel area (&4)
028RER No. &1/&2: parcel does not exist in system
029RE register no. &1/&2: &4 was already assigned under RE register no. &3
030&1: Enter date of addition or removal
031Addition/removal &1 does not exist
032Internal error: closure date is not initial (&1)
033No role defined of type "land registry"
034&1 is not assigned in the land register
035Land use type not entered
036Internal assignment of sub numbers - passed number &1 will be ignored
037RER No. &1/&2: Parcel is not valid on the date of the entry
038RER number &1: the total of the shares for parcel &3 is too large
040Processing number &1 does not exist in land register &2
041Processing number &1 already exists in land register &2
042Processing number &1 is still being used in &2
049Assignment of partner &1 outside his/her assignment in land register
050Owner &1/&2 does not exist
051The number of the entry for the owner is initial (0)
052Entry &1/&2: no owner entered
053Partner &1 is still being used in role &2 in &3
054&1: numerator &2 is greater than denominator &3
055&1: denominator is zero
056Co-ownership: the sum of the owners is &1 rather than 100%
057Partner &1 in role &2 not assigned yet
058Partner assignment not allowed for &1
059Co-ownership: total of the owners is greater than 100% (&1)
060Rights and easements &1: entry &2/&3 does not exist
061Rights and easements: &1 not allowed for real estate register
062&1: the number of the entry in rights and easements is initial
063Ranking &1: "Before" and "Add" entry set at same time
064Ranking &1: entry "Before" &2 does not exist
065Ranking &1: entry "Add" &2 does not exist
066Ranking &1: "Before"/"Add" for same entry not possible
067Rights and easements &1: entry date is initial
068Rights and easements &1: the change number is initial
069Rights and easements &1: change &2 does not exist
070Change &1/&2: you did not enter sections
072Rights and easements, sect. III, &1/&2 not assigned in a joint liability
073Rights + easemts &1 Encumbrance type &2 does not allow servient tenements
074Rights + easemts &1 Encumbrance type &2 does not allow dominant tenements
075Rights and easements &1: no servient tenements assigned
076Rights and easements &1 (&2): entry for land &3 is before entry &4
077Rights and easements &1: RE register entry &2 canceled &3
078Change &1/&2: addition = removal
079Rights and easements &1 (&2): entry land &3 is before RE register &4
080&1 &2: special characters are not allowed
081&1 &2: enter only numbers greater than 0 at the beginning
082&1 &2: only last two characters allowed to be alphanumeric
083&1 &2: maximum of &3 characters are allowed
084&1 &2: incorrect internal format
085&1 &2: only 3 alphanumeric characters allowed at beginning or end
086&1 &2: not allowed to consist of letters only
090The land register is still used in joint liabilities (number: &1)
091The land register must be closed before today's date (&1)
092The land register still has uncancelled RER entries (number: &1)
100Rights and easements &1: no dominant tenement assigned
110Rights and Easements: duplicate entries for changes (section)
111Rights and Easements: duplicate entries for partner
112Rights and Easements: duplicate entries for changes (RER)
113Business partner &1 is already assigned in role &2
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