RERACA - Nachrichten Paket RE_RA_CA Buchhaltungsschnittstelle

The following messages are stored in message class RERACA: Nachrichten Paket RE_RA_CA Buchhaltungsschnittstelle.
It is part of development package RE_RA_CA in software component RE-FX-RA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: Cross Application Rental Accounting".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Processed successfully
001Flow type &1 acct determ. value &2: account symbol not assigned
002Parameter for tax calculation was not entered in Customizing
003Opting company code &1 does not allow distributed tax &2
004Balance of the items to be cleared is not 0 (&1 does not equal &2)
005Open item account line with flow type &1 has to contain a partner
006The process ID is blank or zero
007The balance of the line items is not zero
008Incorrect credit-debit indicator
009Incorrect indicator for open item management
010RE document without header data
011RE document without item data
012RE document with key &1 does not exist
013Line item &1 not found in RE document &2
014There are no line items in the RE document for the selection parameters
015Error during reversal of documents
016Posting process &1 was successfully reversed by reversal process &2
017Processing error; refer to the the error log
018RE document without posting date
019RE document without posting period
020RE document without fiscal year
021Invalid process &1 in the document header
022Invalid process &1 in the document item
023Invalid process GUID &1 in the document header
024Invalid process GUID &1 in the document item
025Posting process &1 was already reversed
026&1 of &2 document(s) have been successfully processed
027&1; user &2; mode &3
028&1 document(s) processed; &2 successfully, &3 with errors, &4 cancelled
029No data for reversal exists
030Object &1 not released for posting
031The runtime for posting process &1 was &2 hour(s)
032&1 object(s) processed, &2 successfully, &3 with errors, &4 not postable
033Error when processing
034No data for clearing transferred
035No data for undoing clearing was transferred
036Posting not possible
037Partner &1 is managed on open item basis
038Inactive Contracts
039Contract &1 is inactive
040Rental objects not up-to-date
041Update rental object &1 using worklist (occupancy change)
042Enter a reason for the reversal
043Enter a company code and fiscal year
044Enter one or more document numbers
045Enter documents of only one sending application (such as FI)
046&1 document(s) were processed
047Process ID &1 cannot be reversed by reversing process &2
048Document &1 is posted in RE only; no external document necessary
049No objects found for posting
050Credit and debit flow types are assigned to summarization flow type &1
051Reversal of postings for object &1 not possible
053&1 has different values (&2/&3) for the posting date and due date
054Contract &1 w/ cont. type &2 only postable via 'Internal Cost Allocation'
060RE document &1 is still used in leasing contracts
080Distribution posting for &1 suppressed by BADI_RERA_TRANSFER_POST
081Clearing was suppressed by BAdI (BADI_RERA_CLEARING)
082Line item sorting/numbering was changed in BADI_RERA_DOC
090Company codes have different fiscal year variants
095This function is supported only for the FI accounting system
100No selection crieria have been defined
101Object &1 does not belong to company code &2
102Clearing although balance not zero (&1 not equal &2 -see SAP Note 945272)
103For contract &1, partner &2, condition &3
104Difference &1
105Debit clearing item &1, credit clearing item &2
106Debit settlement item &1, credit settlement item &2
107Difference: debit clearing item - credit settlement item: &1
108Difference: credit clearing item - debit settlement item: &1
109Cash flow records without RE/FI document: manual processing necessary
110Account symbol &1 not found
111Contract could not be posted
500You can only add entries from the namespace 0-9*
501You can only change entries from the namespace 0-9*
502Entries from the SAP namespace (A-Z*) cannot be deleted
503You can only add entries from the customer namespace 1-4*
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