The following messages are stored in message class REST_CORE_TEXTS: .
It is part of development package SREST_CORE in software component BC-MID-RST. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "REST Core".
Message Nr
Message Text
000HTTP method & not supported
001No response code set
002Error when processing resource
003Metadata & not valid
004Text data not valid
005Binary data not valid
006CSRF token validation failed
007A not existing resource can't match arbitrary ETags
008Invalid response code '&' set
009No suitable resource found
010No root handler defined
011Exception raised when publishing message
012Unexpected percent sign ('%') in URI template &
013Unexpected closing bracket ('}') in URI template &
014Invalid matrix parameter ';' in URI template &
015Invalid opening bracket ('{') in URI template variable &
016Only one colon ':' permitted in URI template &
017Missing closing bracket ('}') in URI template &
018Empty variable name in URI template &
019Character & not supported in URI template variable &
020Could not create HTTP client
021No HTTP client set
022HTTP client - communication error
023HTTP client - invalid state
024HTTP client - processing failed
025HTTP client - invalid timeout
026HTTP client - invalid entity
027Status code from class & required
028Creation of handler class failed (class not found)
029Creation of handler class failed (instantiation failed)
030Creation of handler class failed (not implementing interface)
031URI processing - static path conflicts with URI
032URI processing - invalid path in URI
033Matrix parameter are not supported by REST library anymore
034HTTP header 'X-Requested-With' is missing
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