RETMPE - Klauseln f�r Laufzeit

The following messages are stored in message class RETMPE: Klauseln f�r Laufzeit.
It is part of development package RE_TM_PE in software component RE-FX-CN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: Terms - Period (Terms for Term)".
Message Nr
Message Text
002Activity is not available for rule type &1
004Notice rule &1 does not exist
005Notice rule &1 does not belong to rule type &2
007Notice rule &1: party giving notice not specified
008Notice rule &1: Cancellation party &2 is not allowed
009Notice rule &1: definition does not exist
010Notice rule &1: there is no default entry for validity
011Notice rule &1 / &2: Further default entry not permitted
012Notice rule &1 / &2: Validity date already exists
013Notice rule &1 / &2: Validity is within range of preceding entry
014Notice rule &1 / &2: You must make an entry in the 'Notice per' field
015Notice rule &1 / &2: Entry &3 is not permitted in the 'Notice per' field
016Notice rule &1 / &2: You must enter the type of grace days
017Notice rule &1 / &2: You must enter the calendar for grace days
018Notice rule &1 / &2: Type of grace days &3 is not permitted
019Notice rule &1 / &2: Calendar &3 does not exist
020Notice rule &1/&2: month &3 and day &4 do not result in a valid date
021Notice rule &1/&2: month &3 does not result in a valid date
022Notice rule &1/&2: day &3 does not result in a valid date
023Notice rule &1/&2: for one-time notice, enter 'Term To'
024Notice rule &1/&2: entering a period of notice does not make sense
025Notice rule &1/&2: use 'No Notice Possible' only on individual basis
026Notice rule &1/&2: relative year not allowed for receipt of notice
027Notice rule &1/&2: enter year of the notice date
028Notice rule &1/&2: enter year notice received
029Notice rule &1/&2: date notice was recieved is after notice date
035Text module &1 assigned in Customizing is empty
036No text module was assigned to notice procedure &1
037Enter a text module name first.
038Enter a notice procedure
039Notice rule contains no entries for periods or dates
040No errors found in cancellation procedure &1
042Error in definition of cancellation procedure &1
043Errors in definition of notice rule &1
045Notice term has to be defined as contract term
046Simulation not possible, notice procedure contains errors
047Simulation not possible, notice rule contains errors
048Rule type &1 is not defined
049Notice procedure &1 does not contain a notice rule
050The individual notice procedure does not contain a notice rule
051The notice procedure does not contain a rule for the contractee
052The notice procedure does not contain a rule for the contractor
053No period of notice was agreed; notice can be given at any time
054Fast entry mode not possible, period regulation is too complex
055Fast entry mode not possible, deadline regulation is too complex
056Not possible to simulate giving notice for contract end in Customizing
057Term &1 contains obsolete notice procedure &2 (&3)
101Notice term of objects: term number is missing
102Notice term of objects: term number &1 does not exist
200No renewal rule was entered
201You did not assign a text module to the renewal rule
203Text module &1 assigned in Customizing is empty
204Enter the '1st Contract End' in the term section
205Renewal rule &1 does not contain any extension period
206Individual renewal rule does not contain any extension periods
207Repeating renewal rule contains an option as last element
208Number of years, months, or days at which renewal occurs is not entered
209The extension period entered consists only of &1 day(s)
210Enter notice period for the option
211Simulation is not possible, the renewal rule contains errors
212Extension period is less than 1 month, rounding not possible
213Notification period is less than 1 month, rounding is not possible
214Renewal term has to be defined as contract term
215Messages for renewal terms
216There is no renewal term
217Renewal term of objects: term number missing
218Renewal term of objects: term number &1 does not exist
219Enter the notice period for the automatic renewal
220Deletion not possible because activated option(s) exist
221Renewal rule contains no options, but there are activated options
222Options were changed despite already activated options
223Term &1 contains obsolete renewal rule &2 (&3)
224Renewal term &1: automatic renewal type &2 not permitted
400Starting date of cash flow is before the contract start date
401Starting date of cash flow is after the end of the contract term
402The 1st contract end is before the contract start date
403End of the contract term is before the contract start date
404Starting date of cash flow (&1) is before default date (&2)
405The first contract end date on &1 is not allowed
406Date of 1st posting is not in interval from &1 to &2
407Date entries for possession dates are inconsistent
408'Cash Flow From' date &1 is before earliest 'Possession Date From' &2
409'Cash Flow From' date &1 is after latest 'Possession Date To' &2
410A term of more than 9999 months is not useful
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