REXCAJCH - Nachrichten zu Mietanpassung nach CH-Recht

The following messages are stored in message class REXCAJCH: Nachrichten zu Mietanpassung nach CH-Recht.
It is part of development package RE_XC_AJ_CH in software component RE-FX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: XC - Adjustment Switzerland (Country-Specific)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001CH: There are gaps in table of pass on rates
002CH: No reference interest rate &1 found for date &2
003CH: Could not determine % value of &1% to &2% in pass on rate table
004CH: New unit price calculated for &1
005CH: Ref. int. rate from &1% to &2% equals adjust. of &3%, or CHF &4
006CH: M+O of &1% p.a., &2 months equals adjustment of &3%, or amount &4
007CH: PPP from &1 pts to &2 pts equals adjustment of &3%, or CHF &4
008Incorrect entry for priorities
009Incorrect value for adjustment option:"0"=no adj.,"1","2"=ROI
010No ext. condition purpose found in adjustment rule &1 (prevailing rent)
011No ext. condition purpose found in adjustment rule &1 (gross/net ROI)
012No condition amount found for absolute method on &1 for ext. purpose &2
013Adj. not possible - net rent=&2 greater than &3% of on &1
014Adj. not possible - net rent=&2 greater than &3% of gr/net ROI=&4 on &1
015Enter at least one adjustment parameter
016Enter a value for adjustment based on absolute factors
017There is no option for adjustment of absolute conditions
018Enter an option for the first priority
019Entering more than one condition for ext. purpose &1 is not allowed
020No relevant conditions for processing of CHECK_ALL
021Assigning adjustment rule based on Swiss law to &1 not allowed
022RO &1: adjustment rule &2, &3
023Adjustment by absolute factors: enter either percentage or absolute value
024Setting "Option for Reduction" only possible when percentage entered
025No external condition purpose found in adjustment rule &1 (modern.inv.)
026One adjustment using relative and absolute methods is not allowed
027Adjustment date for the reference interest rate is invalid
028Adjustment date for purchasing power protection is invalid
029Enter a value for adjustment based on added benefits
030Adjustment for added benefits: enter either percentage or absolute value
031An adjustment record exists for &1; enter CHF &3 for condition type &2
032Ref. interest rate adjustment: base date &1 is after adjustment date &2
033Maint.+Op.Costs adjustment: base date &1 is after adjustment date &2
034Purch.power prot. adjustment: base date &1 is after adjustment date &2
035Custom adjustment: enter either percentage or absolute value
036CH: Cust. adj. (abs.val. &1 or &2%) same as adjustment of &3% or CHF &4
037Explanatory text for custom adjustment w/o adj. parameters not allowed
038Abs.Factors Adj: No adjustment because &1 not entered on rental object
039Overflow during calculation of number of months
040Cost of living by index: "Index Cost of Living" and "Base Year" mandatory
041&1 data for adjustment method CH01 is being prepared
042Adjustment term &1 is missing
043Adjustment run &1 with adjustment term &2 was not found
044Extending adjustment term &1 by &2 period(s)
045Adjustment term &1 has more than one entry => no processing
046Adjustment record not found: Processguid=&1, Methodguid=&2
047Cost levels entry cannot be deleted during reversal
048Notification of cost levels in line with Swiss law
049New valid from date &1 incorrect; new entry cannot be made until after &2
050Adjustment exists for &1; entry cannot be deleted
051Processing options
052No adjustment term found in line with Swiss law
053Adjustment term &1 already exists
054Processing not possible as more than one adjustment term exists
055&1 adjustment rule &2 with adjustment term &3
056&1 can be changed
057Contract &1 excluded from processing due to termination or end of term
058&1 was changed successfully
059No data is available for processing
060New adjustment rule &1 already exists in condition type &2
061New adjustment term
062Determine adjustment rule based on location of business entity
063&1: Maintain adjustment rule &2 in contracts and rental objects
064Calculated cost increase; do not display reserve
065CH: Gen. cost increase of &1% (calculated); results in adjust. amount &2
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