REXCAJMICH - Nachrichten zu Mietanpassung nach CH-Recht
The following messages are stored in message class REXCAJMICH: Nachrichten zu Mietanpassung nach CH-Recht.
It is part of development package RE_XC_AJ_CH in software component RE-FX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: XC - Adjustment Switzerland (Country-Specific)".
It is part of development package RE_XC_AJ_CH in software component RE-FX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RE: XC - Adjustment Switzerland (Country-Specific)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1: &2 |
001 | &1, adjustment rule &2: condition group for net rent is missing |
002 | &1: no net rent condition type found |
003 | &1: adjustment rule &2 already exists |
004 | &1: no adjustment rule found: assignment to location missing |
005 | &1: No basis balances found for rent adj. per Swiss law in old RU |
006 | &1: not possible to increment term &2 |
007 | &1: of &2 (all) selected ROs were processed successfully |
008 | &1: maintain adjustment rule &2 and basis data |
009 | &1: Basis yr &2, custom.adj. rule &3 does not allow differing from field |
010 | &1: no basis balances for rent adjustment per Swiss law found in RO |
011 | &1: no net rent condition type exists |
012 | Adjustment rules for Swiss table &1 converted - new table &2 |
013 | No data records found in table &1 - no conversion |
014 | Relevant &1/ converted &2 / errors &3 / not converted &4 |
015 | &1: due to system status DLFL, MDLK, object is not processed |
016 | &1: is terminated - contract is not taken into account |