RFM_ASSORTMENT - Retail Fashion Management - New Assortment Handling
The following messages are stored in message class RFM_ASSORTMENT: Retail Fashion Management - New Assortment Handling.
It is part of development package RFM_ASSORTMENT_EXCEPTIONS in software component LO-RFM-MD-LST. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Retail Assortments Exception Classes".
It is part of development package RFM_ASSORTMENT_EXCEPTIONS in software component LO-RFM-MD-LST. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Retail Assortments Exception Classes".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Date &1 from which the assignments are copied must not lie in the past. |
002 | Cannot copy the assortment to store &1. The store is already assigned. |
003 | Number of assortment modules to which the store &1 was assigned: &2 |
004 | Product assigned |
005 | Assignment to assortment module &1 deleted |
006 | Assignment to assortment module &1 will terminate by the end of today. |
007 | Maintain sales organization &1 in Customizing. |
008 | Enter an assortment module name. |
009 | Assortment module &1 already exists. |
010 | Assortment module &2: Description for language &1 already exists. |
011 | Assortment module &2: Description for language &1 does not exist. |
012 | Assortment user &1 is not assigned to assortment module &2. |
013 | Product &1 is not assigned to assortment module &2. |
014 | &1 is an invalid product ID. Enter a valid product ID. |
015 | &1 is an invalid assortment user. Enter a valid assortment user. |
016 | Error locking table WLK1 for local assortment &1. Try again. |
017 | Product &1 was excluded from assortment module &3 for store &2. |
019 | Start date (&1) must not be later than the end date (&2). |
020 | Product &1 is mandatory in assortment module &2 and cannot be excluded. |
021 | Operation not supported for this assortment module type |
024 | &1 is an invalid assortment user. Enter a valid assortment user. |
025 | Invalid assortment module UUID &1. Enter a valid assortment module UUID. |
026 | Enter the UUID or name of the entity (assortment module or version). |
027 | Enter a product ID. |
028 | Enter a customer number. |
029 | Enter an assignment period. |
030 | Current or planned assignments of product &1 to site (customer &2) exist. |
031 | Assign product &1 to distribution center &2. |
032 | &1 is an invalid assortment user. Enter a valid assortment user. |
034 | No authorization to change assortment modules |
035 | No authorization to create assortment modules |
036 | No authorization to delete assortment modules |
037 | No authorization to assign assortment user &1 |
038 | No authorization to delete assignments of assortment user &1 |
039 | No authorization to change assignments of assortment user &1 |
040 | No autorization to exclude products from asstmt mdls for asstmt user &1 |
041 | No authzn to undo product exclusions from asstmt mdls for asstmt user &1 |
042 | Enter a replacement date. |
043 | You can only replace a product with a different product. |
044 | Replacement date must not lie in the past. |
045 | Product &1 is already assigned to the assortment module version. |
046 | Assignment period of product &1 must not lie in the past. |
047 | Assortment module management is not activated. |
048 | Cannot use character &1 in names or descriptions of modules or versions |
049 | No authorization to change product assignments to distribution center &1 |
050 | Maintain a local assortment for site &1. |
051 | Provide at least one customer number of a distribution center. |
052 | No authorization to change product assignments to store &1 |
053 | No postprocessing error for assortment user &1 and product &2 occurred. |
054 | Recheck of errors completed. Number of errors to be resolved: &1. |
055 | Recheck of errors started |
056 | Monitor Assortment Postprocessing Errors |
057 | No authorization to read assortment-module-related data |
058 | No authorization to assign yourself to errors for assortment user &1 |
059 | Validity period of first version overlaps with version (&1 - &2). |
060 | You cannot perform the operation on a deleted object. |
061 | You can only assign exactly one asstmt user to asstmt mdl. of this type. |
062 | Enter a language. |
063 | Enter a version validity period that starts today at the earliest. |
064 | Cannot create version. Version &3 (&1 - &2) lies within the new version. |
065 | Asstmt mdl. &1 can only be terminated. Current or expired versions exist. |
066 | The new version overlaps with version &3 (&1 - &2). |
067 | The new version lies within the existing version &3 (&1 - &2). |
068 | Adapt the validity periods of the existing versions automatically? |
069 | Validity periods of the existing versions adapted automatically |
070 | &1&2&3&4 |
071 | The new version validity period is preceded or followed by a gap. |
072 | As of tomorrow, the assigned assortment users might not have a version. |
073 | The current version will terminate by the end of today. |
074 | You cannot terminate assortment module &1. |
075 | Cannot assign products to expired versions |
076 | Version &1 deleted |
077 | You cannot unassign assortment user &1. The assignment is in the past. |
078 | You cannot unassign product &1. The assignment is in the past. |
079 | Assortment user &1 unassigned |
080 | The assignment of assortment user &1 will terminate by the end of today. |
081 | Cannot unassign product &1. It is not assigned to version &2 (&3 - &4). |
082 | Product &1 is already assigned to version &2 (&3 - &4). |
083 | The assortment user &1 is already assigned to assortment module &2. |
084 | Cannot unassign assortment user &1. It is not assigned to module &2. |
085 | The assignment of product &1 will terminate by the end of today. |
086 | Product &1 unassigned |
087 | Assortment module &1 terminated |
088 | Assignment period of product &1 must lie within validity period &2 - &3. |
089 | Assignment of product &1 to distribution center &2 does not exist. |
090 | No authorization to read product assignments to distribution center &1 |
091 | Assignment of product &1 to version &2 (&3 - &4) does not exist. |
092 | No authorization to read assortment module versions |
093 | No authorization to read product assignments to store &1 |
094 | Enter an assigned-to date. |
095 | Assgmt of prod. &1 to store &2 with assgmt period &3 - &4 does no exit. |
096 | Assignment of assortment user &1 to assortment module &2 does not exist. |
097 | Assignment of product &1 to assortment module &2 does not exist. |
098 | Assortment module version with UUID &1 does not exist. |
099 | Assgmt period of asstmt user overlaps with existing period (&1 - &2). |
100 | Enter an assignment period that starts today at the earliest. |
101 | Asstmt user &1 is already assigned for the entered assignment period. |
102 | Asstmt user &1 is assigned to module &2 for multiple assgmt periods. |
103 | You cannot set product &1 to mandatory. Store exclusions already exist. |
104 | No authorization to create assortment module versions |
105 | No authorization to change assortment modules |
106 | No authorization to delete assortment modules |
107 | You cannot adapt the assignment period of product &1. It is in the past. |
108 | You cannot adapt the assigned-from date of product &1. It is in the past. |
109 | Product &1 has been mandatory until now. Set it to not mandatory? |
110 | Product &1 was set to not mandatory in all versions of this module. |
111 | Cannot adapt assigned-from date &2 of asstmt user &1. It is in the past. |
112 | Cannot terminate the assignment to asstmt module &1. It is in the past. |
113 | No authorization to read the assignments of site &1 |
116 | Assigned as processor |
117 | Product &1 assigned |
118 | Number of assigned products: &1 |