RFM_PSST_MSG - Message Class for PSST

The following messages are stored in message class RFM_PSST_MSG: Message Class for PSST.
It is part of development package RFM_PSST_COMMON in software component LO-RFM-SD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PSST: Common Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Update terminated: table & function & return code &
001Enter a value for one of the selection parameters
002All fields are mandatory. Fill all fields.
003Gr. rule &1 update is not possible; the gr. rule is used in a document
004Enter 15 rows or less
005At least one description is required for the grouping rule
006Grouping rule with the same assignments already exists
007Duplicate attribute fields exist in this grouping rule
008All required fields must be filled
009The "Partner Function" needs to be defined for the "KUNNR_PF" field
010Customer not found
011Data has been saved
012Missing authorization: document no. &1 object &2 mode &3 value &4
013Select one or more relevant checkbox for group redetermination
014Activate PSST in sales area for the document &1
015PSST gr rule not maintained in customer master; document &1 not processed
016PSST is deactivated in item category; document &1 item &2 not processed
017Redetermination of PSST gr. rule is carried out for document &1 item &2
018PSST group &1 is assigned to document &2 item &3
019Select at least one PSST Grouping ID
020No grouping: SO &1, item &2; Field attribute &3 has an initial value
021No grouping: SO &1, item &2; Field attribute &3 does not exist
022No authorization to execute the transaction
023Feature not available; activate switch "SFSW_PSST" to enable feature
024No grouping: SO &1/&2; PSST gr. rule &3 has no assigned field attributes
025Assign field attributes to PSST gr. rule &1
026PSST grouping rule exists already
027Unable to get a number of number range &1
028Grouping rule with similar attributes already exists; change attributes
029No number range interval has been assignend for PSST type &1
030Enter value for language and description fields
031Duplicate entries exist in grouping rule description
032PSST grouping rule not found
033No grouping: SO &1; Field attribute &2 has an initial value
034No grouping: SO &1; PSST gr. rule &2 has no assigned field attributes
035No grouping: STO &1; Field attribute &2 does not exist
036Ship-to Party &1 for Sales Area &2/&3/&4 is excluded from PSST rule det
037The field attribute does not belong to the grouping rule type
038No grouping: STO &1; PSST gr. rule &2 has no assigned field attributes
039No grouping: STO &1; Field attribute &2 does not exist
040Include return STO items in sales area for the document &1
041Unknown error
042Cannot assign the PSST grouping rule when "Exclude from PSST" is selected
043PSST gr. rule &1 deletion is not possible; the gr. rule is in use
044PSST grouping rule has been deleted
045No grouping: SO &1; Field attributes are empty
046No grouping: STO &1, item &2; Field attribute &3 has an empty value
047No grouping: STO &1; All Field attributes of item &2 are empty
048Save current PSST grouping rule
049PSST grouping rule and group have been removed from STO &1 item &2
050No display authorization for document type &
051No maintenance authorization for document type &
052No authorization to display documents in &1 &2 &3
053No authorization to maintain documents in &1 &2 &3
054No authorization to display documents containing plant &1
055No authorization to maintain documents containing plant &1
056SO items with assigned PSST grouping IDs exist
057No data dependent on the PSST grouping rules has been changed
058PSST field value changed: &1
059Screen navigation for field &1-&2 not possible from this view
060No PSST group rules found for selected criteria.Enter different criteria.
061All group ids belong to PSST rule &1 cannot be destroyed due to policy.
062PSST group &1 &2 would be destroyed.
063PSST group &1 &2 destroyed.
064&1% (&2 of &3) PSST group ids processed.
065PSST group &1 belonging to rule &2 not eligible for destruction.
066PSST group &1 &2 not destroyed due to runtime error.
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