RH - BW: Hierarchies ( basic functions )

The following messages are stored in message class RH: BW: Hierarchies ( basic functions ).
It is part of development package RSSH in software component BW-WHM-DBA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BW: Hierarchy Processing - General".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Internal error
001You have to select a hierarchy in order to carry out this function
002Could not select data for hierarchy ID &
003Error in the hierarchy structure: see error log
004Invalid request number
005Function module OBSOLETE. Use another function.
006The action was cancelled by the user
010A mandatory import parameter cannot be blank
011Hierarchy attribute & is not permitted for InfoObject &
012Node ID & is used more than once in the hierarchy
013Node ID already exists in the temporary hierarchy node table
014Hierarchy &1 for characteristic &2 is locked (see long text)
015Cannot read hierarchy with specified selection
020*********************Message on Subtrees*****************************
021The root node & of the subtree is not in the hierarchy
030************Messages cl_hierarchy_base********************************
031Hierarchies can only be determined for a basic characteristic
032The import parameters were not filled correctly
033A hierarchy is already assigned to this instance
034Internal error - the enqueue lock can not be removed
035The subtree root &1 does not exist in the target hierarchy
050Hierarchies for this basic characteristic are not indexed in the BWA
051No BWA available for this hierarchy
094The hierarchy contains multiple root node (Only one is displayed)
095All import parameters must be supplied for exact no. of levels
099The subtree was moved successfully
100Insert characteristic node
101InfoObject does not exist
102Inconsistent hierarchy data
103Error & when reading the hierarchy
104The Hierarchy '&2' is Currently Locked by User &1
105The hierarchy is currently locked
106Enter an InfoObject
107The hierarchy has not been modified
108A node cannot be created under &.
109Node [&1]: Node name '&3' for characteristic &2 already exists
110A node cannot be included under &.
111Lower limit is greater than upper limit
112Interval overlaps with existing entries
113& already exists
114This hierarchy is already available
115No additional object can be included under an interval
116No additional object can be created under an interval
117There is no modified version for this hierarchy.
118A node of type & is not allowed to be under a node of type &
119Realignment run running or terminated, hierarchy processing not possible
120Select a node
121The hierarchy cannot be displayed because it does not exist
122Hierarchy has not been copied
123Hierarchy has been copied successfully
124Sign reversal for duplicate leaf &1 is not unique (Note 1629665)
125The hierarchy has been modified
130Value & not available in the master data
131Enter value for &
132Cannot delete root node
133Hierarchy was saved
134A hierarchy can only be created for one basic characteristic
135& characteristics were not transferred
136Characteristic & already exists under this node
137The interval encompasses chars that already exist under this node
138You are not authorized to create the hierarchy
139You are not authorized to change the hierarchy
140Link node maintenance not permitted, maintain original node under &
141Link node maintenance not permitted, maintain original node
142Values for InfoObject &1 still exist in hierarchies
150Nodes cannot be moved to themselves
151You cannot include the node here
152Hierarchy &1 of the characteristic &2 should be time dependent
155Hierarchy & successfully saved for basic characteristic &
156& for hierarchy & was successfully deleted for basic characteristic &
157Error while activating hierarchy '&1'
158Identifier '&1' cannot be assigned to a characteristic
160The hierarchy cannot be activated
161Hierarchy does not exist
162Version number & does not exist
163The time interval differs from that of a hierarchy with the same name
164The 'valid from' date is greater than the 'valid to' date
165Version number & can not be created
166The 'valid from' date is smaller than the mimimum date &
167Time interval error: See long text
168Hierarchy & can not be activated - problems with memory
169Activation not possible during master data deletion
170Hierarchy &1 activated for basic characteristic &2 &3
171Specify a valid hierarchy basic characteristic
172No unique subtree with root node & and 'date to' &
173Subtree with root node & and 'date to' & not available
174Main root node must not be deleted
175The subtree to be deleted contains the original node for a link node
176The subtree contains multiple root nodes
177Leaf &1 is assigned to node &2 more than once in hierarchy &3
178Internal error: SAPSQL_ARRAY_INSERT_DUPREC table &1
180Specify a valid characteristic for hierarchy direct access
181Hierarchy &1 cannot be added. Fiscal year variant &2 missing for year &3.
199***** Logging of the consistency check of hierarchies in the WHM *****
200Node ID & does not exist.
201Parent ID of node ID & is not the same as the ID of the higher level node
202The level of the node ID & does not suit the lev. of the higher lev. node
203Node ID &, that cannot be posted to, is under a node that can.
204Node ID &: A child has been entered for the interval
205Node ID &: Incorrect InfoObject name for an interval node
206Node ID & starts an endless loop
207Node ID &1 has not been included as a sibling node or as a child node
208A subordinate node has been entered under the link node ID &.
209The link node ID & is referenced as a higher level node
210Node ID &: No original exists for the link
211Node [&1]: Leaf '&3' already exists as child of node &2
212Value & does not exist for InfoObject &.
213There is no interval for the node with the ID &
214Interval node with the ID &: The from-value is larger than the to-value
215Name contains the following invalid characters: &
216Technical name of the hierarchy contains the following invalid chars: &
217Consistency check found no error
218There is no modified version for this hierarchy.
219Activation not possible due to an error in the hierarchy
220Endless loop generated by link node &, ID &
221Error in node time interval with the ID &. Details in next message
222Technical hierarchy name contains invalid characters
223The node name for ID &1 contains invalid characters
224Error in &1 conversion in NodeId&2 for InfoObject &3
225Error in conversion text & for node ID & and InfoObject &
226Node characteristic &1 is not entered as hierarchy characteristic for &2
227Remaining node of hierarchy &1 is larger than the hierarchy
228Hierarchy &1 contains more than 1 million entries
229Table &1 locked; cannot save hierarchy
230You are using characters in the hierarchy name that are not alphanumeric
231InfoObject & is not entered for & as a foreign hierarchy characteristic
232&3' is not permitted as a link indicator for the node with the ID &1
233The node was selected with the node ID &
234Hierarchy "&" contains intervals; no THJ version created
235Hierarchy "&1" contains a recursion at node "&2/&3"
236Hierarchy "&1" is deeper than 99 levels
237Duplicate level text with language = '&1' and level = '&2'
238Level with initial language in level text segment
239Level with initial level field in level text segment
240Node [&1]: Leaf '&3' already exists as child of node &2
241Node [&1]: Overlapping invervals under parent node &2
242&1 of a total of &2 nodes are not included in the hierarchy
243Hierarchy &1 with HIEID &2 ignored as it already exists with HIEID &3
300***** Transfer, check and processing of hierarchies in the WHM *****
301Basic characteristic & is too long or empty when calling up function &
302InfoObject & was not found when calling up function &
303Error when determining the hierarchy IDs of function &
304Object version of basic characteristic & is not active
305Duplicated entries in the interval table & are not allowed
306Duplicated entries in the non-chargebale table & are not allowed
307Check the hierarchy information for basic characteristic &
308Error when writing to the hierarchy tables in the database
309See log: Incorrect hierarchy structure in the consistency check
310See log: Incorrect hierarchy contents in the consistency check
311See log: Error in the hierarchy update in database &
312Hierarchies updated
314Error while processing hierarchy
315InfoObject &1 is not a valid hierarchy basic characteristic
339Hierarchy has been updated
400***** BW Hierarchies for NDIs (SEM-CRM-B2B-...) *****
401Target system (logical system) cannot be empty
402Target system & has no access authorization to SAP hierarchies
403No hierarchy with object version & available in BW
404InfoObject & does not support hierarchies
405No hierarchies for InfoObject & available in BW
406Hierarchy ID & for InfoObject & is not available in BW
407No hierarchy tables for InfoObject & found in BW
408No import paramters available for the selection
409No hierarchy tables for InfoObject & found in BW
410Error when creating node name with ID &
411Error in function & for creating node name table
412Internal Error When Creating Node Name of Subtree
500*************New Hierarchy Maintenance**********************************
501Switched to display mode
502Switched to change mode
503Too many nodes: Whole subtree not expanded
504Column width adjusted
505No nodes for the search string could be found
506One node was found and selected
507No value exists, or the authorization for existing values is missing
508Hierarchy &1 does not contain any data
509You need to select a node to carry out this action
510No node exists with node ID &
511Too many selection values have been entered; filtering terminated
512Cannot change direct access hierarchies
513Duplicate node: &1
600**********************HIERARCHY DTP**************************************
601Error occurred in hierarchy
602Start of error string (50 characters): &
603InfoObject & is not a valid characteristic for this hierarchy
604Error occurred in record number &1 and node ID &2
605Technical hierarchy name of a hierarchy cannot be initial
606Node ID & occurs more than once in the hierarchy table
607Node ID & occurs more than once in the interval table
608More than one text specified for hierarchy header for language &
609Could not delete all remote hierarchy headers
611Error while updating hierarchy texts for the hierarchy headers
612Node with InfoObject &1 and node name '&2' has an initial node ID
613Maximum level number &1 reached while filling the level
614Node ID &1 does not exist but it is used as NEXT or CHILD
615' &1 ' is not a valid InfoObject name
616There is no header entry for the hierarchy node with object ID '&1'
618InfoObject & has hierarchy type 'Own Implementation'
619Characteristic & has not been processed
620RS2HANA check skipped for views of characteristic &1
625Automatic creation of missing master data failed for &1
800For & hierarchy basic characteristics frm &, & external IOs were inserted
801InfoObject & does not have hierarchy table &
802XPRA not executed because system is a content system
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