RLFW - Messages for runlevel framework
The following messages are stored in message class RLFW: Messages for runlevel framework.
It is part of development package SRLFW in software component BC-CST-RL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Runlevel framework - system rl mapped to service runlevels".
It is part of development package SRLFW in software component BC-CST-RL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Runlevel framework - system rl mapped to service runlevels".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Server list of the remote subsystem is not defined. |
001 | RLFW_SYSTEM_SEPARATION called with action &1; version &2. |
002 | After import method &1 uses qRFC or bgRFC. |
050 | Failed to activate simulation mode. Check spool output for details. |
051 | Failed to switch &1 to value &2. |
052 | Successfully switched &1 to value &2. |
053 | |
060 | |
070 | Check profile parameter &1 &2 on server: &3. |
071 | Global parameter &1 is not consistent between all application servers. |
072 | Subsystem isolation is active, but some servers have no server group. |
073 | Subsystem isolation is inactive, but some server have a server group. |
100 | The report cannot be used. It is not released yet. |
101 | Documentation not available. |
102 | MCEX queue processing stopped. &1 |
103 | Report &1 is schedule by &2 Jobs. |
104 | Job &1 successfully read. |
105 | Job &1 read with error code &2. |
106 | Job &1 successfully modified. |
107 | Job &1 modified with error code &2. |
120 | &1 succeeded; job &2 |
121 | &1 failed with error &2; job &3 |
130 | Job &1, &2 could not be deleted. Error &3. |
131 | Job &1, &2 deleted successfully. |
132 | No jobs found with name &1. Error &2. |
140 | Log file &1 written by action &2. |
141 | System status: &1 |
142 | Parameter &1 could not be set on server &2. Subrc &3. |
143 | &1 failed with &2. |
144 | No list of servers received. |
145 | Deleting &1 from RLFW_PARAMETERS ended with rc &2. |
146 | Setting &1 in RLFW_PARAMETERS ended with rc &2. |
200 | System or client mode switched to &1 successfully. |
201 | Trying to switch system to &1 in unexpected starting mode. |
202 | System or client mode cannot be switched to &1. Missing authorization. |
203 | System or client mode cannot be switched to &1. Missing resources. |
204 | Set system or client runlevel to &1. |
205 | Sending notification messages to all users in the session list. |
206 | The system is set to a maintenance mode. Please log off soon. |
207 | Ending all sessions in the session list. |
208 | Waiting &1 seconds for sessions to end. |
209 | ICM MM switched to value &1 with return code &2. |
210 | Sending notification messages ended with return code &1. |
211 | Killing the remaining sessions ended with return code &1. |
212 | Setting system runlevel failed with rc &1. |
213 | System or client mode switch to &1 started successfully. |
214 | Abort security session &1 in client &2 failed. |
215 | Reading security sessions failed. |
216 | System or client cannot be switch to running. Wrong starting mode &1. |
217 | System or client mode cannot be switched. Enqueue lock failed with rc &1. |
218 | System or client mode cannot be switched to &1. Missing security policy. |
219 | Failed to cancel job &1. Error code &2. |
220 | System or client mode switch is initiated by the customer. |
221 | Set runlevel of client &1 to &2. |
222 | The switch to maintennace mode takes at least &1 seconds. |
223 | System mode switch to &1 started successfully. |
224 | Switch to &1 started successfully for client &2. |
225 | The mode switch must not take longer than &1 seconds. |
226 | Could not send event for ABAP Daemon service. |
250 | No authorization to modify maintenance periods. |
251 | Maintenance period created successfully. |
252 | Maintenance period updated successfully. |
253 | Maintenance period deleted successfully. |
254 | Insert of maintenance period failed. &1 |
255 | Update of maintenance period failed. |
256 | Deletion of maintenance period failed. |
257 | Maintenance period does not exist. |
258 | Maintenance period exists already. |
259 | Maintenance periods were modified (&1). |
300 | Online Import status changed to &1. |
301 | Failed to modify Online Import status to &1 (subrc = &2). |
302 | Object &1 of transport &2 is not online import enabled. |
303 | Online Import cannot be activated while system is in phase &1. |
304 | Online Import phase cannot be changed due to missing authorization. |
305 | Attributes of transport &1 cannot be read. Preimport might be missing. |
306 | Transport &1 is not marked as ONLINE_IMPORT_COMPATIBLE. |
307 | Failed to initialize CL_PXA_ONLINE_IMPORT. |
308 | Online Import requested for &1 objects. |
309 | Reinitialized Online Import information in the PXA buffer. |
310 | Failed to reset PXA buffer. |
311 | Failed to initialize CL_PXA_ONLINE_IMPORT_TOOLS. |
312 | Online Import cannot be finished while system is in phase &1. |
313 | Online Import cannot be activated for the given transport list. |
314 | Cleanup cannot be started in phase &1. |
315 | Cleanup cannot be started for time &1. |
316 | Cleanup scheduled for date &1 time &2. Job &3. |
317 | Failed to trigger cleanup job. Error &1. |
400 | Read Only mode is inactive. |
401 | Read Only mode is already active for schema &1. |
402 | Read Only mode was activated system wide for schema &1. |
403 | Read Only mode is not active for schema &1. |
404 | Read Only mode was deactivated for schema &1. |
405 | Read Only mode could not be deactivated for schema &1. |
406 | &1&2&3&4 |
407 | Wrong input values for activation (rc=&1). |
408 | Database &1 not supported. |
409 | Read Only mode was activated for client &1 for schema &2. |
410 | Cannot add protection to table &1. |
411 | Table &1 is on the exception list. Access must not be restricted. |
412 | Table &1 is protected already. |
413 | Add a write/read protection for defined tables. |
414 | Requested number of attempts: &1. |
415 | Parallelization is requested for &2 tables. No of processes &1. |
416 | Adding a write/read protection for &1 tables. |
417 | Adding a write/read protection. Attempt number &1. |
418 | Table &1 locked on schema &2. |
419 | Calling function &1 by aRFC. Task name &2. |
420 | Callback executed for aRFC task &1. |
421 | Checking status of aRFC tasks. All tasks finished. |
422 | Checking status of aRFC tasks. Finished: &1. Running &2. |
423 | Retry to add read/write protected tables. &1 attempts are allowed. |
424 | Starting deactivation of read only mode. |
425 | Parameter rsdb/zdm_dbsl_mode should have value 'on'. |
426 | Remove a write/read protection. Number of tables &1. |
427 | The protection &1 is not allowed in the current scope. |
428 | Table &1 unlocked on schema &2. |
429 | No table name supplied. |
430 | Cannot remove protection for table &1. |
431 | Read Only mode cannot be activated, due to missing authorization. |
432 | Read Only mode cannot be deactivated, due to missing authorization. |
433 | Cannot add read/write protection, due to missing authorization. |
434 | Cannot remove read/write protection, due to missing authorization. |
435 | Affected table/view: &1 |
436 | Affected session identified. Validation time: %1. |
437 | &1 |
438 | Return code of function &1 was &2. |
439 | Start of log messages of aRFC task &1. |
440 | End of log messages of aRFC task &1. |
441 | aRFC call failed with sy-subrc = &1. |
442 | Triggers disabled for client &1. |
443 | Triggers enabled for client &1. |