The following messages are stored in message class RMSRCPMIG: .
It is part of development package RMSRCPMIG in software component PLM-RM-REC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RMS-RCP: Process Parameter Migration".
It is part of development package RMSRCPMIG in software component PLM-RM-REC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RMS-RCP: Process Parameter Migration".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 cannot currently be executed; process parameters are being migrated |
001 | Application log could not be displayed owing to internal error |
002 | Internal error when executing function module &1 |
003 | Step &1 was executed successfully |
004 | Step &1 was canceled by user &2 |
005 | Execution of step &1 already started |
006 | Step &1 is already completed |
007 | Error during update or insert in database table &1 |
008 | Executing of step &1 contains errors |
009 | Internal error; notify your system administrator |
010 | No application log available for step &1 |
011 | Interface error; notify your system administrator |
012 | Error in text object &1 in function module &2 |
013 | Process parameter ID could not be determined |
014 | Process parameter ID &3 cannot be determined uniquely |
015 | Process parameter ID could not be determined; internal error |
016 | Description for process parameter ID &3 is too long in language &4 |
017 | Process parameter ID could not be determined uniquely |
018 | Select a line |
019 | Process parameter result class contains special characteristic &3 |
020 | Execution no longer possible; migration step already completed |
021 | Execution not yet possible; prerequisite not fulfilled |
022 | No messages exist |
023 | Process parameter type &1 was not set up |
024 | Characteristic &2 assigned to column &1 no longer exists |
025 | Process parameter value assignment &1 is assigned to several recipes |
026 | Process parameter &1 does not exist in table PNODID |
027 | Characteristic &1 was already assigned to a process parameter column |
028 | No process parameter value assignments could be determined for &1 |
029 | Characteristic &4 was assigned several times to value assigment type &3 |
030 | No unique process parameter ID could be determined |
031 | Characteristic with process parameter description could not be determined |
032 | No additional data found (&1, &2, &3) |
033 | Authorization error, object &1 (&2), &3 (AENNR) |
034 | Root obj. &3 and proc. param. val. assgmt &4 have different change states |
035 | RESET could not be executed; status PP_OLD_DATA_DELETION = &1 |
036 | RESET could not be executed; global migration status = &1 |
037 | Error when deleting database table &1 |
038 | RESET of process parameter migration was executed successfully |
039 | Check routine for step &1, sequence &2 does not exist |
040 | Error when updating number range interval for object &1 |
041 | Error when updating a number range interval |
042 | Not all old process parameters could be deleted |
043 | Error during update of table &1 |
044 | Characteristic &2 does not exist in class &1 of class type 102 |
045 | Internal error in function call: &1 |
046 | Error in object &1 (&2), &3 (AENNR) |
047 | No root object could be determined for &1 |
048 | Class &1 contains phrase-enabled process parameter desc. characteristic |
049 | Class &1 of class type &2 must contain exactly one target characteristic |
050 | Class &1 of class type &2 must contain exactly one MIN_MAX characteristic |
051 | Class &1 of class type &2 must contain exactly one UoM characteristic |
052 | No process param. desc. characteristic defined for value assgmt type &1 |
053 | Class &1 of class type 100 does not contain a process param. desc. char. |
054 | Class &1 contains additional phrase-enabled characteristic &2 |
055 | Characteristic &2 does not exist in class &1 of class type 100 |
056 | Class &1 of class type 102 does not exist |
057 | You are using more than one process parameter profile |
058 | Phrase &1 is used for several process parameter descriptions |
059 | Process parameter description does not exist |
060 | No process parameter ID exists for value assignment type &1 and char. &2 |
061 | Could not determine process parameter type &1 with class assignment &2 |
062 | Desc. of process param. &1 is longer than 128 characters in language &2 |
063 | Migration table &1 is inconsistent |
064 | Columns and fields are already set for process parameter data |
065 | Column with role &1 is defined incorrectly |
066 | Characteristic &1 cannot be assigned uniquely to a column |
067 | Process parameter value assignments are not completely migrated |
068 | Number ranges of number range objects &1 and &2 are incompatible |
069 | Process parameter value assignments in old format are not fully deleted |
070 | Process parameter classes are not completely migrated |
071 | Process parameter definition is inconsistent |
072 | &1 can currently only be displayed; process parameters are being migrated |
073 | Long text error in process parameter ID &1 |
074 | Class &1 was not found (class type &2) |
075 | No phrase was found for the description of the class &1 |
076 | Completion of step was forced manually (process parameter assignments) |
077 | Process parameter long texts were converted successfully for the search |
078 | Record with TDNAME &1 TDSPRAS &2 from table &3 could not be converted |