RMXMTRF - RMXM-TRF: Messages for Master Recipe Transformation

The following messages are stored in message class RMXMTRF: RMXM-TRF: Messages for Master Recipe Transformation.
It is part of development package RMXMTRF in software component PLM-RM-TRS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Main Package - Transformation: Tools".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Recipe with status &1 cannot be transformed
001Standard setting for plant &1, transformation group &2 is not defined
002Error while searching for objects from class &1 &2
003ABAP class assignment for transformation group &1 is not defined
004Transformation grp &1 contains no ABAP class for 'recipe' object category
005Error while reading the recipe object data
006Error occurred when reading the formula data
007Customizing settings do not exist for transformation group &1
008Error while reading Cust. settings for material assignment for streams
009Insufficient material numbers for streams
010No value was transferred for &1
011Output material is not available
012Language-dependent description of &1 is not available
013Could not determine primary output for recipe &1
014Characteristics cannot be defined for task list type &1
015General recipe object is invalid (object category &1)
016&1: Errors (&2)/warnings (&3) occurred; see application log
017Process instruction category is not defined
018Highest node in the recipe model is not a recipe
019Trial recipe does not match the recipe model
020Recipe model does not contain trial data f. resource/control recipe dest.
021Object category &1 is not assigned to the transformation group &2
022No class assigned to object category &1 in transformation group &2
023Error while creating an instance of class &1
024Internal error while reading the QM data for the recipe
025Internal error while casting object category &1 to object category &2
026Transformation from &1 &2 to &3 started
027Transformation from &1 &2 to &3 finished
028Production version key is incomplete
029Master recipe key is incomplete
030Master recipe cannot be transformed using action type &1
031Gaps are not permitted in the stage selection
032Error during transformation; data for process stage is incomplete
033Could not determine primary output; recipe does not have a formula
034Base quantity is not available
035&1 &2 does not have a subordinate object (&3)
036&1 cannot be inserted in the object hierarchy of &2 &3
037Stream &1 is not linked to streams of other selected stages
038Internal error; object category &1 does not exist in language &2
039Could not create new operation &1
040&1 &2 &3 &4
041Start: Reassign key for &1 &2
042End: Reassign key for &1 &2
043Start: Merge master recipe operation &1 with &2 operation
044End: Merge master recipe operation &1 with &2 operation
045Error while processing the &1 tree
046Start: Split master recipe operation &1 (phase &2)
047End: Split master recipe operation &1 (phase &2)
048Selected master recipe phase &1 is the only phase
049Master recipe phase &1 is not derived from the master recipe operation &2
050You cannot maintain relationships between phases from different recipes
051Could not determine a free numeric production version
052Cannot determine the resource
053Process parameter in general recipe &1 cannot be transformed
054Process parameter in process stage &1 cannot be transformed
055Assign a control recipe destination to the resource &1
056Primary output of the selected stage is not a stream
057Enter a value for the reference quantity
058Last selected process stage, &1, does not contain an output material
059Enter values for the reference quantity and material
060Relationships between operations are incomplete following the XML import
061Formula &1 has no input/output entries
062Cannot display transformation log for transformed master recipe
063Error saving the relationships between the general and master recipe
064Internal error while calculating the aggregated formulas
100Entries without Customizing settings such as &1 are being deleted
102Characteristic &1 is not available in Recipe Management class &2
103Characteristic data was not saved for changed process instruction cat.
104Process instruction cat. of CRD &1, class &2 changed; create chars again
200Assignment of process parameter &1 to process instruction is not defined
201Assignment tables for the process parameter are not defined correctly
202Error while assigning the process instruction category
203Plant and process parameter class must be copied
204Class &1 ist not valid on &2
800------------------------ Internal Errors --------------------------------
801Internal error in class &1, method &2
802Internal error in function module &1
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