RODPS - Operation Data Provider

The following messages are stored in message class RODPS: Operation Data Provider.
It is part of development package RODPS in software component BC-EIM-ODP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Operational Data Provider Services".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Unexpected Error
001Program error in the Operational Data Provisioning Services area
002Error while reading DataSource &1
003&1 &2 &3 &4
004DataSource &1 does not have any key fields
005Field &1 for import defined as a key field. Correction required
006Error while accessing metadata
007Error while accessing data: &1
008Data access with data type &1 is not supported
009Error while extracting data: DataSource &1
010Error with extractor call &1
011ODP &1 does not exist
012Error while reading DataSource &1
013No DataSource exists for ODP &1
014Error: DataSource &1 does not contain any fields
015Check ODP &1 (Part)
016Check ODP &1
017DataSource &1 not released (table RODPS_OS_EXPOSE)
018Extraction finished (NO_MORE_DATA) after &1 calls of a maximum &2
019Extraction finished: End (NO_MORE_DATA) not reached after &1 calls
020Error while accessing ESH with software component &1
021No valid destination maintained for BW client
022Runtime class &1 not actively available
023ODP &1, semantic &2 cannot be uniquely identified
024No unique sysrel as an enhancement of ODP &1 (semantic &2)
025Aggregate function '&1' for component '&2' of type '&3' not supported
026Inconsistency in ESH repository &1 &2 &3 &4
027Field &1 (DataSource &2) does not exist
028Change field properties of field &1 (DataSource or Search Repository)
029Checks in software component &1
030Extraction completed. &1 records extracted
031No data package extracted
032Empty data package (zero records) extracted
033DataSource &1 does not support direct access (VIRTCUBE=D)
034Check ODPs
035- Check: ESH metadata
036- Check: ODP metadata
037- Check: ODP runtime
038- Check: TransientProvider
039- Check: &1
040-- Extraction without filter
041--- Extraction from ODP &1
042-- Creating filter
043-- Extraction with filter
044--- Extraction from DataSource: &1
045--- Extraction from &1 (&2)
046-- Messages related to ODP &1
047Continue display without a preview of the transient provider
048DataSource &1 does not have the supported data type &2
049ODP &1 for hierarchy ODP &2 does not exist
050- Check: General
051ESH metadata: Check in client &1
052BW DataSource must be consistent
053BW DataSource must be consistent with the model data
054Check ODP &1 (View)
055Check ODP &1 (&2)
056ODP activation is only possible in client &1
057ODPs can only be activated in the ESH_COCKPIT
058DataSource &1 is already active
059DataSource &1 not found
060ODP &1 Activated
061Paths with cardinality &1 are not supported here
062Hierarchy DataSource &1 cannot be imported from customer systems
063ODP activation is locked
064The metadata for ODP &1 contains errors
065You do not have authorization for administration of connectors
066No errors found
067Local connection for search & analytics created
068Creation of connectors scheduled for SWC &1
069ODP &1 is unchanged
070BWA index for ODP &1 (&2) cannot be used
071BWA index for ODP &1 (&2) does not contain all the data requested
072ODP &1 (&2) reads data from the BWA
073ODP &3 associated with &1 is not indexed in BWA
074Field &3 does not exist in ODP &1 with semantic &2
075ODP &1 (&2) reads data in direct access
076Temporal join in direct access for ODP &1 (&2) with ODP &3
077Metadata for ODP &1 are not in the shared buffer
078Navigation attributes in direct access for ODP &1 (&2) from ODP &3
079ODP &1 cannot be transported. Manual transport required
080Customer enhancement in direct access for ODP &1 (&2) on DataSource &3
081Restrictions on ODP &1(&2) return &4 values for attribute &3
082ODP &1(&2): Transported version cannot be overwritten
083Field &1 is defined differently
084Association &1 is different
085Authorizations are different
086Runtime object for ODP &1 (&2) activated with messages
087Runtime object for ODP &1 (&2) activated without messages
088Runtime object for ODP &1 (&2) deleted
089Runtime object for ODP &1 (&2) does not have any errors
090Runtime object for ODP &1 (&2) is not up to date
100Maximum number of nodes (&1) reached
101Table/view &1 does not actively exist
102No hierarchy selection specified
103Error in follow-up processing of selected results set
104Hierarchy element ID &1: Component &2 is missing from the semantic key
105Global and enhanced selections cannot be combined
301Node &1 not found in iterator of template &2
302Node &1 not supported by iterator
303Error while creating the internal table for DataSource &1
304Error while reading the metadata for Provider &1
305Error while reading the metadata for ODP &1
306Error while determining the TREX destination
307Error while checking TREX destination &1
308No valid pointer for delta replication
309Data package &1 cannot be requested again
310Confirm data package &1 first
311Error while retrieving data from queue &1
320Retrieved data package &1 with &3 records for &2
321Data package &1 confirmed for &2
322Data package &1 contains &3 changes and &4 deletions for &2
600* -------------------------- ODP SQL -----------------------------------
601Key word "&1" is missing
602Token "&2" found instead of the key word "&1"
603"&1" is not a valid aggregate function
604"&1" is not a whole number
605&1 is not in the permitted value range
606Reserved key word "&1" instead of a label
607"&1" is not a valid label
608Token "&2" found instead of the symbol "&1"
609Field name "&1" is used more than once
610Alias name "&1" is not unique
611"&1" clause is not required
612Label "&1" appears more than once in the "&2" clause
613Label "&1" not specified in the "&2" clause
614Statement is incomplete
615Aggregate functions in "&1" clause require a "&2" clause
616You are not authorized to display data from operational data providers
800Field &1 in ODP &2 cannot be used as a navigation attribute
801Association for field &1 (ODP &2) is ignored for navigation attribute &3
802The representative key field of ODP &1 cannot be determined
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