RPM_CAPACITY_MGR - Message Class for Capacity Management

The following messages are stored in message class RPM_CAPACITY_MGR: Message Class for Capacity Management.
It is part of development package RPM_SHARED in software component PPM-PFM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RPM Shared Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Interval from & to & and interval from & to & overlap
001Finish & is earlier than start &
002Calendar data is missing for resource & start & finish &
003Default calendar settings are taken for role &
004Unknown assignment unit of project &
005Monthly calculation base is not consistent with weekly breakdown
006Weekly calculation base is not consistent with monthly breakdown
007Start or finish date is initial
008Location is not maintained for &; default calendar settings are taken
009Role location is not maintained; default calendar settings are taken
010No location maintained for resource &
011Calendar data is not maintained for the location &
012Time unit is not consistent with time unit in the assignment table
013Weekly calculation base is not suitable for monthly breakdown
014Monthly calculation base is not suitable for weekly breakdown
015Time reporting unit is initial
016Assignment unit is initial
017Start/finish must be specified for daily breakdown
018Breakdown structure table is required for monthly/weekly breakdown
019New date interval structure is required
020Error: start or finish is initial
021Enter reporting time unit
022Enter assignment unit for reporting
023Period table cannot be generated for the period breakdown type &
024Specify start/finish date
025Specify number of periods or days
026No. of hours per day is undefined for location &
027Time unit of the project & is initial
028Enter role ID
029Period ID is initial
030Incomplete calendar/location/hours per day data for resource &
031Daily hours from global setting will be used/public holiday day ignored
032Hours per day is initial, conversion rate from & to & set to zero
033Incomplete calendar/location/daily hours data
034No working days between the start and finish
035Role demand start/finish out of role date range
036No demand entered
037Role demand start/finish inconsistent with role start/finish
038Role start/finish not specified
039Start or finish is initial
040Resource assignment start & is earlier than the role start &
041Resource assignment finish & is later than the role finish &
042Cannot determine factory date for &1 in factory calendar &2
043Starting period is initial
044Unit & is not a time unit
045FTE is a soft-booked unit and cannot be used as a time unit
046Unit & is not a time unit for hour
047Project & has already been converted on &
048Unable to obtain conversion from &1 unit to &2 unit
049Hours per day for FTE not defined in the global setting
050Standard hour unit not defined in the global setting
051DAY is a soft-booked unit and can only be used after conversion
052Availability must be between 0 and 100
053Start date is initial
054Finish date is initial
055Assignment already exists with the same start date and end date
056No resources assigned to bucket &1
057Availability calculated and capacity planning data prepared successfully
058Error while doing the calculation
059Labor cost planning is finished and financial data prepared successfully
060Production run
061Simulation run
062Incorrect or incomplete data for view:&1, category:&2, and group:&3
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