RPM_LCC - Messages for the Test Log for the liveCache Routines

The following messages are stored in message class RPM_LCC: Messages for the Test Log for the liveCache Routines.
It is part of development package ISAUTO_MMP_LCC in software component BC-DB-LCA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Test Programs for RPM-LiveCache Routines".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Initial value for random number generator (seed): &1
002Number of calls from liveCache routines (reps): &1
003Planning version (version): &1
004Planning version &1 not found
005MMRP_LC_TABLES_CREATE ended with sy-subrc &1
006Matrix data for product &1 cannot be used
007No characteristic values matrix found for product &1
008No component variant matrix found for product &1
009No confirmation status matrix found for product &1
010Matrix ID &1 not found in table MMRP_LCC_MATS
011Matrix ID &1 is not a characteristic value matrix in table MMRP_LCC_MATS
012Matrix ID &1 is not a component variant matrix in table MMRP_LCC_MATS
013Matrix ID &1 is not a backflush status matrix in table MMRP_LCC_MATS
014Matrix ID &1 refers to wrong product in table MMRP_LC_MATS
015Log file cannot be generated
016Log file could not be described
017Log file could not be saved
018Incorrect matrix type transferred to PICK_M_HANDLE
019Matrix for product &1 (type &2) not found
020No product in MMRP_LCC_PRODMAT
021No value found for domain &1
022Are there no more free CUOBJ numbers?
023No more free order numbers?
024DD_DD07V_GET with sy-subrc &1 completed (domain &2)
025DDIF_NAMETAB_GET with sy-subrc &1 completed (table MMRP_SCHED_PARAMS)
026&1: &2 (M-handle &3) completed successfully
027&1: &2 (M-handle &3) with sy-subrc &4 completed
028&1: &2 (M-handle &3) not executed
029Too many unsuccessful rounds
030Program error
031MMRP_LCC_MATS was not cleared up (MMRP_LC_CHECK_CLEAN_UP broken?)
032Component variants for matrix &1 not saved correctly
033Incorrect number of characteristic values in matrix &1
034Incorrect number of component variants in matrix &1
035MMRP_LCC_MATS does not contain the necessary matrix data
036CLEAN_UP: LC_DOWN switch was not set
037CLEAN_UP: LC_DOWN switch was set
038INITIALIZE: RECYCLE switch was not set
039INITIALIZE: RECYCLE switch was set
040Activities for matrix &1 not saved correctly
041No activity matrix found for product &1
042Matrix ID &1 is not an activity matrix in table MMRP_LCC_MATS
043Token for matrix &1 saved incorrectly
044Reference to component variant matrix for matrix &1 not saved correctly
045Reference to activity matrix for matrix &1 saved incorrectly
046Component variant matrix and activity matrix have different statuses
047Row &1 missing in result matrix
048Incorrect number of rows in result matrix
049CUOBJ &1 not found in matrix &2
050COM routine: &1; error level: &2; time (ms): &3
100Error when reading the anchor table
101Error when comparing the target and actual anchor table
102Error when reading the table of periods with lead time &1 from liveCache
103Error when testing the table of periods with lead times &1 and &2
104Error when deleting the table of periods with lead time &1
105Error when deleting the period profile &1
106Error deleting the anch.table entry for table of periods w. lead tm. &1
107No errors
108Error has occurred when creating table of periods with lead time &1
109&1 table of periods have been created successfully
110Error when reading the application log for the table examples
111Error when saving the period profile &1
112Error when assigning the field symbol for the buffer table
113Error when deleting old data from the liveCache
114Error when creating the resource in the liveCache
115&1 matrices were created
116No connection to LC
117Error at &1 of the component variants
118&1 executed successfully
119Comp.variants for material &1, location &2 read successfully
120Reading item var. for material &1, location &2 incorrect - error &1
121Test executed - runtime &1 -
122Scheduling parameter: Date Finder &1, Quantity Finder from &2
123Error in test &1: retcode &2
124Requirements from matrix &1 were read, number &2
125Error comparing requirements
126DELETE_MATRIX with RPM ession called for matrix &1
127CREATE_MATRIX with RPM Session called for matrix &1
128SESSION_SWITCH called for matrix &1, direction &2
129&1 called, number &2
130SimSession will be opened
131Orders were confirmed
132Backflush status will be deleted
133Simulation mode will be closed, methos &1
134Simulation mode will be tested, &1
135Test for &1 routine, &2 method
136RC Error: &1
137Matrices_reorg tested, &1
138Data is invalid
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