The following messages are stored in message class RSANA_UMM_API: UMM API Messages.
It is part of development package RS_ANA_UMM_GEN in software component BW-EI-PA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Adv. Analytics UMM General".
Message Nr
Message Text
001This function is only availabe for systems on SAP HANA
006Insufficient authorization to generate predictive scenario
007Missing authorization: activity(&1) entity(&2)
008Missing authorization: activity(&1) entity(&2) scenario(&3)
009Error occurred while generating predictive scenario &1
010Error occurred while creating functional area
011Error occurred while creating predictive scenario
012Error occurred while creating modeling context
013Error occurred while creating model version
014Error occurred while reading functional areas
015Error occurred while reading model contents
016Error occurred while reading predictive scenarios
017Error occurred while reading predictive scenario
018Error occurred while reading modeling contexts
019Error occurred while reading modeling context
020Error occurred while reading modeling context filters
021Error occurred while reading hierarchy objects
022Error occurred while reading model versions
023Error occurred while reading model version
024Error occurred while reading model version filters
025Application cannot have a parent path
026Mandatory filter not found
027Error occurred while reading modeling contexts
028Error occurred while deleting functional area
029Error occurred while deleting predictive scenario
030Error occurred while deleting modeling context
031Error occurred while deleting model version
032Error occurred while scheduling model version training
033Error occurred while training model version
034Error occurred while activating model version
035Invalid model version update
036Error occurred while deactivating model version
037Error occurred while reading targets
038Error occurred while reading dataset key fields
039Error occurred while reading parameters
040Error occurred while reading validation rules
041No data found
042Invalid filter conditions
043Error occurred while creating model
044Error occurred while deleting model
045Regeneration of class &1 is not necessary
046Additional information was added to the log
047Unknown exception occurred
048Error occurred while reading model
049Error occurred while updating model version
050Error scheduling training (phase &1, subrc &2 )
051Insert error: table &1 subrc &2
052Error occurred while creating HANA workload class
053Error occurred while creating HANA workload mapping
054Error occurred while creating predictive scenario draft
055A pred. scenario draft can only be created in the context of a catalog
056Error occurred while reading catalog
057Error occurred while reading predictive scenario draft
058Error occurred while deleting predictive scenario draft
059Invalid scenario type
060Invalid dataset type
061Conversion from binary failed
062ABAP data element &1 not compatible with DB type &2
063Supplied signature and existing signature are not consistent
064Supplied ABAP data element &1 is not valid
065Signature field &1 missing from submitted signature
066Signature structure &1 not found in submitted signature
067No save has occurred, please submit valid changes
068Dataset and input signature are not consistent
069Deleting predictive scenario draft &1 &2...
070Error occurred while updating predictive scenario draft
071No record found for key '&1'
072Invalid filter, key '&1' must be specified
073Only one filter may be specified for property &1
074Error occurred while creating model draft
075Mandatory field &1 of type '&2' not found in model
076Model type &1 incompatible with predictive scenario type &2
077Only 1 draft model can exist under a predictive scenario
0782 models with the same name cannot exist under a predictive scenario
079Model specification decoding failed
080A model specification must be provided
081Deleting model draft &1 &2...
082Invalid model draft(s) supplied
083Error occurred while deleting model draft
084Invalid model update
085Invalid property '&1' for table/view &2
086Invalid filter operator '&1'
087Duplicate entries provided for property '&1'
088Multiple operators on property '&1' are not permitted
089Error occurred while queueing predictive scenario regeneration
090Model Training was successful
091Model Training was unsuccessful
092Error occurred while acquiring object lock (subrc &1)
093Error occurred during Object hash generation (subrc &1)
094Processing completed with errors. See spool list
095Exception occurred in &1->&2 at line &3
096Error occurred during Specified Model training
097Error occurred during Model Signature extraction
098Invalid model version status for training
099Error occurred during model information extraction
100Error occurred during model import
101Error occurred while creating model specification
102Model specification updated
103Model version activation was unsuccessful
104Model version activation was successful
105PAi Delivery Unit version not found
106Sign '&1' is not supported
107Please provide exactly 1 target
108Provided target &1 does not exist in dataset
109Error occurred while creating configuration from model definition
110Invalid method call for object type &1.
111A model specification or definition must be provided.
112Predictive scenario class deleted successfully
113Model version deleted successfully
114Models deleted successfully
115Modeling contexts deleted successfully
116The predictive scenario draft was deleted successfully
117Please provide exactly 1 parent type
118Please provide exactly 1 parent GUID
119Error occurred during JSON deserialisation
120Invalid adapter ID
121Executor class missing for task type &. Please check configuration.
122Only additional models in status 'Draft' can be deleted
123Entity detail '&1' not found
124A predictive scenario must have a parent
125Additional models can only be added to extensible predictive scenarios
126To publish your predictive scenario, install the latest UMML4HANA 1 DU
127The bindings of this model cannot be modified
130Filter on field &1 is not supported
131Error occurred while reading model &1
133Error occurred while reading entity details
134Error occurred while reading models
135Error occurred while reading datasets
140Invalid default: parameter '&1', value '&2'
141Specified parameter &1 does not exist
142Error occurred during creation of parameter GUID
143For &1, the max. number of default values allowed is &2
144Error occurred while saving model version parameters
145Invalid navigation
149&1 predictive scenarios will be processed.
150&1 active model versions will be processed.
151Error occurred while importing model version &1 _ &2 _ &3
152Error occurred while generating the apply for predictive scenario &1
153&1 model versions have been processed successfully.
154&1 predictive scenarios have been processed successfully.
155Model version &1 client &2 will not be processed
156Model version &1 client &2 oredictive scenario &3 imported successfully
157Predictive scenario &1 has been processed successfully.
158There are no active model versions to process
159&1 model versions have not been processed correctly
160&1 predictive scenarios have not been processed correctly
161Start processing model version &1 _ &2 _ &3
162Start processing the predictive scenarios
163Error occurred while processing predictive scenario &1
164Start processing predictive scenario &1
200Dataset does not exist: &1
249A draft predictive scenario should have a model
250The scenario name is missing
251No parameters found for predictive scenario (&1)
252Unable to get edit lock on predictive scenario (&1)
253The table/view &1 does not exist
254Generation of class &1 successful
255Syntax error in generated class &1
256Error saving generated class &1
257Package &1 is local, which means the object is not transportable.
258Object could not be added to the transport request
259Object &1 could not be modified
260Object &1 was updated successfully
261Object &1 was added to transport &2
262Class &1 is used in another object
263Class &1 has not been generated
264Package &1 does not exist
265Object &1 already exists
266Object &1 does not exist
267You cannot move object &1 to package &2
268Could not generate class &1
269Class &1 deleted successfully
270Could not delete class &1
271Class &1 was not fully deleted; it still exists in the repository
272Run function &1 error with &2
273&1 predictive scenario(s) found; report executed in &2
274Zero downtime maintenance in process; only display operations possible
275Error occurred while converting ABAP DDIC types to DB SQL types
276DDIC type &1 not found
277The object is locked by another TR &1
278Input parameter &1 has error
279The value is: &1
280Signature and Dataset bindings cannot be updated simultaneously.
281SQL Procedure updated
282Drop not allowed for this/these model version SQL object(s).
298Invalid model. Check that model exists and try again.
299Invalid model version. Check that model version exists and try again.
300The specified name is not valid. Please try again with a non-empty name.
301The specified name is not unique. Please try again with a unique name.
302The parent does not exist. Make sure the parent exists and try again.
303A GUID could not be generated. Try again.
304Enter a "High" value that is equal to or greater than the "Low" value.
305Invalid scenario type.
306Invalid bindings. Please try again with exactly one dataset bound.
307Invalid binding. Check that referenced dataset exists and try again.
308Invalid binding. Check that input structure exists and try again.
309Binding mappings are not supported. Please try again without mappings.
310Invalid signature type. Signature type must be 'Input' or 'Output'.
311IT_CONFIG is a reserved signature name. Please try a different name.
312Duplicate parameter. Please try again with unique parameter names.
313A field is specified using a signature that does not exist.
314Invalid input field type. Allowed values: "Input", "Key", "Target"
315Invalid output field type. Allowed values: "Key", "Prediction"
316Data element not found field &1/&2
317Invalid storage. Check that storage type exists and try again.
318Target not specified. Please specify a target and try again.
319Check that a prediction field is specified and try again.
320Check that prediction type matches target type and try again.
321Duplicate input field name. Please try again with unique names.
322Duplicate input field position. Please try again with unique positions.
323Duplicate output field name. Please try again with unique names.
324Duplicate output field position. Please try again with unique positions.
325Invalid dataset. Bound dataset does not have all required fields.
326Mismatched keys. Check that the keys match for input and output.
327Only one modeling context may be created per predictive scenario.
328The global modeling context cannot be deleted.
329The dataset reference is malformed. Check the format and try again.
330Invalid GUID. Check the GUID and try again.
331Error occurred while parsing dataset reference.
332Invalid binding. Dataset not valid for predictive scenario
333Invalid model version GUID.
334EntityDetails are not supported for entity type '&1'
335Input Key field/s not specified
336Output Key field/s not specified
337Invalid parent. Check the parent and try again.
338Invalid binding. This model type should not have input bindings.
339Table function name &1 is invalid
340Table function &1 is inactive.
341Errors occurred when trying to determine the status for table function &1
342The Predictive Scenario is not in a valid namespace
343SQLView Name: &1 was generated successfuly.
344Proposed CDS view name: &1
345A new CDS view will be generated for table function: &1
346A DCL exists on the apply view. The CDS view will be DCL-enabled.
347An error occurred when trying to save the CDS view.
348An error occurred when trying to add the object to TADIR.
349Errors occurred while creating the CDS view.
350Errors occurred while locking CDS View name: &1
351Table function &1 is not connected to predictive scenario &2
352The table function and predictive scenario are not in the same namespace
353CDS view name could not be generated. Naming conflicts exist.
354There are multiple DCLs for &1
355An exception occurred while trying to create the SQL name.
356SQL view name could not be generated.
357Invalid name class.
358CDS view &1 created successfully.
359Table function &1 doesn't have a correct corresponding CDS name.
360Table function name could not be generated. Naming conflicts exist.
361Class name could not be generated. Naming conflicts exist.
362Apply dataset must be set before publishing the predictive scenario.
363DEFAULT model cannot be created.
364DEFAULT is a SAP reserved name
365Name conflict with existing object (&1 &2). Please modify name
366Model name &1 is in an SAP namespace. Please use a customer namespace.
367Please ensure that model &1 is in a valid PAi supported namespace.
370Failed to generate access protection. Please open an incident.
371The model definition is required to create a specification
372The HEMI model name cannot be initial
373The HEMI model is not PAi compatible
374Model specification should not be provided for HEMI models
375Create model not supported. Please refer to SAP note 2764539.
400Missing HANA library
401Missing HANA function
402PAI Engine setup required
403PAI APL Adapter setup required
404'/PAI0/' namespace must be editable
405'/PAI0/' namespace not found
406AMDP execution failed
450Invalid field length
451The length has to be greater or equal to the number of decimals
452Data type not supported
453Couldn't read columns used in &1 or there are no columns
454Key field/s inconsistency between initial PS model and new model
455&1 dataset &2 and input signature are not consistent
456Keys of training dataset &1 must match keys of Predictive Scenario.
457Keys of apply dataset &1 must match keys of Predictive Scenario.
458Dataset &1 (package &2) is HOME or LOCAL object
459Published predictive scenario in package &1 cannot be deleted
460A published predictive scenario cannot be deleted in this system
465Action is not supported. Please refer to SAP note 2923241.
498Model name: &1
499Model GUID: &1
500Created with &1 filters
501Name: &1
502Parent: &1
503Deleting: &1 &2
504GUID: &1
505Filter index: &1
506> Field: &1
507> Low: &1
508> High: &1
509> Op: &1
511> Low: Value is too long to be displayed
512> High: Value is too long to be displayed
514> Parent: &1
515> GUID: &1
516> PS: &1
517PS: &1
518MC: &1
519Status: &1
520Parent name: &1
521Content name: &1
522Content version: &1
523> Name: &1
524Version: &1
525Filter at index &1 is not valid
526Opearator &1 in filter at index &2 is not valid
527MV: &1
528> Version: &1
529No signature fields found for PS: &1
530Deleting modeling context &1 &2 (&3)
531Deleting model &1 &2 &3 (&4)
532Deleting model version &1 &2 &3 (&4)
533GUID &1
534Extracting model information
535Importing model
536Creating predictive model
537Predictive scenario name can only contain the characters _, A-Z, 0-9.
538Step &1 Runtime.... &2
539Load successful
540Could not read columns of dataset &1
541Target name length can't exceed 27 for regression, 12 for classification.
542Fields and dataset key fields will be overwritten.
543Predictive scenario &1 not found. Check the name and try again.
544Operation successful
545Operation cancelled
546Bindings must be specified
547Deleting model...
548Previously active model versions and their parents cannot be deleted.
551Transportable models cannot be deleted.
552Catalog name must be supplied.
553Transport number was not supplied.
554Catalog could not be found.
556Predictive scenario name is already assigned.
557Authorization missing for authorization object 'S_DEVELOP'
558Authorization missing for authorization object 'S_TRANSPRT'
559Authorization missing for authorization object 'S_BTCH_NA1'
560Authorization missing for authorization object 'S_TABU_DIS'
564Task with status &1 not valid for execution
565Task type &1 not supported
566Task not found
567Task type &1 not supported
568Task type &1 not valid for training
569Task &1 status: &2
570Transport conflict (objects contained already in &1)
571Error occurred while reading task
573Parent and reference predictive scenario must match
574Object type &1 not supported
577The system is not properly configured for ATO.
578Unable to release ATO related CDS View &1
585Training is already scheduled for this model. Try again later.
586Job scheduling is not configured. Contact the system administrator.
587Is Job scheduling used: &1
590&1 predictive scenarios found in system.
591&1 model versions found in client.
592Client Copy executed in Test Mode.
593Attempted to import &1 model version procedures.
594&1 model version procedures imported successfully.
595Regeneration started for &1 predictive dcenarios.
596Predictive scenario regeneration completed.
597Processing skipped due to destination client settings
600One or more objects are not avaliable for Table Function generation
601Error during &1 generation
602Error during &1 Save
603Error during &1 Activate
604Couldn`t create &1 object in Repository
605&1 object generated successfully
606Error reading DCL &1
607Couldn`t generate &1 source code
608Unable to get edit lock &1
609&1 object type is not supported
610Error Occured while Inserting PS generated objects to BOM
611Table Function is not created for Predictive scenaio &1
612Table Function class is not created for Predictive scenario &1
613Source DCL & is not active
614Error occurred while adding object &1 type &2 to transport
615Generation of &1 type &2 in progress
616Couldn't lock &1 type &2
617&1 is not available for generation
618Publishing not allowed due to system/ATO configuration combination
619DCL object generated successfully
620Error occurred in generation of predictive scenario-related objects
621Predictive scenario &1 catalog &2 is not ATO-enabled; please change to &3
624The predictive scenario name or the development class was not supplied
625Predictive scenario has no CDS related objects attached
626&1 is used by a non PAi-generated object
627Deletion not supported. &1 is being used by a DCL.
628&1 type &2 was successfully deleted
629An error occurred durring the deletion of &1 object &2
630No classification of the object was found
631An error occurred when adding object &1 to transport &2
632Predictive Scenario draft is invalid, please recreate it.
633&1 type &2 will be deleted
634Function module &1 sy-subrc &2
635Errors occurred while checking the where-used list for the class of PS &1
636Errors occurred durring the generated object check
637Model name is too long. Please export model from PF again.
638&1 type &2 was deleted previusly
639Task type &1 is not supported for &2 and &3.
640A PAi task is required for the creation of engine tasks.
641Error occurred while reading draft model.
642The PAi Task Processor requires a factory for task scheduling.
643Error occurred during model draft validation.
644Predictive Scenario is in Draft state.
645Model &1 is not in Draft state. Only Draft Models can be published.
646&1 field &2 is a RAW datatype. This is not supported for &1 fields.
647Draft models cannot query binding record count.
648Invalid Predictive Scenario as Associated object is missing.
650Invalid dataset
651Errors found with dataset &1.
670No apply view was found for the given predictive scenario
671Errors occured durring the internal table creation
700ATO object deletion is not supported
720Client 000 is protected and may not be overwritten
740Scenario &1 name collision found. Migration not allowed.
741Scenario &1 can only be migrated in source system
745Model &1 can only be migrated in source system
746Model &1 (&2) collision found. Migration not allowed.
750Deactivating model version &1...
751Model version &1 deactivated successfully
755No data conversion required in this system
756No data relevant for conversion found in this system
757Data conversion started at &1 &2 &3
758Data conversion finished at &1 &2 &3
850Job name &1, job count &2, scheduled successfully
851Task scheduler was not able to update processed DATA
852Task processing is supported only as background job
853Another instance of job &1 is already running
854Background job amount limit acquired, no task for process
855Unable to acquire model for model version &1
856Task scheduled successfully
897Object &1 doesn't exist.
898Unexpected error occurred, please contact system admin.
899Method not implemented.
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