RSAU - Fortschreibungsregeln
The following messages are stored in message class RSAU: Fortschreibungsregeln.
It is part of development package RSAU in software component BW-WHM-DST. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Update".
It is part of development package RSAU in software component BW-WHM-DST. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Update".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
020 | &1 records changed in fact table &2 |
021 | &1 records added to fact table &2 |
022 | Error occurred when reading SID for InfoObject '&' with value '&' |
023 | Error calling number range object &1 for dimension &2 ( &3 ) |
024 | Fixed value discrepancy with InfoObject & value '&', expected '&' |
025 | Value '&' for Infoobject '&' not available. |
026 | Invalid characters in characteristic value '&' of InfoObject '&'. |
027 | Characteristic value '&' for InfoObject '&' is not numerical |
028 | This function module is obsolete |
029 | F4 Help error |
030 | Error when converting constant |
031 | No values exist |
032 | No F4 help available |
095 | Error when activating update rule & |
096 | Error writing transport request |
099 | Check the user |
100 | This function is not allowed for this method (&) |
101 | Internal error occured with time split |
102 | Dialog terminated by user |
103 | Check the transfer parameters |
104 | Error when activating update rules |
105 | Incorrect entry |
106 | InfoCube & can not be used in the update rules |
107 | Update rules copied successfully from InfoProvider & |
108 | & is not suitable as a template for copying update rules |
109 | InfoProvider & is not active |
110 | No active update rules for InfoProvider &, data source & |
111 | Error When Converting Characteristic &1 Value &2 |
114 | Unspecified error in the update |
115 | Error when determining the update program for InfoObject & |
116 | Error in an arithmetic operation or a data conversion |
117 | Error in an arithmetic operation or a data conversion |
118 | Missing InfoCube, InfoSource or identifier when calling function module |
119 | Error when reading the fields of InfoCube & |
120 | Error when reading the fields of the comm. structure for InfoSource & |
121 | Error in the document maintenance (BDS). |
122 | InfoSource & is only set up for the initial run for non-cumulatives. |
123 | Update rules &1 were written to an order |
124 | Save the update rules first |
125 | Warning: You have not selected the anticipated non-cumulative key figure |
126 | Error while reading InfoProvider & |
127 | Internal error for non-cumulative key figure & |
128 | InfoObject 0recordmode is missing from the InfoSource |
129 | Error when generating an instance in &1 |
130 | You do not have authorization to delete the content of InfoProvider &1 |
131 | You are not authorized to read InfoProvider & |
132 | InfoCube & does not contain any key figures |
133 | DataStore object & does not conatain any data fields |
134 | Characteristic & does not have any attributes |
135 | InfoProvider &1 is not &2 |
137 | Time reference characteristic &1 is not filled in record number &2 |
140 | Error during conversion |
150 | Technical names switched on |
151 | Technical names switched off |
160 | &1 cannot be changed |
177 | No source InfoObject was allocated to InfoObject & |
178 | Communication structure & does not exist |
179 | No authorization to read the InfoSource |
180 | Transfer update rules IC: & / IS: & |
181 | It is not possible to merge update rules |
183 | No formula has been specified for & |
184 | No formula assigned to data field &. |
185 | No formula assigned to key field & (data field &). |
186 | No source time characteristic assigned for reading master data from & |
187 | No constant date defined for reading master data from & |
188 | No source time char. assigned for reading master data from &1 (&2) |
189 | No constant date defined for reading master data from &1 (&2) |
195 | Data fields already updated for InfoSource & with MOVE |
196 | Data field & is not a key figure so ADD is not permitted |
197 | Data field &1 is already updated in the update rules &2/&3 with MOVE |
198 | MOVE not used for key figs that can be aggregated (&2) for InfoSource &1 |
199 | ADD not used for data fields (&) for InfoSource & |
200 | * Messages for checking of the update rules |
201 | Checking update rules for & & |
202 | The aggregation "Addition" is not allowed for this data type. |
203 | No source key figure maintained for key figure & |
204 | No routine created for data field & |
205 | The entered routine & for data field & is not available. |
206 | Copied key figure & already being used with update type & |
207 | No calculation has been specified for InfoObject & (data field &) |
208 | No source InfoObject assigned to InfoObject & (data field: &) |
209 | No routine has been created for InfoObject & (data field: &) |
210 | No unit maintained for key figure & |
211 | Routine & entered for InfoObject & (data field: &) is not available |
212 | No check necessary for data field &, since the update is inactive |
213 | Syntax error in routine & row & |
214 | No errors when checking the update rules |
215 | Inconsistency in the update rule because of characteristic & |
216 | Inconsistency in the update rule because of key figure & |
217 | Choose a source field |
218 | No formula has been created for InfoObject & (data field: &) |
219 | Currency translation type & is not available |
220 | Ex.rate InfoObject from currency translation type & not in the commStruc. |
221 | Date InfoObject from currency translation type & not in the commStructure |
222 | Check currency translation type & |
223 | No 'From' currency maintained for key figure & |
224 | No currency translation type maintained for key figure & |
225 | Target unit and source unit for key figure & are different |
226 | Routine for key figure & is already available |
227 | No change to & possible for key figures with fixed units |
228 | The check of the update rule for key figure & was successful |
229 | Target unit and source unit for the key figure & must be the same |
230 | InfoProvider & has not been maintained |
231 | Data source & not maintained |
232 | No update specified for key figures |
233 | Various InfoObjects are not in the InfoCube / communication structure |
234 | Position the cursor on a row |
235 | Data inconsistency for key figure & (&) - Unit 1: & (&), unit 2: & (&) |
236 | No assignment of a fiscal year variant possible |
237 | The update does not contain a fiscal year variant |
238 | Select one row only |
239 | System error: Routine & could not be locked |
240 | Routine name already exists |
241 | No authorization to change update rules - only display possible |
242 | Routines could not be saved in an order |
243 | No formula has been created for data field & |
244 | Characteristic &1 (profile &2) has been used for time-split already |
245 | Correction forbids maintenance - only display possible |
246 | Update rule & & is currently being blocked by user & (Enter = Display) |
247 | System error: Update rule & & could not be locked |
248 | The update & & may not be transported to other systems |
249 | The update rule could not be saved in an order |
250 | F-rules &1 are locked by the Change and Transport Organizer |
251 | No communication structure exists in version & for InfoSource & |
252 | Data source & not maintained (check your entries) |
253 | InfoProvider & not maintained (check your entries) |
254 | InfoProvider & is not available in version & |
255 | InfoProvider & set to 'INACTIVE' |
256 | Communication structure & set to 'INACIVE' |
257 | Update rules for & & already available |
258 | Still no update rules created for & & |
259 | Proposal generated for update rules |
260 | Update rules saved |
261 | Update rule for & & was deleted |
262 | Active update rules already exist |
263 | No activated program available |
264 | Version delivered by SAP being displayed |
265 | No SAP version available |
266 | Active version being displayed |
267 | Update rule reset to active version |
268 | No active version available |
269 | No activation allowed in display mode |
270 | No maintenance allowed in display mode. |
271 | Update rules were sucessfully activated |
272 | Deactivation was successful |
273 | Error when reading the update rules |
274 | Error when writing the update rules |
275 | Transaction cannot be carried out due to an internal error |
276 | Only duplicated key figures can be deleted here |
277 | You cannot change units in update type 'Overwrite' |
278 | The numbering of the copied key figures was adjusted |
279 | Unit of the source key figure was adjusted to unit in the IO repository |
280 | SAP Version was transferred |
281 | SAP Version could not be copied |
282 | The 'To' unit & is not contained in the communication structure |
283 | One currency is not recorded in currency table TCURC |
284 | A unit of measure is not recorded in the unit of measure table |
285 | No active time conversion routines available |
286 | Checking of the update rules finished for & & |
287 | InfoProvider changed; default for update rules generated |
288 | Value of the fiscal year variant transferred from the meta data to & |
289 | Expert mode activated |
290 | Expert mode switched off |
291 | The source system is filled from the communication structure |
292 | The update rules for &/& can not be activated, since & is not active |
293 | There are already active update rules for InfoCube=& / InfoSource=& |
294 | Update rules have already been created for InfoCube=& and InfoSource=& |
295 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
297 | Start routine already exists |
298 | No start routine has been created |
299 | Sytax error in start routine row & |
300 | No constants have been assigned to InfoObject & |
301 | No constants have been assigned to the InfoObject & (data field: &) |
302 | No routines created |
303 | Update rules to be deleted & not yet created |
304 | Fiscal year variant missing for time conversion of characteristic & |
305 | No automatic time conversion from & to & is possible |
306 | &1 was set to 'no update' |
307 | No automatic time conversion from characteristic & is possible |
308 | No automatic time conversion to characteristic & is possible |
309 | The routine is not available |
310 | No exchange rate found for target currency &, source curr. &, WUA & |
311 | Formula & does not exist. |
312 | Exchange rate type &: unknown exchange rate type |
313 | Exchange rate type &: Conflict of target currencies |
314 | Exchange rate type &: Conflict of source currencies |
315 | Formula & not valid. |
316 | Formula & is empty. |
317 | Read-error in formula & |
320 | -> Start import postprocessing update of master data (attributes) |
321 | <- End import postprocessing update of master data (attributes) |
322 | Internal error when trying to set a lock |
323 | Unprocessed data records discovered |
324 | No access permission as table is already locked |
325 | -> Start import postprocessing update of texts |
326 | <- End import postprocessing update of texts |
327 | Internal error when trying to delete a lock |
328 | Lock could not be deleted, as no lock as been set |
329 | Data records were deleted according to the selection interval |
330 | & text(s) updated. |
331 | & Data records updated (automatically) in the master data table |
332 | Data records found that are outside the selection interval |
333 | Error when inserting new data records |
334 | Error when changing already existing data records |
335 | Intrenal error when querying a lock |
336 | Temporally overlapping data records found |
337 | Update terminated because table of data to be upated is empty |
338 | Update terminated because InfoPackage contains duplicate data records |
339 | Hierarchies updated |
340 | Master data: Attributes updated |
341 | Master data: Error when updating attributes |
342 | No master data operations possible during a change run |
343 | Inconsistency in the master data table for characteristic & |
344 | The lock for master data/text table of characteristic & was deleted |
345 | Update: Start of the user-defined data enhancement |
346 | InfoCubes to be updated: & Cube(s) |
347 | Start of update-rule processing for InfoProvider & |
348 | End of update-rule processing for InfoProvider & |
349 | InfoCube & will be updated |
350 | Syntax error & in row & position & |
351 | DataStore objects to be updated: & DataStore object(s) |
352 | Updating DataStore object & |
353 | Characteristics to be updated: & characteristic(s) |
354 | Characteristic & will be updated |
355 | Specify & |
356 | Selected rules deleted |
358 | & is a DataStore object for direct update; check your entry |
359 | Select & |
360 | Create & |
361 | Update rules &1 &2 for InfoProvider &3 could not be reactivated |
365 | InfoProvider &1 is not permitted as the target of an update rule |
366 | InfoProvider &1 is not allowed as the source of an update rule |
400 | *** Update rules - reserved to 499 |
402 | Internal error while reading data for InfoProvider & |
403 | Unit & for key figure & is not recognized in the update rules |
404 | F-rules & existed in version & and have now been deleted |
405 | Errors when deleting update rules & in version & |
410 | Routine & is local and cannot be transported. |
420 | Exchange rate not found |
437 | Generation terminated |
438 | Error when displaying simulation data |
439 | Error when generating the program for simulation data display |
440 | The simulating data is already obsolete |
441 | Transaction was canceled by user |
442 | No simulating data was selected |
457 | Error when copying update rules |
458 | Error when copying the update rules to version 'A' |
459 | IC=& IS=& error when reading the update rules |
460 | IC=& IS=& error when generating InfoCube Update program |
461 | IC=& IS=& error when checking the update rules |
462 | IC=& IS=& error when creating a generated program |
463 | IC=& IS=& error when saving the information about update rules |
464 | IC=& IS=& template not found |
465 | IC=& IS=& syntax error in template: & rows & |
466 | IC=& IS=& syntax error: & rows & |
467 | IC=& IS=& general error when generating |
468 | IC=& IS=& error when determining the communication structure |
469 | IC=& IS=& error when determining the view names for InfoCube |
470 | IC=& IS=& Error with determination of field names for an InfoCube |
471 | IC=& IS=& Error when determining the name of the generated program |
472 | IC=& IS=& error, as no key figure is updated |
473 | IC=& IS=& unknown currency translation type: & |
474 | IC=& IS=& error while generating DataStore-object write program |
477 | Activation of the update rules for & & |
478 | Program & successfully activated |
479 | Activation of the update rules for & & was successful. |
480 | Error when determining the communication structure for the InfoSource |
481 | Error in the communication structure enhancement for the InfoSource |
482 | Error while calculating InfoProviders to be updated |
483 | Error when determining the status of the generated program |
484 | Error when generating the update program |
485 | Error while updating InfoProviders during update |
486 | No active update rules exist for this InfoSource |
487 | A serious error has occurred in the update program |
488 | Serious error with the text or master data update |
489 | InfoCube & was updated |
490 | No simulation data available |
491 | No reverse posting possible, as MOVE mode was partly specified |
492 | No return value <> 0 allowed in update routines in transfer mode |
493 | An internal error occurred when deleting the InfoCube |
494 | Deletion of the InfoCube canceled by the user |
495 | Deletion of InfoCube not possible as data packets are scheduled for it |
496 | The content of InfoCube & was successfully deleted |
497 | The source of the fiscal year variant has changed |
498 | IC=& IS=& general error when generating the simulation program |
499 | Error occurred in & for data target & |
500 | Error in the unit conversion. Error & occurred |
502 | All update rules deleted in the system |
503 | InfoObject & is not contained in the InfoCube |
504 | InfoObject & is not contained in the communication structure |
505 | Currency & is not entered in currency table TCURC |
506 | Unit of measure & is not entered in the unit of measure table |
507 | Arithmetical errors or conversion errors found in routine & record & |
508 | Arithmetical errors or conversion errors found in the start routine |
509 | Error occurred in time split |
510 | Error in a formula function (routine &), record & |
511 | Deleting update rules is only allowed in version 'M' |
512 | Changing update rules is only allowed in version 'M' |
513 | Creating update rules is only allowed in version 'M' |
514 | Routine in version & contains more rows than the other |
515 | Routine in version & does not contain row & |
516 | Routines differ in row & |
517 | Comparing saved version of update rules |
518 | These update rules are not available in version & |
520 | No update exists for time-reference characteristic & |
537 | Update: Start simulation for InfoCube & |
538 | Update: End simulation for InfoCube & |
550 | Routine & was successfully activated |
551 | Error when activating routines: (Routine: &) |
552 | 'Active' flag of the M version reset: (routine: &) |
553 | Routine & successfully deleted |
554 | Error when deleting routines: (Routine: &) |
555 | Routines were successfully indicated as SAP objects |
556 | Routines were successfully imported in version &: (Routine: &) |
557 | Error when reading routines in version &: (Routine: &) |
558 | Update rules may not be copied to Version A |
559 | Error when copying update rules into D version |
560 | Error when copying routines into D version |
561 | Error when writing routines |
562 | No routines specified for copying |
570 | Update rules & read in version & |
571 | Error when reading update rules & version & |
572 | Error when deleting the update rules (target &, source &, UPDID &) |
573 | Error in deleting update rules & |
574 | Update rules & successfully deleted |
575 | Update rules & existed in version & and are being deleted |
576 | Error in deleting routines |
580 | Read error when reading the master data of &1 on demand, attribute &2 |
581 | Read master data on demand: Attribute &1 shown is not an attribute of &2. |
582 | Incorrect transfer parameters when reading master data on demand. |
583 | Value &1 not contained in the master data table for &2 |
584 | None of the entered values are contained in the master data table of & |
585 | Value &1 (date &2) not contained in master data table &3 |
586 | Value &1 not contained in the master data table for &2 |
587 | Value &1 (date &2) not contained in master data table &3 |
590 | Key figures updated with ADD despite before / after image |
600 | ***Update of hierarchies |
601 | Basic characteristic & is too long or empty when calling up function & |
602 | InfoObject & not found when calling up function & |
603 | Error when determining the hierarchy IDs of function & |
604 | Object version of basic characteristic & not active |
605 | Duplicated entries in the interval table & are not allowed |
606 | Duplicated entries in the non-chargebale table & are not allowed |
607 | Hierarchy information on basic characteristic & is not set correctly |
608 | Error when writing to the hierarchy tables in the database |
670 | No duplicate update rules found - system is consistent |
671 | Duplicate update rules for InfoCube=&1/InfoSource=&2 in version D |
672 | InfoCube=&1/InfoSource=&2 : Update Rules ID is &3 (UPDID) |
673 | InfoCube=&1/InfoSource=&2 : Dup. update rules (&3) deleted from version D |
699 | * Messages for RSO_UPDR_ACTIVATE_CONTENT * |
700 | Start version comparision of update rules IC &, IS &: |
701 | Key figure &1 is not available in version &2 |
702 | Update type for key figure & is changed in version & |
703 | Update method for key figure & is changed in version &. |
704 | Key figure &1 is only updated in version &2 with a routine. |
705 | Error when reading the update rules fr InfoCube &1, ISource &2 in vers.&3 |
706 | Key figure &1 is updated in version &2 with another routine. |
707 | Key figure &1 has another source key figure in version &2 |
708 | Version &2 is not available for updid &1 |
709 | Chararacteristic &1 is available in version &2 but not in version &3 |
710 | The currency translation type is changed in key figure &1 in version &2 |
711 | The target unit is changed in key figure &1 in version &2 |
712 | Calculation method of char. &1 (key fig. &2) is changed in version &3 |
713 | Char. &1 (key fig. &2) is only updated in version &3 with a routine |
714 | Char. &1 (key fig. &2) is updated in version &3 with another routine |
715 | Another source characteristic for char. &1 (key figure &2) in version &3 |
716 | Another time conversion routine for characteristic &1 (key figure &2) |
717 | Time conversion for characteristic &1 (key. figure &2) off in version &3 |
718 | Time conversion for characteristic &1 (key fig. &2) on in version &3 |
719 | Routine &1 (code id &2) is not available in version &3. |
720 | Update rules for DTA &1, IS &2 not available in version&3 - no comparison |
721 | Update rules DTA and IS & are the same in version & and & |
722 | Update rules DTA & IS & are not the same in version & and & |
723 | ABORT was set in the customer routine & |
724 | Fatal error in customer routine & |
725 | Error in time conversion routine & |
726 | & error occurred in start routine for data target & |
727 | Routine &, return code = & without error message. See Note 1530791 |
750 | ***Messages for update rules for new Data Warehousing Workbench |
751 | No active version of DataProvider &1 available |
752 | Action terminated |
851 | Record deleted in start routine of transfer rules |
852 | Record was deleted in the update rule start routine |
853 | No target record was found for this record |
854 | No source record was found for this record |
880 | * Reserved to 899 for report program RSAU_CONTENT_ACTIVATE |
881 | InfoSource &1 is not available in version &2 |
882 | No Business Content update rule available |
883 | No Business Content available for the selected InfoSource & |
884 | Enter a Business Content release |
885 | Error when writing the time conversion routines |
886 | Update rule & & could not be saved in an order |
887 | Routine & is local and cannot be transported. |
888 | Start of the Content activation of the time conversion routines |
889 | Start of the Content activation of the update rules |
890 | Update rule & & could not be locked |
891 | Update rules with updid & are not available |
892 | Update rules with updid &1 are not available in version &2 |
893 | Update rules not available for InfoProvider & InfoSource & in & version |
894 | No new time conversion routines available |
895 | Content activation of the update rules for IC: &, IS: & |
896 | Time conversion from &1 to &2 (fiscal year &3) failed with value &4 |
897 | Time-split not allowed for routines with return tables (key figure &) |
898 | Start routine of target &3: Number of data records changed from &1 to &2 |