The following messages are stored in message class RSBPCA_EXCEPTION: .
It is part of development package RSBPCA in software component BW-PLA-BPC-ADM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BPC IP Extension: BPC Meta Data Repository".
It is part of development package RSBPCA in software component BW-PLA-BPC-ADM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BPC IP Extension: BPC Meta Data Repository".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Environment &APPSET_ID& already exists. |
002 | &1 environment does not exist in &2 version |
003 | Environment &1 does not exist |
004 | Invalid object version &1; only 'M', 'A' or 'D' are permitted |
005 | Model &1 does not exist in version &2 |
006 | Different parent for member &1 in hierarchy &2 of InfoObject &3 |
007 | Invalid environment name &1 |
008 | Environment &1 does not exist in version &2 |
009 | Error: Environment &1 is not locked |
010 | Environment &1 saved internally |
011 | Error: Could not save environment &1 internally |
012 | Environment &1 activated |
013 | Environment &1 cannot be changed |
014 | Activation of environment &1 terminated |
015 | Error while activating environment &1 |
016 | Member &1 does not exist in InfoObject &2 |
017 | Could not convert SID for &1 in InfoObject &2 |
018 | Member &1 does not exist in hierarchy &2 for InfoObject &3 |
019 | Environment &1 is locked by the Change and Transport Organizer |
020 | Error: Model &1 is not locked |
021 | Error: Environment &1 is not locked |
022 | Invalid model name &1 |
023 | The length of model name is too long |
024 | Name of model is illegal; only A-Z, 0-9 and '_' is allowed |
025 | Model &1 in environment &2 already exists |
026 | Environment name is too long |
027 | Name of environment is illegal; only A-Z, 0-9 and '_' is allowed |
028 | &1 envrionment already exists |
029 | Model &1 does not exist |
030 | Environment &1 does not exist |
031 | InfoProvider &1 does not exist |
032 | Audit on InfoProvider &1 is not allowed |
033 | InfoProvider &1: Cube type is not consistent with back end |
034 | InfoProvider &1: Audit is not allowed on this type |
035 | Unable to get detailed information from InfoObject &1 |
036 | Unable to update audit active flag for InfoProvider &1 |
037 | No authorization to update audit active flag for InfoProvider &1 |
038 | &1 : &2 deleted. Close the browser and log on again to recreate it. |
039 | Unable to lock object &1 &2 |
040 | Error while deleting environment &1 |
041 | |
042 | Unable to get local provider of environment &1 |
043 | Object &1 is dependent on local provider &2 |
044 | Unable to get related objects for &1 |
045 | Operation canceled by user |
046 | Only one InfoProvider can be marked for the local CompositeProvider |
047 | Model of type &1 cannot be used when creating a local CompositeProvider |
048 | InfoProvider of TLOGO type &1 is not supported in a BPC model |
049 | InfoProvider &1 cannot be used when creating a local CompositeProvider |
050 | Error while copying environment &1 from version &2 into version &3 |
051 | Error while copying model &1 from version &2 into version &3 |
052 | InfoProvider &1 is invalid for creating a local CompositeProvider |
053 | Select a reporting InfoProvider to create a local CompositeProvider |
054 | Could not acquire a BW Workspace prefix for environment &1 |
055 | Could not generate a local CompositeProvider name for model &1 |
056 | Could not get BW Workspace for environment &1 |
057 | Could not create local CompositeProvider |
058 | Could not delete local CompositeProvider |
059 | Could not acquire InfoProvider information for &1 |
060 | Invalid model type &1 |
061 | Infoprovider &1 has invalid role &2 |
062 | Could not delete local query &1 |
063 | No reporting InfoProviders allowed in model with current setting |
064 | Only one reporting InfoProvider allowed in model with current setting |
065 | Only one HCPR could be used for local COPR in an environment. |
066 | HCPR &1 is already used for local COPR in environment. |
067 | Multiple HCPRs used for local COPR in environment. |
068 | Ownership and rate provider role cannot be CompositeProvider |
070 | Invalid environment and model information |
071 | Could not get environment &1 model &2 information |
072 | Dimension &1 does not exist or is shared in new model |
073 | Could not get shared InfoObject for new model |
074 | Could not create a preferred aggregation level |
075 | Could not delete a preferred aggregation level |
076 | Could not create variable |
077 | Could not delete variable |
101 | Unable to get TLOGO property for &1 |
102 | &1 &2 deleted |
103 | &1 &2 activated |
104 | Unable to prepare &1 &2 |
105 | Unable to unlock &1 &2 |
106 | Unable to activate &1 |
107 | Unable to delete &1 |
108 | Environment &1 already exists with a different prefix |
109 | Transport environment &1 and existing environment &2 have the same prefix |
110 | Model &1 in environment &2 already exists with a different prefix |
111 | Transport model &1 in &2 and model &3 in &4 have the same prefix |
113 | Could not resolve resource prefix conflict for enviroment &1 |
114 | Resource prefix in environment &1 conflicts with other environment |
120 | Get member detail with member external ID is not supported for &1 |
121 | Unexpected InfoObject name &1 |
122 | Could not get text node information in hierarchy &1 for InfoObject &2 |
123 | Could not get member detail for member &1 of InfoObject &2 |
124 | Member &1 does not exist in InfoObject &2 |
200 | Dimension type &2 not defined for InfoProvider &1 |
201 | Attribute &2 not defined for dimension &1 |
202 | No infoprovider with role &1 is defined |
203 | Invalid role &1 for InfoProvider &2 |
204 | Aggregation level &1 does not exist |
205 | Aggregation level &1 contains more than one key figure |
206 | InfoObject &1 of InfoProvider &2 is not supported as a time dimension |
207 | InfoObject &1 of InfoProvider &2 exceeds maximum length of 32 |
208 | For InfoObject &1, no fixed value is defined for compounding parent &2 |
209 | For InfoObject &1, hierarchy &2 version &3 does not exist |
210 | For InfoObject &1, hierarchy &2 contains duplicate nodes |
211 | InfoProvider &1 and &2 do not contain the same number of dimensions |
212 | Dimension &1 in InfoProvider &2 does not exist in InfoProvider &3 |
213 | Superior dimension &1 is not included in aggregation level &2 |
214 | No aggregation level selected for InfoProvider &1 |
215 | Could not generate an internal InfoProvider(HCPR) name for ADSO audit |
216 | Could not create an internal InfoProvider(HCPR) for ADSO &1 |
217 | InfoObject &2 of InfoProvider &1 is not mapped to any dimension types |
218 | Dimension &1 in aggregation level &2 does not exist in InfoProvider &3 |
219 | Dimension &1 in aggregation level &2 does not exist in aggr. level &3 |
220 | No non-interco member is defined. |
221 | Value for dimension InfoProvider(0INFOPROV) has not been defined. |