RSCRT - Close To Realtime-Nachrichten
The following messages are stored in message class RSCRT: Close To Realtime-Nachrichten.
It is part of development package RSCRT in software component BW-WHM-DST. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "(Near)-Real-Time Data Transfer into BW".
It is part of development package RSCRT in software component BW-WHM-DST. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "(Near)-Real-Time Data Transfer into BW".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ******* Scheduler Messages **** Near-To-Real-Time |
001 | There are no active INIT for DS '&1' QS '&2'; perform initializatn first |
002 | Daemon '&1' cannot be used; use daemon '&2' |
003 | Stop processing planned for InfoPackage '&1' by daemon '&2' |
004 | Select only one daemon to stop |
005 | Select only one InfoPackage |
006 | Check, whether daemon '&1' is running with errors |
007 | Select a line |
008 | 'Stop Upload' flagged for all assigned InfoPackages |
009 | 'Stop Upload' flagged. Wait until all InfoPackage cycles have ended |
010 | No deletion possible, because daemon is still running |
011 | Internal error |
012 | Daemon successfully deleted |
013 | Daemon creation failed |
014 | Daemon created successfully |
015 | Status of displayed objects, processes and requests has been checked |
016 | Daemon '&1' ended with error '&2' |
017 | Daemon '&1' ended |
018 | *Start Upload' for InfoPackage flagged for next daemon run |
019 | Batch job planned for InfoPackage and daemon. Start when batch job free |
020 | InfoPackage is already running |
021 | 'Start Upload' not possible here. Check the InfoPackage |
022 | 'Stop Upload' planned for InfoPackage |
023 | InfoPackage is not running |
024 | Cancellation planned. InfoPackage requests are set to RED |
025 | Action failed |
026 | InfoPackage assignment changed |
027 | InfoPackage assigned |
028 | Save of new description canceled |
029 | Action terminated by the user |
030 | Internal error when constructing the ALV tree |
031 | Daemon saved |
032 | Daemon successfully deleted |
033 | Daemon is running or ist locked by another user (RSCRT_DEMONS) |
034 | Stop the daemon first (also necessary if the job is no longer running) |
035 | Exectn of InfoPack '&1' in daemon '&2' in line '&3' canceled w/o message |
036 | Error calling InfoPackage maintenance |
037 | Error calling the request monitor |
038 | Error determining the job information. Start of daemon &1 failed |
039 | Error writing RSCRT_DEMONS. Start of daemon &1 failed |
040 | Daemon already stopped |
041 | Daemon already stopped. Red light removed |
042 | Error updating RSCRT_DEMONS. Start of daemon &1 failed |
043 | (Near)-real-time upload in InfoPackage &1 stopped |
044 | Near-real-time upload in InfoPackage &1 canceled |
045 | InfoPackage &1 included in control tables for daemon &2 |
046 | Enqueue for RSCRT_DEMON for daemon &1 failed (not started) |
047 | Daemon '&1' complete. At least one request with errors |
048 | Start of InfoPackage &1 from daemon &2 failed (no repeats) |
049 | Periodic restart of daemon job failed |
050 | Error determining InfoPackage metadata (IP &1, daemon &2) |
051 | Could not start upload with InfoPackage &1 |
052 | Enqueue for RSCRT_CTRL for InfoPackage &1 failed |
053 | Internal error - cannot find PSA request (IP &1, daemon &2) |
054 | Error reading TIDs for confirmation of DB (IP &1, daemon &2) |
055 | Open change log requests for closed PSA request (IP &1, daemon &2) |
056 | Error generating a new PSA request (IP &1, daemon &2) |
057 | No update for DataStore object '&1' |
058 | Internal error while updating DSO &1 (InfoPackage &2, daemon &3, req. &4) |
059 | PSa request closed, but upload status not set to READY |
060 | Internal error in CLOSE_CLOG_REQUESTS (InfoPackage &1, daemon &2) |
061 | Internal error when generating objects (class &1) |
062 | InfoPackage is already assigned to daemon &1 |
063 | No authorization |
064 | InfoPackage &1 planned in daemon &2. Daemon started successfully |
065 | Error starting InfoPackage &1 in daemon &2 |
066 | Data successfully loaded |
067 | Data activated successfully |
068 | &1 data records transferred into comm. structure for data dest. &2 |
069 | End of processing of transformation for data target &1 |
070 | &1 records used for data destination &2 (insert/update/delete) |
071 | Processing of data package &1 is complete |
072 | Activation of data in DataStore object &1 failed |
073 | Data transfer is running - process is working |
074 | Scheduler ended, so that daemon can process the InfoPackage |
075 | Stopping daemon processing for InfoPackage &1 - Wait |
076 | Daemon &2 processing InfoPackages &1 - No access permitted |
077 | Data received. Processing will be carried out |
078 | The last delta request &1 was loaded in real-time |
079 | The loading operation was probably canceled - investigate ST22 |
080 | Do you want to process InfoPackage &1 further in real-time? |
081 | System attempts to update request &1 |
082 | Last delta request &1 was NOT loaded in 'realtime' |
083 | Request &1 can not be updated in 'realtime' |
084 | In realtime mode, repeat loading is NOT possible |
085 | Check the request &1 in the monitor and in all data targets |
086 | Execute a repeat request manually |
087 | Delta management (and all data targets to be updated) |
088 | must be in such a state that a delta can be |
089 | requested so that 'realtime data acquisition' works |
090 | Scheduled job '&1' JobCount '&2' for daemon '&3' cannot be deleted |
091 | Meta data could not be determined for InfoPackage '&1' |
092 | For InfoPackage '&1', no new delta request could be created |
093 | RFC destination for source system '&1' could not be determined;error '&2' |
094 | Error when writing PSA for request '&1' |
095 | Error during data target update of request '&1' |
096 | Error when closing request &3 for &1 &2 |
097 | Error when updating request '&1' in DTA '&2' |
098 | Cannot map transferred data for request '&1' |
099 | Error when writing record of request '&1' to PSA |
100 | Error when writing TIDs for request '&1' in table RSCRT_CONFIRM |
101 | Daemon '&1' started |
102 | Termination E3_CS for DTA '&1'; RNR '&2'; DP '&3'; record offset '&4'; |
103 | Too many errors occurred while updating target &1 |
104 | Requests in target '&1' are not yet fully activated |
105 | Check DataStore object '&1'('&2') |
106 | DataStore object '&1' still contains requests that are not activated |
107 | DataStore '&1' cannot be supplied by this InfoPackage |
108 | The system attempts to supply the DataStore objects in real time |
109 | Do you want to schedule the InfoPackage for RDA? |
110 | DTA '&1' does not exist in daemon Ctrl tab. - NOT updated |
111 | A realtime data acquisition InfoPackage cannot create a repeat |
112 | In DataStore &1, load request &2(&3) is incorrectly activated |
113 | In DataStore &1, load request &2(&3) is incorrectly loaded |
114 | No single daemon can fulfill the selected data targets |
115 | Data target '&1' is already being processed by daemon '&2' |
116 | Daemon '&1' just started; see long text |
117 | Named DataStore objects cannot be supplied in real time |
118 | Remove these DataStore objects from the selection |
119 | InfoPackage '&1' for daemon '&2' is not possible - lock on rscrt_on_off |
120 | InfoPackage '&1' not found in table RSLDPIO. Termination |
121 | &1 &2 does not support real-time data acquisition (RDA) |
122 | InfoPackage '&1' not found in table RSLDPCRT. Termination |
123 | No active PSA found for DataSource '&1' and source system '&2' |
124 | No active TS found for DataSource '&1' and source system '&2' |
125 | FM 'RSS_PROGRAM_GET_ID' found no entries for program '&1'. Termination |
126 | No active communication structure found for InfoSource '&1'. Termination |
127 | InfoPack '&1' and/or RNR '&2' in table RSCRT_CTRL are empty -> long text |
128 | No request found for InfoPackage '&1' and RNR '&2' in table RSSELDONE |
129 | No request found for InfoPackage '&1' and RNR '&2' in table RSCRTDONE |
130 | No PSA table found in internal ctrl structure; no restart |
131 | Generation status determination for ID '&1' and CLASS '&2': error '&3' |
132 | No active update rules found for DS object '&1' and IS '&2'; termination |
133 | Incorrect entry parameter when calling FM 'RSCRT_GET_METADATA_IPAK' |
134 | No saved programs for request '&1' in table RSREQPROGS |
135 | No request found for request RNR '&2' in table RSSELDONE; termination |
136 | No program '&2' found for request '&1' in RSREQPROGS; termination |
137 | Error in activation program for DataStore '&1' and source system '&2' |
138 | Error in update program for DataStore '&1'; InfoSource '&2' and SS '&3'; |
139 | Report '&1' not found in DB (no 'read report' possible !); |
140 | Error when creating a new request for &1 &2 |
141 | Error '&1' when calling FM 'RSC3_DELETE_LUWS' with dest. '&2'; |
142 | No request found yesterday, today or tomorrow |
143 | Select an InfoPackage, DataStore object or request |
144 | InfoPackages have not yet been assigned to the daemon |
145 | InfoPackage is locked |
146 | InfoPackage & does not exist |
147 | No log entries for object found since yesterday |
148 | Logging ist not active |
149 | Value '00' is not allowed as daemon; values '01' to '99' only |
150 | Daemon &1 does not yet exist - created during start of InfoPackage |
151 | Batch job completed, start daemon in new batch job |
152 | InfoPackage start less than 1 minute ago or process change daemon |
153 | Change batch job of daemon (InfoPackage &1 affected) |
154 | Termination after activation step through X_Message |
155 | Termination - error in RSODSACTREQ |
156 | Termination - no activation request entry found in DBOPS |
157 | Termination - change log request was not found in RSTSODSREQUESTPG |
158 | Termination - change log data package in RSTSODSREQUESTPG is too small |
159 | Termination - change log data package is not found in RSODSACTREQ |
160 | Termination - data package 0 was not found in RSODSACTREQ |
161 | Termination - RSCRT_CTRL_CL was not deleted from template |
162 | Termination - no CL data package entry in DBOPS at activation request |
163 | InfoPackages for RDA cannot be used in process chains |
164 | Demon with ID &1 does not exist |
165 | Near real-time is running, but data has not yet been loaded for request |
166 | There is already a real-time Ipak for DataSource & from source system & |
167 | An InfoPackage cannot be created for DataSource & from source system & |
168 | Error during creation of an Ipak for DataSource & from source system & |
169 | None of the DataStore objects you selected can be updated |
170 | Real-time InfoPackages cannot be edited in Ipak groups |
171 | For this daemon there is no longer a background job to start in sm37 |
172 | Lock on daemon &1 could not be set - no restart |
173 | Daemon &1 with job &2 and count &3 successfully started immediately |
174 | Error &1 during start of daemon &1 in Job &3 with count &4 |
175 | Error while displaying the jobs for daemon & |
176 | No sm37 job information is available for daemon &1 |
177 | No InfoPackages that could be started found for this daemon |
178 | No open PSA request found for DataSource &1 |
179 | Logs no longer exist in table RSCRTMONDATA for '&' |
180 | InfoPackage & cannot be maintained -> long text |
181 | Requests of InfoPackage &1 are also closed in process chain &2 |
182 | InfoPackage '&1' is not a hierarchy InfoPackage; canceled |
183 | InfoPackage '&1': Load hierarchy '&2' (&3 of &4) |
189 | ******* Realtime Data Acquisition (new) ****** |
190 | Table & is locked: Cancelled after attempt & |
191 | Table & locked successfully on attempt & |
192 | Locks removed for table & |
193 | Cannot set locks for table & (lock mode &) |
194 | Locks for table &: Work process &, lock mode &, duration & sec |
195 | Cannot change table & |
200 | ******* Realtime Data Acquisition (new) ****** |
201 | Unexpected program state (&1) |
202 | No open PSA request found for DataSource &1 |
203 | No open PSA data package for DataSource &1 found |
204 | Select a request |
205 | Upload period has to be between & and & minutes |
206 | Error messages |
210 | Specify a daemon |
211 | Specify an InfoPackage |
212 | Data package is locked |
213 | Lock lifted |
214 | Daemon is locked |
215 | Not possible to assign to this daemon (status) |
216 | Maximum runtime of daemon reached |
217 | Moved to 'non-assigned nodes' |
218 | Daemon & is running |
220 | Specify an InfoPackage |
221 | Batch job planned for InfoPackage and daemon. Start when batch job free |
222 | No scheduling possible |
223 | Deamon is already running or is locked by another user |
224 | Cancellation by user |
225 | InfoPackage currently locked by user & |
226 | Request size smaller than 100,000 rows is not worthwhile; correct |
227 | & is not PSA request |
228 | Request closed |
230 | Specify a DTP |
231 | DTP currently locked by user & |
232 | & is not a DTP for real-time data acquisition |
233 | No request found |
234 | DTP already assigned to InfoPackage |
235 | DTP assigned to InfoPackage |
236 | DTPs are assigned |
237 | No active version for & |
238 | Repair started for & |
239 | Repair of & has not yet ended |
240 | Batch job for repair request started; Content has to be activated |
241 | Data package |
242 | Data package closed at &1 |
243 | Data package for daemon run at &1 |
244 | No DTP request created |
245 | You cannot start a daemon for this InfoPackage without a DTP |
246 | Data package &1 already contains &2 records |
247 | Request &1 alrady contains &2 records |
248 | Setting status of InfoPackage & |
249 | Changing assignment of InfoPackage & for daemon & |
250 | InfoPackage & for daemon & started |
251 | Status transfer not permitted (& -> & ) |
252 | InfoPackage & for damon & finished |
253 | Upload finished for InfoPackage & for daemon & |
254 | Daemon process finished, initializing control tables |
255 | Deleting InfoPackage & for daemon & from control table |
256 | Status check of objects for RDA process & |
257 | Finished closing; resetting status of InfoPackage & |
258 | Initialization executed; Resetting status of InfoPackage & |
259 | No real-time InfoPackage for this DataSource |
260 | No InfoPackage is assigned to this daemon & |
261 | Ending background process |
262 | Daemon & inactive for & seconds |
263 | Start of upload for InfoPackage & for daemon & |
264 | Periodic scheduling of daemon &, with restart after maximum of & sec |
265 | Daemon & scheduled as job &, on server & |
266 | Request & opened, status set (& -> &) |
267 | Data package & opened, status set (& -> &) |
268 | Data package & closed in request &, status set ( -> &) |
269 | Request & closed, status set (& -> &) |
270 | & data records in data package & written to PSA, status set ( -> &) |
271 | Data records deleted in the queue, status set (& -> &) |
272 | Data records confirmed in the queue, status set (& -> &) |
273 | Daemon lock for & set successfully on attempt & |
274 | Daemon lock lifted for & |
275 | Lock set for table & |
276 | Lock lifted for table & |
277 | Table & is already locked |
278 | RDA process &1 not executed by daemon &2 (status &3) |
279 | Status set (&1 -> &2) |
280 | InfoPackage & for daemon & is locked |
281 | You are not allowed to set a lock for process & |
282 | Job & with number & started |
283 | & data records in data package & written to PSA |
284 | Check of list of activated requests skipped |
285 | Wrong daemon status |
286 | Unexpected status |
287 | Daemon is locked: Cancellation after attempt & |
288 | Information Broadcasting: Predecessor job is still running for & |
289 | Could not perform operation because job &1/&2 is still running |
290 | ***** Messages for Adapter ******* |
291 | InfoPackage &: Writing TIDs |
292 | InfoPackage &: TIDs successfully written |
293 | InfoPackage &: Confirming TIDs |
294 | InfoPackage &: TIDs successfully confirmed |
295 | InfoPackage &: Deleting TIDs |
296 | InfoPackage &: TIDs successfully deleted |
297 | Function is no longer supported |
298 | Functionality is not yet implemented |
299 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
301 | &1 &2 saved as global setting for all daemons |
302 | Real-time extr. completed successfully: DataSource &1, target system &2 |
303 | Realtime extr. completed with errors: DataSource &1, target system &2 |
304 | & records loaded, & records in data package & |
305 | Load monitor: Caller & with & records |
306 | Error during extraction: & rowa in l_t_tid, & rows in l_t_data |
307 | Unable to confirm &1 TIDs in delta queue |
308 | Unable to delete TIDs in delta queue |
310 | Data package & is locked: Work proc. &, mode &, cancelled after attempt & |
311 | Data package & locked successfully on attempt & |
312 | Intention lock for data package & obtained on attempt & |
313 | Cannot set intention lock for data package & |
314 | Locks for data package &: Work process &, mode &, duration & sec |
315 | Request & is locked: Work process &, mode &, cancelled after attempt & |
316 | Request & locked successfully on attempt & |
317 | Intention lock for request & obtained on attempt & |
318 | Cannot set intention lock for request & |
319 | Locks for request &: Work process &, mode &, duration & sec |
322 | Closing request &1 for object &2... |
323 | Request &1 closed |
324 | &1 is not the current request; &2 is the current request |
325 | Data in InfoObject &1 activated in &2 seconds |
326 | Cannot activate data in InfoObject &1 |
327 | Subsequent process chain &1 assigned |
328 | Subsequent process &1 started for DTP &2 (log ID &3) |
329 | Cannot start subsequent process chain &1 for DTP &2 (log ID &3) |
331 | Execution of DTP &1 (data target &2) started |
332 | Execution of DTP &1 (data target &2) ended |
333 | DTP request &1 has RDA status &2 and contains &3 data package(s) |
335 | Request &2 of RDA process &1 will be closed (marker set) |
336 | Request &2 of RDA process &1 will be closed (marker read) |
340 | RDA daemon not started; completed delta requests not in target |
341 | Could not start RDA daemon; completed delta requests not activated |
342 | Could not start RDA daemon; requests are deleted in DataStore object |
343 | Could not start RDA upload. DTP must be executed in standard mode first. |
345 | There is no active PUSH InfoPackage for DataSource &1(&2) |
346 | First create an RDA InfoPackage for DataSource &1(&2) |
347 | Daemon &2 may not be assigned to DataSource &1 |
348 | Cannot assign daemon &2 to data transfer process &1 |
350 | &1 error occurred while executing InfoPackage &2 with daemon &3 |
351 | Daemon &3 executed InfoPackage &2 unsuccessfully for &1 seconds |
355 | Information broadcasting activated for &1 (batch ID: &2) |
360 | Assignment of &1 deleted |
361 | Assignment of &1 created |
362 | Could not delete assignment of &1 |
363 | Could not create assignment of &1 |
364 | Background job terminated; RDA status changed (&1 -> &2) |
370 | Select a daemon |
371 | Select a DataSource, InfoPackage or DTP |
372 | Select a daemon, DataSource or InfoPackage |
373 | Select a data transfer process (DTP) |
374 | Select an InfoPackage, DTP or request |
375 | RDA object &1 has unknown status &2 |
377 | Background job terminated for unknown reason |
378 | Request &1 has status red (error) |
379 | Repair process chain cannot be uniquely defined for &1 |
380 | Repair process chain &1 saved |
381 | There is already a repair process chain for &1 |
382 | There is no repair process chain yet for &1 |
383 | Repair process chain &1 for &2 started (log ID &3) |
384 | Could not start repair process chain &1 for &2 (log ID &3) |
385 | DTP &1 of DataSource &2 for InfoProvider &3 is not assigned |
386 | DTP &1 of DataSource &2 for InfoProvider &3 has no active version |
387 | DTP &1 of DataSource &2 for InfoProvider &3 has no instance |
388 | Background job &1 terminates continuously since an hour |
389 | Daemon &1 terminated correctly during server shutdown |
392 | Request &1 cannot be closed (status not yellow) |
393 | Request &1 marked to be closed |
394 | Request &1 being closed by assigned daemon |
395 | Could not mark request &1 for closing |
396 | Could not close request &1 |
399 | Error of &1 in RDA start was reset |
401 | Deleted inconsistent entry with key &1 &2 from table &3 |
402 | Inserted missing entry with key &1 &2 into table &3 |
403 | Updated RDA thresholds with key &1 &2 in table &3 |
404 | Updated RDA status for &1 &2 in table &3 |
405 | RDA is currently loading data into DSO &. Activation not possible. |
406 | RDA load process &1 started (RDA status &2 -> &3) |
407 | RDA load process &1 stopped (RDA status &2 -> &3) |
408 | RDA load process &1 closing (RDA status &2 -> &3) |
409 | RDA load process &1 has already executed data package &3 (&2) |
410 | End task &1 because task &2 is scheduled or running |
411 | New data package &2 available for RDA request &1 |
412 | Updated RDA runtime info with key &1 &2 in table &3 |
413 | Obsolete RDA status deleted for &1 &2 |
414 | Inconsistent notification; data package &3 (&2) for RDA process &1 |
415 | Current status of RDA process &1 (&4): data package &3 (&2) |
416 | New data package &2 not processed because of errors in RDA request &2 |
417 | Request &1 cannot be closed because data package &2 not completed |
418 | No new request will be opened because the RDA process &1 will be stopped |
420 | Operation &1 started for &2 &3 at &4 |
421 | Operation &1 finished for &2 &3 after &4 seconds |
422 | Operation &1 failed for &2 &3 after &4 seconds |
423 | Process chain triggered for DTP &1 in streaming mode |
424 | Failed to trigger process chain for DTP &1 in streaming mode |