RSDAS_PERSIST - Persistenzschicht f�r ER DataAccessServices

The following messages are stored in message class RSDAS_PERSIST: Persistenzschicht f�r ER DataAccessServices.
It is part of development package RSDAS in software component BW-BEX-ET. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BW: Data Access Services".
Message Nr
Message Text
010Data Access Service ID &1 does not exist in version &2 on the database
011Data Access Service ID &1 not locked
012Data Access Service ID &1 not locked by the CTO
013Data Access Service ID & not found in version &2
014There is already a Data Access Service with the ID &1
015Data Access Service ID &1 created
016The sources for Data Access Service ID &1 could not be read
017Data Access Service ID &1 saved
018Data Access Service ID deleted
019Data Access Service ID &1 unlocked
020Parameter error: Processing type &1, version &2 not permitted
021Message &1 in class &2 of type &3 not found in language &4
022No object was selected
023Where-used list for Data Access Service &1
025Function module for D.A.S. &1 generated
026Error during generation of the function module for D.A.S. &1
027Function module for D.A.S. &1 deleted
028Error when deleting the function module for the D.A.S. &1
029Error when determining name for the function moduel for the D.A.S. &1
040Parameter error: &1 is mandatory
041Parameter error: &1 is not permitted for multiple values
042Parameter error: &1 is not permitted for intervals
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