RSDDB - BIA Index Objects: Activate, Fill, Delete
The following messages are stored in message class RSDDB: BIA Index Objects: Activate, Fill, Delete.
It is part of development package RSDDB in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BIA Objects and Write Routines".
It is part of development package RSDDB in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "BIA Objects and Write Routines".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | <<<<<<<<<<<<<0-99: Activate>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>< |
001 | Activate SAP HANA/BWA index for object '&1' (type: '&2') |
002 | SAP HANA/BWA index for object '&1' activated |
003 | Index '&1' created on SAP HANA/BWA server |
004 | Logical JOIN index '&1' created on SAP HANA/BWA server |
005 | Dependent objects must be created |
006 | InfoProvider &1 is not suitable for indexing |
007 | You are not have sufficient authorization to index object '&1' |
010 | Cannot execute MERGE with delta index. '&1' is locked |
098 | Error in BW SAP HANA/BWA interface |
099 | SUBRC '&3', SAP HANA/BWA error code '&1', SAP HANA/BWA error text '&2' |
100 | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 0-100: Delete >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><< |
101 | Delete SAP HANA/BWA index for object '&1' (type: '&2') |
102 | SAP HANA/BWA index for object '&1' deleted |
103 | Index '&1' deleted on SAP HANA/BWA server |
104 | Error while deleting index for table '&1'; error can be ignored |
105 | Delete objects no longer required |
106 | Cannot delete object '&1' because it is still being used by object '&2' |
107 | SAP HANA/BWA index for '&1' set to "inactive" due to rebuilding of index |
108 | SAP HANA/BWA index for '&1' set to "active" after rebuilding of index |
109 | Data deleted from BWA-only InfoCubes |
110 | BWA index of BWA-only InfoCube deleted |
111 | SAP HANA/BWA index rebuild scheduled |
112 | Deleted |
113 | BWA-only InfoCube set to inactive |
114 | BWA index &1 is used by Explorer MultiProvider &2 |
115 | Object '&1' can be deleted |
116 | A deletion process is already running |
117 | The SAP HANA/BWA index for '&1' is still being used in a workspace |
199 | Index '&2' contains '&1' prior to indexing |
200 | <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<200-299: Initial Filling>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>< |
201 | Initially fill SAP HANA/BWA index for object '&1' (type: '&2') |
202 | SAP HANA/BWA index filled for object '&1' |
203 | Fill index for table '&1' |
204 | '&1' data records loaded to index '&2' |
205 | Prepare Optimize for index '&1' |
206 | Parallel indexing process terminated (task: '&1') |
207 | Commit Optimize for index '&1' |
208 | Batch parallelization: START |
209 | Batch parallelization: END |
210 | Error while reading from database (table '&1') |
211 | Error during batch parallelization of indexing. ID '&1' |
212 | Dependent objects must be filled |
213 | Index for table '&1' is already filled |
214 | No new data for index for table '&1' |
215 | Initial TRUNCATE on index for table '&1' |
216 | Lock for indexing SAP HANA/BWA index for '&1' |
217 | Lock: Job will be started later if required |
218 | Used objects still locked; restart process |
219 | Object '&1' locked by user '&2' |
220 | Indexing not possible due to a lock on the SAP HANA/BWA server |
221 | Error while reading index information for index '&1' |
222 | Not all data indexed for index '&1' ('&2' for '&3') |
223 | Fatal error during indexing. Rebuild required |
224 | Dependent objects will be set to inactive (&1) |
225 | A delta index merge is running for object '&1' |
226 | TREX error COMMIT_OPTIMIZE: Index &1, committed &2, expected &3 |
227 | TREX error COMMIT_OPTIMIZE: Index: &1, Return Code: &2 Text: &3 |
228 | Indexing process is running in batch mode (X = yes) : '&1' |
229 | SAP HANA/BWA indexing BAdI will be used |
230 | Partition attribute: '&1', Partition specification: '&2' |
300 | <<<<<<<<<<< Delta and Updates for Indexes (RollUp, Texts, CR) >>>>>< |
301 | Delta for SAP HANA/BWA index of object '&1' (type: '&2') |
302 | Delta created for SAP HANA/BWA index of object '&1' |
303 | Delta for index for table '&1' |
304 | Read '&1' characteristic values from delta queue |
305 | '&1' characteristic values with request ID = 0 or " " |
306 | '&1' M records read; statement for time-indep. attributes now to be run |
307 | Dependent SAP HANA/BWA indexes set to status "Inactive" |
308 | Dependent SAP HANA/BWA indexes set to status "Active" |
309 | SAP HANA/BWA index for '&1' already adjusted |
310 | Unable to update package dimension |
311 | Update of SAP HANA/BWA index for object '&1' (type: '&2') |
312 | Update completed for SAP HANA/BWA index of object '&1' |
313 | Update of index for table '&1' |
350 | Write texts for characteristic '&1' to queue for BWA |
351 | Number of new texts: '&1; number of new records in queue: '&2' |
352 | Write texts for characteristic '&1' from queue to BWA |
353 | Write new characteristic values for '&1' to BWA |
354 | Waiting for lock to schedule master data delta daemon... |
355 | The master data delta daemon has been rescheduled |
356 | Next master data delta daemon scheduled (job ID '&1') |
357 | Status of master data delta daemon (job ID '&1') set to 'terminated' |
358 | New characteristic values exist for InfoObject '&1' |
359 | Master data delta daemon (ID '&1') is still running. Please wait... |
360 | All new characteristic values are indexed |
361 | Master data delta daemon (ID '&1') is already scheduled. Please wait... |
362 | New characteristic values have not been indexed yet |
363 | Status check for master data delta daemon |
364 | Check the status of the master data delta daemon (ID: '&1') |
365 | Master data delta daemon (ID: '&1') terminated with errors |
366 | Master data delta daemon could not be completed in the change run |
367 | Master data delta daemon (ID: '&1') has already been scheduled |
368 | Cannot calculate time; enter a system time zone |
369 | BWA master data delta daemon job number &1 |
370 | No chars submitted to check. Mastdata delta daemon must end successfully. |
371 | Data not indexed yet for characteristic &1 |
372 | Entries in table RSDDBMDJOBSTAT with job ID < &1 deleted |
373 | Master data delta daemon - post-processing |
374 | Parallel process number '&1' |
375 | Error while confirming the process |
376 | Data taken over from table RSDDTREXNEWMD |
400 | <<<<<400-499: Index Data Check >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>< |
401 | Checking data for SAP HANA/BWA index '&1'... |
402 | Checking data in dependent SAP HANA/BWA indexes... |
403 | Check data in index for table '&1' |
404 | Check data (metadata) in the logical index ('&1') |
405 | Logical index is incorrect (SUBRC '&1') |
406 | Logical index is correct |
407 | Only check mode 'A' is possible for BWA indexes of type InfoObject |
408 | Fact table check not possible for this InfoProvider type |
409 | Check cannot run for InfoProviders that do not have database persistence |
410 | Check for InfoCube &1 only possible without InfoObject in drilldown |
411 | The lock might cause errors to occur in the check |
412 | There is no need to check the logical index |
413 | Check cannot be run for basis char. '&1'. Change run still running. |
500 | The InfoProvider does not include a structure for a flat index |
501 | ReqID '&1' not found in table '&2' |
502 | Dim ID '&1' written to SAP HANA/BWA index '&2' |
503 | Dim ID '&1' removed from table '&2' |
504 | Delta index property set for fact index '&1' |
505 | &1&2&3&4 |
506 | Delta index property deleted for fact index '&1' |
507 | Fact index '&1': Request SID set to '&2' |
600 | <<<<<600-699: Query runtime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>< |
601 | Master data activation on database &1. BWA data can differ. |
603 | DB fallback check is starting now (&1) |
604 | Entry in table RSDDTREXHPAFAIL deleted |
605 | BWA is not available at present (&1) |
606 | BWA is not available for an hour, so this check stops here at &1 |
700 | <<<<<700-799: BWA Maintenance Monitor RSDDB >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>< |
701 | Enter an object |
702 | SAP HANA/BWA index &1 could not be activated |
703 | SAP HANA/BWA index &2 activated |
704 | Default variant 'Space' cannot be edited |
705 | &1 is not a standard InfoCube |
706 | &1 is not a virtual InfoProvider |
707 | Batch variant &1 does not exist |
708 | New settings applied |
709 | Object &1 is not a virtual InfoProvider |
710 | The SAP HANA/BWA index for &1 is not active. Overwriting not possible. |
711 | Object &1 is locked by user &2 |
712 | System error while locking the object |
713 | No data found for your selection |
714 | &1 is not a valid InfoObject |
715 | Master data index cannot be created for characteristic &1 |
716 | SAP HANA/BWA index &1 is already active |
717 | SAP HANA/BWA index &1 is not active yet |
718 | &1 is not SPO-based on an InfoCube |
719 | The SAP HANA/BWA index for object &1 is being filled... |
720 | Query '&1' is invalid |
721 | QueryProvider '&1' not activated |
722 | Object &1 not supported: use of high cardinality InfoObject |