The following messages are stored in message class RSDDTPS_HIER: .
It is part of development package RSDDTPS_HIER in software component BW-BEX-OT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "RSDDTPS_HIER".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No hierarchies need indexing for InfoProvider &1
001No hierarchies need indexing in the current selection
002Hierarchy &1 is only indexed once per run
003Selected indexes deleted
004Hierarchy settings saved
005No hierarchies selected for deletion
006Inactive hierarchy indexes found
007Select an InfoProvider
100====== Batch Job =========================
101Hierarchy indexing process started for InfoProvider &1
102Hierarchy indexing process completed for InfoProvider &1
103New batch job &1 created
104Hierarchy deleted
105Hierarchy &1 is being indexed
106Usage of hierarchy &1 removed
107Indexing completed
108Logical index &1 created
109Succ-Pred index &1 created
110Interval index &1 created
111Text index &1 created
112&1 is a SID convert characteristic
113&1 is not a SID-convert characteristic
114Error while creating logical index &1 &2
115The indexing process has terminated with an exception
116Indexing of hierarchy &1 for InfoObject &2 terminated
117No hierarchies to be indexed for InfoProvider &1
118Error while creating index &1
119All indexes of InfoProvider &1 are up to date and consistent
120Updating of indexes completed
121Error in the Polestar hierarchy administration of InfoProv &1
122Error while saving the hierarchy settings
123The hierarchy settings are consistent
124Usage of the deselected hierarchies deleted
125Batch job &1 started
126The hierarchy status is &1. Indexing therefore not required.
127Hierarchy indexing process for InfoProvider &1 completed with errors
128Link node index &1 created
129Node type index &1 created
130Usage of hierarchy &1 will be revoked next time you save
131Obsolete hierarchy indexes found
132Inconsistent hierarchy indexes found
133Index &1 does not exist in TREX
134Level index &1 created
135Error while updating the InfoProvider
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